NYPD Muslim spying led to zero terror cases

NEW YORK—In the unending War on Terror, it seems the myth that Muslims were responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Center has to be fed on a daily basis. Ergo, six years ago the New York Police Department (NYPD), at the behest of the CIA, proceeded to intensify this task of Muslim demonizing. After all, we didn’t want to lose our central patsies to what was in effect an “inside job” or “false flag” operation prompted by the Bush administration to start its wars—and further its hegemonic march towards a worldwide empire of defeated but oil-rich countries, feeding our unquenchable thirst for their black gold.

According to Associated Press writers Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo, “After more than six years of spying on Muslim neighborhoods, eavesdropping on conversations and cataloguing mosques, the New York Police Department’s secret Demographics Unit never generated a lead or triggered a terrorism investigation, the department acknowledged in court testimony unsealed late Monday.”

This may come as an enormous shock to the unthinking who have never investigated the facts themselves that those 19 Muslims, that is the purported perpetrators’ names and faces were hastily pulled out of an FBI file in a day or two, and that even FBI Chief Robert Mueller warned that we could not be absolutely sure these were the “evil-doers.” In fact, a number of the people named were living in Middle Eastern countries at the time, obviously victims of identity theft.

Nevertheless, as AP reports, “The Demographics Unit is at the heart of a police spying program, built with help from the CIA, which assembled databases on where Muslims lived, shopped, worked and prayed. Police infiltrated Muslim student groups, put informants in mosques, monitored sermons and catalogued every Muslim in New York who adopted new, Americanized surnames.”

Despite this despicable and ongoing spying on what turns out to be innocent people, the stigma will linger, especially for the large number of Americans who don’t read newspapers or books, or who get their information from the likes of Fox News and other shills of the Bush administration.

Yet, as AP tells us, “Police hoped the Demographics Unit would serve as an early warning system for terrorism. And if police ever got a tip about, say, an Afghan terrorist in the city, they’d know where he was likely to rent a room, buy groceries and watch sports.”

Part of this fanatical obsession with Muslim guilt I believe is an attempt to cover up the possible participation and guilt of Israel’s Mossad in the monstrous op that was 9/11. Israel and its Mossad are among the most sophisticated computer, information gathering, planners and executers of false-flag ops in the world, along with the United States, whose $60 billion a year intelligence apparatus somehow could not get a plane in the air during the two hours of the 9/11 disaster to protect New York or America. Perhaps that explains the fanatical need for the cover-up of US government complicity with Israel’s Mossad, not to mention Saudi Arabia, another oil relative.

Yet AP reports, “But in a June 28 deposition as part of a longstanding federal civil rights case, Assistant Chief Thomas Galati said none of the conversations the officers overheard ever led to a case . . . If there’s nothing there, it’s probably nothing. And somebody wants it there for some reason.”

AP adds that “Related to Demographics, Galati testified that information that has come in has not commenced an investigation.”

This brings new meaning to barking up an old tree, or sending out the wolves to bark up the old tree of Muslim civilization. It’s no surprise that without an investigative inquiry the War on Terror was declared several days after 9/11, to feed the beast of revenge and greed. We unilaterally, illegally attacked Afghanistan, based on purported intelligence that Osama bin Laden was guilty of the crime and hiding somewhere on the border of that country and Pakistan. Yet, when the US Army purportedly had him cornered in Tora Bora, he slipped away due to not enough US soldiers present to trail him on an alternate route out.

On the other hand, AP reminds us that, ”The NYPD is the largest police department in the nation and Mayor Michael Bloomberg has held up its counterterrorism tactics as a model for the rest of the country. After The Associated Press began reporting on those tactics last year, supporters argued that . . .

“The Demographics Unit was central to keeping the city safe. Galati testified that it was an important tool, but conceded it had not generated any leads.

“I never made a lead from rhetoric that came from a Demographics report, and I’m here since 2006,” he said. “I don’t recall other ones prior to my arrival. Again, that’s always a possibility. I am not aware of any.” Who is Galati?

“Galati [is] the commanding officer of the NYPD Intelligence Division, [who] offered the first official look at the Demographics Unit, which the NYPD denied ever existed when it was revealed by the AP last year. He described how police gather information on people even when there is no evidence of wrongdoing, simply because of their ethnicity and native language.”

This is not a minor detail, but a major revelation that this was a Muslim-pointed investigation, with no basis in fact, only a desire to blame Muslims for 9/11 and not the very intelligence organizations of the USG and others mentioned.

“As a rule, Galati said, a business can be labeled a ‘location of concern’ whenever police can expect to find groups of Middle Easterners there.” So the process is as random as the mere presence of a certain people being on a certain scene.” The Commanding Officer of NYPD Intelligence continues. According to AP . . .

“Galati testified as part of a lawsuit that began in 1971 over NYPD spying on students, civil rights groups and suspected Communist sympathizers during the 1950s and 1960s. The lawsuit, known as the Handschu case, resulted in federal guidelines that prohibit the NYPD from collecting information about political speech unless it is related to potential terrorism.”

This piece tells us first that we demonized so-called “Communist sympathizers during the 1950s and 1960s for their political opinions,” just as we demonize Muslims today. Second, the lawsuit that ended in a prohibition of branding people aimlessly was ignored, defied, and thus is illegal for ignoring the prohibition.

In fact, “Civil rights lawyers believe the Demographics Unit violated those rules. Documents obtained by the AP show the unit conducted operations outside its jurisdiction, including in New Jersey. The FBI there said those operations damaged its partnerships with Muslims and jeopardized national security.”

More likely it damaged our relationships with Muslims around the world, and made them fair game for targeting, not only in Afghanistan but more tragically in Iraq, which we illegally attacked, falsely accusing Saddam Hussein of having Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and being prepared to use them at any moment. The Bush administration repeated this mantra a thousand times in a variety of iterations, including Condi Rice saying she “didn’t want to wait for a mushroom on the horizon,” before we struck down Iraq. And so, we shock and awed them back to the Stone Age and murdered their sovereign head of State, whom we had installed to pick a fight with the Iranians, inhabitants of another oil-rich state, in another anti-Muslim, nine-year war, during which we supplied both sides with arms to massively kill each other.

Moreover, Hans Blix, the UN atomic weapons inspector, did not ever find any WMD or traces of them in Iraq. And the so-called “uranium from Niger” was a hoax exposed by Ambassador Joseph Wilson, for which his wife was exposed as a high-level CIA operative, which also put her life and her sources’ in danger. Exposing a CIA operative and sources is also a criminal act, this time committed by the Bush administration.

Returning to the NYPD case, “In one instance discussed in the testimony, plainclothes NYPD officers known as ‘rakers’ overheard two Pakistani men complaining about airport security policies that they believed unfairly singled out Muslims. They bemoaned what they saw as the nation’s anti-Muslim sentiment since the 2001 terrorist attacks.”

“Galati said police were allowed to collect that information because the men spoke Urdu, a fact that could help police find potential terrorists in the future.” So, for merely complaining about the truth of anti-Muslim sentiments, these men were ‘unfairly singled out Muslims.’” Is that the American Way—that purported criminals are “innocent until proved guilty?” Or is it the new morality, “guilty of complaining about injustice?”

Galati commented that, “I’m seeing Urdu. I’m seeing them identify the individuals involved in that are Pakistani . . . I’m using that information for me to determine that this would be a kind of place that a terrorist would be comfortable in.”

He added, “Most Urdu speakers from that region would be of concern, so that’s why it’s important to me.” So, simply for speaking the language you speak, in this case Urdu, which represents a region in the world you come from, you are a candidate for terrorism. Is that justice? Is that legal even to gather? No, the policing mechanism is criminal, and the non-information criminally obtained.

In fact, Galati added, “About 15 million Pakistanis and 60 million Indians speak Urdu. Along with English, it is one of the national languages of Pakistan.” Doesn’t that make you wonder, that a potential 75 million people, including Pakistanis and Indians, are can be considered criminal for speaking their native tongue, Urdu? What kind of hypocrites would even consider this as legitimate intelligence or as evidence to prosecute some unknowing individual. But that’s not all . . .

“In another example, ‘Galati said, eavesdropping on a conversation in a Lebanese cafe could be useful, even if the topic is innocuous. Analysts might be able to determine that the customers were from South Lebanon, he said, adding, ‘That may be an indicator of possibility that that is a sympathizer to Hezbollah because Southern Lebanon is dominated by Hezbollah.’”

That sounds like a stretch as well, and stretching the truth causes it to snap and sting those who do it, as per this expose.

Another setup that was reported, “After the AP began reporting on the Demographics Unit, the department’s former senior analyst, Mitchell Silber, said the unit provided the tip that ultimately led to a case against a bookstore clerk who was convicted of plotting to bomb the Herald Square subway station in Manhattan. Galati testified that he could find no evidence of that.”

Nevertheless, “Attorney Jethro Eisenstein, who filed the Handschu case more than 40 years ago and questioned Galati during the deposition, said he will go back to court soon to ask that the Demographics Unit be shut down. It operates today under a new name, the Zone Assessment Unit. It recently stopped operating out of state, Galati said.” So, we have the same unit, same purpose, different name, and now operating out of state as well. That’s not progress; that’s going backwards.

And properly, “This is a terribly pernicious set of policies,” Eisenstein said. “No other group since the Japanese Americans in World War II has been subjected to this kind of widespread public policy.” And coincidently that was because Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen, after FDR put a heavy oil embargo on the Japanese for not cooperating with our dictums in their colonizing the far east any further, something which Teddy Roosevelt had originally given them permission to do. See The Imperial Cruise, by James Bradley.

Amazon describes the book, “In 1905 President Teddy Roosevelt dispatched Secretary of War William Taft, his gun-toting daughter Alice and a gaggle of congressmen on a mission to Japan, the Philippines, China, and Korea. There, they would quietly forge a series of agreements that divided up Asia. At the time, Roosevelt was bully-confident about America’s future on the continent. But these secret pacts lit the fuse that would, decades later, result in a number of devastating wars: WWII, the Korean War, the communist revolution in China.

“One hundred years later, James Bradley retraces that epic voyage and discovers the remarkable truth about America’s vast imperial past-and its world-shaking consequences. Full of fascinating characters and brilliantly told, THE IMPERIAL CRUISE will forever reshape the way we understand U.S. history”

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Returning to 2012 and the AP: “Dozens of members of Congress have asked the Justice Department to investigate the NYPD. Attorney General Eric Holder has said he was disturbed by the reports. But John Brennan, President Barack Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, has said he is confident the NYPD’s activities are lawful and have kept the city safe.”

What makes President Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser so confident of NYPD’s legality of operation given what the NYPD’s own Commanding Officer of Intelligence has said and demonstrated? Is Obama protecting them so that the Muslim-bashing can go on and more patsies can be provided as grist for the rumor and prosecution mill? If so, it’s another disappointment the president has provided those of us who voted for him for “Change,” that ambiguous all-embracing word that finally comes down to anything you want it to mean, for better or for worse.

Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer and life-long resident of New York City. An EBook version of his book of poems “State Of Shock,” on 9/11 and its after effects is now available at Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com. He has also written hundreds of articles on politics and government as Associate Editor of Intrepid Report (formerly Online Journal). Reach him at gvmaz@verizon.net.

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