(WMR)—President Obama’s war against Syria is being marketed at the same time Jews around the world celebrated the Rosh Hashana New Year holiday. A close examination of the three Rosh Hashana blessings of Malchuyot, Zichronot, and Shofarot find the central theme of score-settling prevalent, especially against the enemies of the Jewish people and nation. Today, the “score settler” is Israel and its Lobby in America, which are both pushing for a U.S. military attack on an old “enemy” of the Jewish people and nation, Syria.
One could write long treatises about why such ancient animosities rooted in desert fairy tales should have no place in modern geo-politics and the American body politic, but those who are pushing for war with Syria and supporting Obama’s planned war, including billionaire casino tycoon and one-time Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney supporter Sheldon Adelson, control the war message and the means to deliver that message. For the war mongers of the Old Testament, the Rosh Hashana sounding of the shofar, the ram’s horn, was a call to battle. In Numbers 19:9, it is written, “When you go to war in your land against an adversary who is oppressing you, you are to sound an alarm with trumpets; then you will be remembered before the Lord your God and you will be saved from your enemies.”
The 10 votes cast by Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to authorize Obama’s attack on Syria was in answer to the sounding of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) shofar. Obama saw fit to participate in a Rosh Hashana celebration in the main synagogue of Stockholm before he launches yet another attack on an Arab country. The addition of a synagogue on a visit to a predominantly Lutheran nation is odd in itself but Obama was accompanied by Sweden’s neo-conservative prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, a close friend and associate of GOP master political manipulator Karl Rove.
It should be noted that Obama, who was an early recruit as a CIA asset, is carrying out a CIA plan to overthrow the Assad family that dates back to 1984, a time during which Obama was working for a CIA front operation in New York called Business International Corporation.
A secret CIA memo from Tsarnaev Boston bombing family in-law and CIA interlocutor with Muslim terrorist groups Graham Fuller to CIA director William Casey, dated February 23, 1984, calls for the CIA to encourage Lebanese Christian Phalange forces or right-wing Christian officers in the Lebanese Army “to carry out terrorist attacks against the Syrian presence in Lebanon.” This document proves that the CIA has used terrorism as an instrument of American foreign policy in the Middle East since the 1980s and there is no reason to believe that terrorist actions like the Syrian rebels’ false flag chemical attack on civilians does not continue to represent U.S. strategy in the region.

The CIA's memo showing that it used false flag terrorism (using Christian foprces in Lebanon to carry out terrorist attacks against Syrian interests), in 1984. Obama, who worked for the CIA in 1984, continues to employ this strategy in Syria.
Pinning Syria to chemical weapons is not a first for the Israel Lobby. A December 9, 1985, Washington Times article by Bill Gertz offered chemical weapons to Iran but “backed away from the agreement.” It is doubtful that any such agreement was in place and that it was Israeli intelligence assets in Washington that proffered the story to the Sun Myung Moon-owned newspaper.
The story about Syria’s highly-developed stockpile of chemical weapons was leaked by the deputy assistant secretary of defense for negotiations policy, Douglas Feith. Feith’s job at the Pentagon was secured by his mentor Richard Perle after Feith was fired by Ronald Reagan’s national security adviser, Judge William Clark, for Feith’s suspected espionage activities on behalf of the Mossad station at the Israeli embassy in Washington. While he was deputy secretary of defense for policy in the Bush 43 administration, Feith was a key player in pushing the bogus intelligence on Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction.” Feith continued to maintain his suspected intelligence links with Mossad during his second stint at the Pentagon.
Feith’s “intelligence” that Syria offered chemical weapons to Iran was countered by the fact that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and senior Iranian clerics were on record as opposed to the use of chemical weapons, even in their bloody war with Iraq. Feith stated, “Iraq was the first nation in history to use nerve agent in war,” without admitting that it was Reagan Special Middle East envoy Donald Rumsfeld who arranged the sale of chemical and biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein and that the nerve gas used against Kurds in Halabja was provided by the United States.
After his story that Syria was providing Iran with chemical weapons was debunked, Feith tried to claim that the Iranians could use unexploded Iraqi munitions for chemical weapons. However, intelligence experts called Feith’s claims ridiculous and noted that using Iraqi “misfires” for chemical projectile production was likely to result in fatal accidents and that Iranians were not that foolhardy. However, facts have never stood in the way of neocons like Feith in the 1980s and certainly don’t deter amateur national security “experts” like Susan Rice, Samatha Power, and Ben Rhodes today.
Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.
Copyright © 2013 WayneMadenReport.com
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).
Dear Sir
I am so pleased to read your reports
Indeed US prsident Obama has no credibility more as the writer G. Younge wrote in the Guardian I sent to you:
The US has little credibility left
o Gary Younge
o The Guardian, Sunday 8 September 2013 19.47
o Obama’s argument for intervention is a hollow one: America’s use of chemical weapons in Falluja makes that clear For all America’s condemnations of chemical weapons, the people of Falluja in Iraq are experiencing the birth defects and deformities in children and increases in early-life cancer that may be linked to the use of depleted uranium during the US bombardment of the town. It also used white phosphorus against combatants in Falluja
You see how much miseries the US has done because of Israel . Day of punishment should come soon . The change in the American Situation today to agrre on the Russian proposal to control the syrian chemical is welcomed by Israel do you know why I tell you simply because the whole people of Israel are living with horror and fear of Syrian chemical attack if American lauch the attach on Syria
Thanks for your objective reports