More questions than answers in Brussels museum shooting

(WMR)—Although French police continue to detain Mehdi Nemmouche, a French national who recently returned to France from Syria, there are more questions than answers in a shooting that WMR originally reported has all the markings of a false flag attack. Nemmouche is accused of killing an Israeli couple, a French volunteer, and a Belgian museum employee in the museum attack that came just prior to the European Parliament elections. Nemmouche is being held by French police for allegedly being found in possession of weapons, a large amount of ammunition, and a video claiming responsibility for the Brussels museum attack.

German police reportedly spotted Nemmouche on March 18 at Frankfurt airport after he returned from Syria where he spent a year. The French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur is reporting that French authorities, upon beng tipped off by the Germans that Nemmouche was an “S File” threat to France, which would have placed him under police surveillance, misfiled his name. Nemmouche was entered into the French surveillance system not as “Mehdi Nemmouche” but “Ammar” Nemmouche, the suspect’s uncle. The error is what allowed Nemmouche to freely travel to Brussels, according to the magazine. Moreover, police in Marseille did not arrest Nemmouche based on information that he was the museum shooter but in a random search for drugs at a Marseille bus station.

WMR has also learned of other anomalies in the Brussels attack.

The Israeli couple were shot with a handgun in the entrance hall of the museum. The two museum staffers were shot afterwards in the lobby with a weapon said to be a Kalashnikov. The glove-wearing shooter then calmly left the museum on foot. The coolness of the shooter has led many observers to believe the murderer was a professional hit man. It is also noteworthy that within 12 hours of the attack, two transmitters of the Belgian state radio and television network, one for the Flemish VRT service at Veltem, near Louvain, and the other for the French RTBF service located at Wavre, southeast of Brussels, were targeted in arson attacks.

Nemmouche is accused of shooting four people in less than three minutes and quietly leaving the crime scene on foot. When Nemmouche was arrested on a Eurolines bus in Marseille, his bag was said to have contained the Kalashnikov, handgun, type of ammunition used in the museum attack, as well as the blue sweater worn by the assailant. The fact that the shooter wore gloves is an indication that the bag containing the the guns used in the attack may have been planted on Nemmouche in Marseille.

Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.

Copyright © 2014

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).

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