The neocons are back!

Like proverbial “bad pennies,” many of the leading neoconservative architects of America’s failed interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan are being hauled back in front of television news cameras to comment on the current predicament that Washington finds itself in with a surging “Al Qaeda” spinoff attempting to seize control of eastern Syria and western and northern Iraq and transform the area into a radical Islamic “caliphate.”

Although the neocons are identifiable by their religious-ethnic makeup—over 90 percent are strong Zionists of eastern and central European Jewish descent—the chief leader of their resurgence is former Vice President Dick Cheney, a privileged member of America’s formerly dominant white Anglo-Saxon Protestant elite.

As unapologetic as ever over his failed policy of invading and occupying Iraq, Cheney went on the “fraudcast” airwaves of Fox News and the op-ed page of The Wall Street Journal to lambaste the Obama administration for its failure to prevent the overrunning of a large portion of Iraq by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also called the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Cheney’s op-ed in the Journal was co-written by his daughter Elizabeth, a failed U.S. Senate candidate from Wyoming and a deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs during her father’s vice presidency.

Ironically, even though the Bush-Cheney administration foreign policy immersed the U.S. into two intractable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Cheney father-daughter team wrote, “Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.” If one were to believe Cheney and his spawn, eight years of his administration and the needless deaths of over 4,400 U.S. service members in Iraq and Afghanistan, and hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, were some obscure footnotes of history.

Indeed, on ABC News, Cheney said, “If we spend our time debating what happened 11 or 12 years ago we’re going to miss the threat that is growing.” However, the “threat” of an Al Qaeda clone seizing power in Iraq and Syria was brought about by Cheney’s decision to topple Iraq’s secular president, Saddam Hussein, and, on top of that, engage in a policy of “de-Baathification” that would erase Iraq’s legacy of pan-Arab socialist secular rule. De-baathification and the destruction of Iraq’s armed forces by another face that returned to the airwaves to condemn the Obama administration—Iraq viceroy and Coalition Provisional Authority chief Paul Bremer — provided the fertile ground for ISIL to germinate and flourish.

This is not to say that the Obama administration is blameless for the situation in Iraq and Syria. It was Obama’s twin “Responsibility to Protect” doyennes, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, who tweaked the failed neocon policy in Iraq to bring about a Sunni-led Islamist revolt against Syria Baathist leader Bashar al Assad. It was the loss of power by Assad’s forces in eastern Syria that permitted ISIL forces, backed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to gain a foothold in Iraq and expand the conflict against Assad to threaten the outskirts of Baghdad and Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki’s government.

Had it not been for Cheney and the neocons, as well as their Obama administration neocon enablers like neocon State Department officials Jeffrey Feltman and Robert Ford, both promoted under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, there would be no sieges of Damascus and Baghdad today.

Cheney and his daughter were joined in their shameless return to media relevance by a parade of Zionist neocons, led by Bush administration Pentagon number two man Paul Wolfowitz, who resigned his job as president of the World Bank after a sex scandal. Wolfowitz, one of the chief architects of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) plans to invade and occupy Iraq, was on CNN reinventing his own history. Introduced by the CNN host as one of the chief architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Wolfowitz said, with a straight face, “I’m not the architect of the war. If I were the architect, it would have been handled very differently.” In fact, Wolfowitz was one of the brains behind the war against Iraq and it was his decisions to eliminate from Iraqi political leadership any of Saddam Hussein’s chief officials that led to the current rise of ISIL and their Salafist supporters in Iraq and Syria.

Wolfowitz, who did so much to allow Al Qaeda to set up camp in Iraq, warned that Obama’s actions permitted Al Qaeda to be “on the march.” Wolfowitz now makes his home at the neocon American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the same neocon hive where Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski once nested. Sikorski recently called the United States a “worthless ally,” adding to Obama’s overall foreign policy woes.

Wolfowitz’s AEI friend Richard Perle also returned to the television fraudcasts to decry those who blamed the “neocons” for the current Iraq crisis. Perle accused those who used the term “neocon” of anti-Semitism, a favorite canard for the pro-Israeli Zionist clique in America. On the issue of “neocon,” Perle told the neocon media outlet Newsmax, “It’s often used to describe Jewish Americans because, as it happens, some of the original thinkers whose ideas have now been characterized by this general term ‘neoconservative’ were in fact Jewish, and it often carries conspiratorial tones on the part of people who throw the term around.”

Perle, who cannot deny that most neocons are Jewish, said that because the United States did not immerse itself totally in the Syrian civil war, the opposition to Assad was radicalized and the war spilled across the border into Iraq. Never before has such codswallop been permitted on television in anything but inane comedy shows and definitely not on serious news programs.

Another noted neocon, former Bush White House National Security Council official Elliott Abrams, convicted in the 1980s Iran-contra scandal, also reappeared on the airwaves defending the failed policies of the neocons during the Bush administration.

One of the more scurrilous neocons to voice his opinions recently is Douglas Feith, the former deputy secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans under Donald Rumsfeld. Speaking to Politico, Feith also played the blame game and accused Obama’s policies of creating a “very high cost to the Syrian people, to the Iraqi people, [and] to the American national interest.” Of course, it was Feith who virtually handed the reins of the Pentagon over to his Mossad and Israel Defense Force interlocutors in the days and months after the 9/11 attack, something that could be expected from the son of a former president of the Zionist Organization of America. And it was Feith and his neocon friends who were involved in developing the “clean break” policy for Israel in the early 1990s that foresaw the disintegration of not only the Middle East peace process, the destruction of the Palestinian Authority, and the socio-religious fragmentation of Arab states into warring sub-states. This Israeli plan, promoted by Binyamin Netanyahu, has almost fully come into fruition.

What the neocons want more than anything else is Arab killing Arab and Muslim killing Muslim. Mossad’s fingerprints are found in supporting a number of radical Arab and Islamic factions—Hamas (which Mossad helped create), ISIL, Al Nusra Front, Ansar al-Sharia, Boko Haram, Ansar Al Dine, Al Qaeda, Al Gama’a al Islamiya, the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, and the Lebanese Phalange—for the sole purpose of driving wedges between Arab and Muslim states and peoples. Only through a policy of population cleansing in Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and other Arab states will there be the lebensraum (living space) for a greater Jewish state. If this concept of living space sounds familiar, it should. It has been lifted by the Jewish state’s master planners from the very pages of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.

Copyright © 2014

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).

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