Independence movement in southeastern Ukraine accuses Obama’s agents of slaughter

In the United States, there appears to be a virtual news blackout of what is happening in Ukraine and of why, and the following news report breaks through it, so that the American public will know the situation that actually exists there.

The Ukrainian government that was installed after the nationally elected and pro-Russian president of Ukraine was overthrown in a violent coup on February 22 is now bombing the country’s southeast, where that president had received almost all of his votes. (Those are the areas of the country where Ukraine’s Russian-speakers live.) Videos that show this have been confirmed as authentic by, a website that was recently established by an independent group of journalism students in order to defeat propaganda that is being created and spread by both sides in the Ukrainian civil war; these students are doing this so that honest news reporting can be separated out from that which is based on, and spreading, lies. None of the videos or other information sources that will be linked to in the present news report is, at least to this reporter’s knowledge as of the moment that this news report is being written, among the ones that have been exposed there as having been fabricated, or as being claimed to show what they do not actually show. Every precaution has been taken to reconstruct events from only the highest-quality news sources on any given matter that is being discussed here. No news report can be better than are its sources. It is presumed by the writer of this news report that if any of its sources turns out to be bogus, that will be noticed and pointed out in reader comments that will be posted to it. (Even the best journalist can overlook something that subsequently turns out to have been important.) All of that is said here in the way of introduction.

Russian media (which are the only news media that are reporting the Ukrainian civil war from the side of the residents of southeastern Ukraine) are reporting that Ihor Kolomoysky, who is the gangster-oligarch who hired Joe Biden’s son and who was made a governor in southeastern Ukraine by the woman whom Obama had hoped would be elected to become Ukraine’s President (Yulia Tymoshenko), is one of two Ukrainian officials who are directing the bombing campaign against the residents of southeastern Ukraine. This bombing campaign is being carried out in order to compel residents in the southeast to accept rule by the Obama-imposed group, who gained power on February 22 in the Ukrainian coup (CIA manipulation of the “Maidan” demonstrations). Elsewhere has been reported that Kolomoysky’s colleague in this bombing-campaign, Arsen Avakov, had been one of the chief organizers (along with Kolomoysky himselkf) of the May 2 massacre of independence-supporters inside the Odessa Trade Unions building. (Odessa is in the south of Ukraine, within the area that is resisting.) That event in Odessa sparked Ukraine’s civil war, because it confirmed to the people of southeastern Ukraine that Obama’s people want to kill them, at least until the survivors accept the coup-imposed government. That’s what this bombing campaign is actually all about: persuading the residents there that their choice is either surrender or else continued bombing: their death.

The Washington Post, in one of its rare instances of relatively non-biased reporting about the Ukrainian situation, reported on March 25, in a blogpost (not in the printed newspaper, because this news did not fit the U.S. regime’s propaganda line but instead that of the regime’s victims), that a “recording, apparently made March 8, details a conversation between Tymoshenko and Nestor Shufrych from Ukraine’s National Security Council,” which “has Tymoshenko suggesting that Ukrainians should kill Russians, and, in particular, Russian President Vladimir Putin. The recording . . . also apparently features Tymoshenko suggesting that the 8 million Russians living in Ukraine should be killed with ‘nuclear weapons.’” That news report then went on to speculate whether the recording “may have been altered,” and it provided Ms. Tymoshenko’s allegation to that effect (since she was Obama’s intended next president of Ukraine). However, if one clicks on the link to the conversation, that claim by her seems not credible. The residents in southeastern Ukraine thus possessed sound reason to think that the government that had been imposed in Kiev want them dead, or else enslaved. And the May 2 massacre in Odessa confirmed it to them.

The best brief video report on that May 2 massacre—the event that made clear what the administration’s intentions regarding them were, and that thus sparked Ukraine’s civil war—appeared on Russian TV, and it was further confirmed by an independent American-produced video (only ten minutes long, but devastating) that contains damning evidence disproving the type of “news” reporting that’s provided by America’s “news” media. That brief video, which this present reporter has verified in regards to every particular, is one of the most brilliant succinct pieces of investigative news reporting to appear in recent years, and is thus included here as a basic part of our news report. It was produced by the same reporter who similarly did the definitive (and much lengthier) news report about the February 22 U.S. coup that overthrew the democratically elected President, Viktor Yanukovych, and that installed Arseniy Yatsenyuk to run the country. Consequently, both of those reports are included here, especially for the benefit of any reader who doubts the veracity of the much briefer report on the same matters that was prepared by Russian TV.

Yatsenyuk is the Tymoshenko lieutenant whom Obama’s agent, Victoria Nuland, chose to lead Ukraine, and he recently went public saying essentially the same thing as Tymoshenko did in that taped phone conversation, but this time on the Ukrainian Embassy’s own website, where he commented upon some of the “terrorists” who on June 15 had shot down one of the regime’s bombing planes over the city of Luhansk, and whose downing of that plane killed its 49 government troops and mercenaries. As his comment was reported on CNN (which reported it as they do all U.S. propaganda), he said there, “They lost their lives because they defended men and women, children and the elderly who found themselves in a situation facing a threat to be killed by invaders and sponsored by subhumans. . . . First, we will commemorate the heroes by wiping out those who killed them and then by cleaning our land from the evil.”

Yatsenyuk’s term “subhumans” was the one that Hitler constantly used referring to Jews, and Yatsenyuk’s phrase “cleaning our land from the evil” was also straight from Hitler; and that phrase was then used, after Hitler, by proponents of “ethnic cleansing,” in Bosnia and elsewhere. (Nazis and neo-Nazis everywhere are obsessed with exterminating the “unclean” so as to “cleanse” the land. This was Hitler’s “Lebensraum” program; Nazis were German racist fascists, but these are Ukrainian racist fascists, and their demonized enemy is Russians instead of Jews; so, they outlawed the Russian language and are now bombing the people who speak it.)

Someone quickly notified the Ukrainian Embassy that Yatsenyuk’s term “subhuman” had been so frequently used by Hitler that this statement by Yatsenyuk should be removed from the website. However, instead of removing it, the translation there of the term was promptly changed, to “inhuman” (even though that’s an adjective, and “subhuman” is a noun; but, what’s a propagandist to do in such a situation?). However, fortunately, an industrious blogger, Vera Graziadei, had already posted a screenprint of the original, even before the embassy’s cleansing of its own web page there; and what the original shows is that the translation, from which CNN had quoted, was actually the original official Ukrainian government translation, before it had been (so to say) “cleansed.”

Consequently, what’s happening now in southeastern Ukraine is actually a certain type of ethnic cleansing campaign, of a strongly political nature, which is being done in order to terrorize the entire population of that region to submit to the regime that was installed by Obama in the February coup. It is ethnic cleansing, to use the euphemism for it from the neo-Nazis who do it.

TV commercial is now running on Ukrainian TVs, in which the chief local agricultural pest (the Colorado beetle), which Ukraine’s far-right frequently uses in order to symbolize the country’s Russian-speakers, is portrayed destroying crops and then being exterminated as the solution to the problem in Ukraine. The symbolism used there is immediately understandable to Ukrainians, though (and this is one reason it’s used, since they are advised by our CIA) not to people outside.

Here are some “Videos Americans Didn’t Get to See on Our Nightly News,” showing the results of a bombing raid that had occurred just a few days before that downing of the Ukrainian government’s plane in Luhansk; this occurred on June 2 (and this earlier bombing was the actual reason why the now-separatists there shot down that plane on June 15 and killed its 49 troops—they didn’t want more of this bombing; they didn’t want more of these attacks):

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010,and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

One Response to Independence movement in southeastern Ukraine accuses Obama’s agents of slaughter

  1. Wow that was strange. I juxt wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear.

    Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways,
    juszt wanted to say wonderful blog!