Author Archives: Frank Scott

A global revolution

What began in Tunisia and was dubbed an Arab Spring has spread to the rest of the world, seemingly for different reasons in different places but slowly becoming one vast movement toward democracy and the political economic transformation necessary for humanity’s survival. Continue reading

Class war: It’s about time

Whenever murmurs among the people indicate growing awareness that they are paying an exorbitant price in order to enrich a tiny minority, the terrified cry of “class war” is raised by the poor huddled masses of billionaires, millionaires and their corporate servants in politics and media. This contradicts the fictional notion that there are no classes in American society, that we are all “middle class” and, oh, a few unfortunates are poor but that’s only temporary. As soon as their investments pay off, they, too, will arrive at the exalted status of “middle.” That would be right after the Easter bunny delivers chocolate covered Tooth Fairies to all the little boys and girls. Continue reading

We are the core of the problem

The breakdown of global economics dominated by capital is more apparent with each local crisis. Even Israel has seen Jewish citizens demonstrating against the inequality of what they think is their own economy, just as all over the world people are rising up against injustice seen as unique to their nations. Continue reading

Democracy begins at home

When major media echoed Obama’s “winding down” military operations in Afghanistan it merely repeated Vietnam era lies . As that war became so costly that it could only be continued at bargain rates, the USA removed some of its troops and turned the major killing responsibility over to the Vietnamese. “Changing the color of the bodies” enabled mind managers to proclaim that hostilities were “winding down.” They actually continued for several more years until defeat was so imminent we were forced out before cracking the nation’s social and financial structure. Continue reading

Plantation nation

America seemed to achieve a great victory when Obama was elected president, both overcoming its wretched racist history and sending a positive message to humanity. But if Malcolm were alive, he might point out that an African-American running the plantation for his masters does not change anything but the skin tone of the person serving those masters. Continue reading

Drones of disaster

Having sent one of its most lethal drone weapons to Libya in the person of Senator McCain, the U.S. more firmly established its murderous bias in a civil war it has promoted and possibly helped organize. Continue reading

The system is a social disease

The globalization process that began in the 15th century brought incredible material gains, spreading the advance of something called civilization. But a great majority suffered even while it seemed the world was developing to the ultimate benefit of all people. That process has peaked and is now descending so fast that it isn’t only threatening those who have paid for the material comforts enjoyed by a minority, the world is moving on a disastrous path under a privately controlled market force that menaces all humanity. Continue reading

Lies, damn lies, and Libya

The rationale for our latest foreign murder campaign is the ridiculous notion that because Muammar al-Gaddafi is an undemocratic semi-tyrant we have the right to interfere in the affairs of a nation which may very well soon be run by a full tyrant if and when Gaddafi is replaced. And then only by having the rebels assisted from outside Libya, if they hadn’t already been organized from outside Libya. Clearly, some Libyans hate his guts, but some love him, and as for those who hate him, how odd is it that a leader is hated by some of his people? Continue reading

The No Brain Zone

When Israel slaughtered innocent Gazans our corporate controllers maintained relative silence, but cries of horror are regularly expressed at the violence in Libya. A disastrous No-Fly Zone would only increase the bloodshed, but even if it is avoided one thing seems clear, much of American leadership, its political opposition and sectors of the population are living in a No Brain Zone, sinking from normally appalling ignorance to an even more threatening near imbecility. Continue reading

Here comes that kettle, again, calling the pot black

Armed Tea Party militias attack government facilities in several American cities, threaten to deport the president and abolish congress, and claim a new day for democracy. What would be the reaction from our corporate government and media? Great praise for the second amendment and the right of the people to bear arms and overthrow the government? Organized passive and non-violent resistance by the military involving prayer, meditation and chanting to disarm the rebels? Yes, if we believe in the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and a free market. Continue reading

Democracy: Humanity’s profit system

Demands for social change are accelerating throughout capital’s global empire. Once limited to armed insurrection, now nations like Bolivia and Venezuela elect governments to replace capitalism with democratically controlled socialism. While their approach is not followed everywhere, more people are demanding democratic power with those demands reaching new peaks in the Middle East. Continue reading