I often travel between the Berkshire hills of western Massachusetts and Albany, New York. The part of I-90 that I drive on is called the Berkshire connector. Forty-nine years ago three friends and I traveled on the same road on the way to visit a US expatriate in Ontario, Canada, who had left the US during the Vietnam War era, looking for a different life as tens of thousands of others did amid the upheavals of that historic epoch. Sam left the US soon after his enlistment in the US Navy ended. Like tens of thousands of others who had left the US, Sam had traveled to different countries trying to find a semblance of peace amid all the insanity of that era. Continue reading
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Your zip code: Your life
Posted on June 7, 2022 by Howard Lisnoff
The leaked draft of the Supreme Court case against abortion rights authored by Justice Samuel Alito (Politico, May 2, 2022) spread across the US like a destructive forest fire. The case originated in Mississippi and had the potential of returning one half of the women in the US to the days before abortion became legal in New York in 1970 and across the US by way of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Continue reading →