Author Archives: Jack Balkwill

The best we can expect from our corrupt government

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt can’t fly coach because people in coach inform him that he is “Fucking up the environment,” so he is forced to fly First Class, where, ostensibly, people don’t give a damn if he is “fucking up the environment.” This is his actual excuse. Continue reading

The worst child molesters are in Congress and the White House

I watched the sentencing of Dr. Nassar, convicted of molesting under the age of consent Olympic athletes. CNN ran the court drama for hours, interjecting comments from their regular panelists telling us what a monster Nassar was, sometimes concluding that he is the worst child molester of all. Continue reading

Will the human race end this century or is there a glimmer of hope in the stars?

At our current pace of capitalist exploitation, the human race will die out within a century. Homo sapiens, the last species of the genus homo, will be no more. Continue reading

Dead peasants in Las Vegas? The rich get richer

While some may see the slaughter of 59 people in Las Vegas and injuring of more than 500 others, some of whom will likely be added to the total of the dead as attempts to save them fail, the rich will benefit handsomely from this. Continue reading


The Civil War continues to plague us from a dark corner of our history. We’ve got to make sense of what happened in Charlottesville last week–the corporate media are doing a horrible job of it, largely because they are represented by elites who have no understanding of anything happening outside their servile echoes of capitalist propaganda at any cost to the public interest. Continue reading

Trumpcare has long been with us

Watching CNN’S New Day health care exchange Tuesday morning I was ready to explode after Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo traded words. Cuomo pointed out that many Republicans now favor simply doing nothing on health care until Obamacare falls apart, with, perhaps, a push from the president. He then remarked that a great many people would suffer. Continue reading

Killing all the billionaires is not the answer

If all the billionaires and those in their wills were to die today, the world likely would be a better place, with suffering massively diminished. The economy could then blossom, no longer working only for the few at the expense of the many. It would be easy to kill all the billionaires, there are millions of us for every one of them. Continue reading

One nation under plutocracy

Americans are brought up believing a fairy tale in which there is somehow democracy in their governance. But the late, great, Leonard Cohen exposed the system’s dirty little secret, “Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.” Continue reading

Let’s call it the democracy movement

At first I thought they were trying to kill me. I’d come home to find a bullet hole through my front window. Immediately I guessed who it was. Continue reading

How to get rid the bastards before they murder us all

If most Americans knew what was happening in our extremely corrupt government, there would be a bloody riot, and most of the Democrats and Republicans would be slaughtered with as little mercy as they’ve shown the American public. Continue reading

If you are a leftist, you might be a Buddhist

On a miserable day in 1966, I was being shot at from several directions and jumped into a ditch for cover. In seconds the field in front of me was riddled with bullets, as American soldiers returned fire on Vietnamese rebels determined to eliminate their sworn enemies, foreign invaders bent on returning colonialism under a new guise. Continue reading

Why the massive Women’s March will fail

Like Mark Twain, “I am always on the side of the revolutionists, because there never was a revolution unless there were some oppressive and intolerable conditions against which to revolute.” I do support Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington and its offshoots around the nation and the planet. Continue reading

Is it possible that Trump will move us away from our new Cold War?

I was just watching on CNN NATO troops moving into Eastern Europe in the latest “get tough” move against Russia. This intimidating buildup is frightening to those of us who understand the significance, and why it is being done. President Obama and the rest of our National Security State players have been demonizing the Russians in the public forum. Continue reading

Corporate media’s diversity myth as FOX News morphs into MSNBC

For corporate media to be successful at lying to us on behalf of the portfolios of their owners, board members and advertisers, they must pretend to offer diversity in their reporting so as to convince the majority that different sides of issues are being aired. Continue reading

Fake news from corporate media kills

But lies continue to dominate corporate media reports

I believe that the murder of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, was the result of the influence of fake news dominating the corporate media around the world. The shooter, identified as a 22-year-old Turkish riot police officer, shouted that he was upset about what is happening in Aleppo after committing the murder on video. Continue reading

Corporate media buy CIA claim, without evidence, of Russian meddling in US presidential election

On Saturday CNN put forth on program after program that the recent US presidential election was interfered with by the Russians, offering no proof. Continue reading

Are we sliding toward absolute rule by fascists?

Smearing and censorship in the name of ‘fake news’

I had a sobering thought as I watched a video I’d rented recently, to wit, we may now be sliding toward rule by totalitarian fascists. Continue reading

Hillary: The only person in the galaxy who could lose to Trump

I will not be surprised if President-elect Trump changes the national motto from e pluribus unum to capto per naturale eius debent (grab them by the pussy). This will show the rest of the world that our leader is a celebrity and we may do whatever we want, not that the rest of the world doesn’t already know the Empire feels this way, just clarifying. Continue reading

Our presidents have always been scumbags, a President Trump would hardly be unique

We are all getting a kick out of watching the ridiculous soap opera packaged by the mainstream media as a “presidential election,” with the usual ignoring of issues important to the American people. Continue reading

Our religion of capitalism and war, and how it all began

It has long been my belief that the modern world is cursed by religions of war, in part because we no longer have sensible gods like the ancient P’an Chin-lien who was the Chinese goddess of prostitutes. Continue reading

A rigged election: Of the billionaires, by the billionaires, and for the billionaires

You might think Donald Trump, a billionaire, would be the primary presidential choice of the billionaires, particularly with his economic plans which favor billionaires, and his championing of the Republican Party. But Trump is just one of the three parties polling highest in the current election favored by billionaires. Continue reading

Hillary’s campaign sinks deeper into scandal

On Sunday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, tried to divert attention from the latest email scandal showing that officers of the Democratic National Committee schemed to undermine the Bernie Sanders campaign. Continue reading

Why we’re the murder capital of the world

One of the many important discussions we do not see in our corporate media is the question, “Why is the USA the most violent nation of earth?” The answer is complex, and follows in this article, but first I will attempt to make the case. Continue reading

Bloody Hillary’s abuse of children

It’s amazing how the mainstream press hide the bloody history of Hillary Clinton, including her abuse of children, encouraging millions to vote for her. The establishment has clearly been behind her candidacy. Continue reading

Al Capone caused less death and destruction than today’s capitalists

Al Capone thought of himself as a businessman, praising capitalism and condemning socialism as the head of the Chicago Outfit. He couldn’t understand why other wealthy Americans didn’t see him as one of them, and I agree with Big Al, there are more similarities than differences. Continue reading

Why Bernie Sanders might be murdered if he continues to do well

I find it hard to believe that Bernie Sanders has a chance at becoming president. His views have excited a number of potential voters both in the Democratic Party and outside of it, particularly among the young. But he’s immersed in the kind of politics which sometimes gets people killed in the Land of the Free. Continue reading

Right-wing rule to the present day

Years ago, after reading a particularly biased article at The Hill, pushing unspecified Republican Party “values,” which is itself a stretch (do they really have values?), I posted a response that I do not care for right-wingers, be they Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, or Republican. The comment was not allowed to be seen by the moderators and thereafter any comment I made did not appear on their web site. Any extreme right-wing viewpoint was allowed in the comments, no matter how ridiculous or untrue, but one was not allowed to significantly differ in a leftward direction. The Hill is widely considered to be mainstream media. Continue reading

Psychopaths rule, but here’s something you can do to oppose them

In the famous myth, Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Although this didn’t, in fact, happen, Nero was documented to have been a tyrant who was insensitive to the needs of the common people, and it wouldn’t have been out of character. Continue reading

A classic example of establishment hypocrisy in few words

Gunmen have taken over a federal government building in Oregon and are holding it by force. Continue reading

Not voting doesn’t work

(Been there, done that.)

Americans understand the elections are rigged. In the last national election, in 2014, just 36.4 percent of the voting-eligible population cast ballots. Continue reading

What will the revolution look like?

My writing has been dedicated to overthrowing the oligarchs and plutocrats who have made a USA-Inc.-hell of the nation, replete with an empire based on the greed of ruling scum. These bastards are the lowest form of life and if they all died today the world would be a better place. Continue reading

Why Hillary would be a worse president than would a Republican

Hillary Clinton will be a worse president than would a Republican. For years corporate media have pounded the line that her election is inevitable, and that has millions of voters convinced. Unfortunately, many of them also believe in the “lesser evil” straw man which is also pushed by corporate media–if you don’t vote for your party’s candidate (Democrat or Republican) even though you don’t like that candidate, a more evil candidate of the other party will win, which herds the masses into continually shooting themselves in the foot. Continue reading