Author Archives: Jerry Mazza

The HAARP accompanying Sandy’s destruction

Those of us who follow the dire events and scenes of Hurricane Sandy every day and hear the expression used to describe it, “The New Normal,” simply can’t accept it as normal in any way, including how thousands lost their homes, everything they own, along with electric power, inheriting the cold fall and winter weather to come, in essence, losing their right to exist. Continue reading

Election 2012: A post mortem

Did you really want to face Mitt Romney and his gang? The ex-private equity CEO, company-killer, tax cuts for the rich enthusiast? The truth is, what Obama did was outflank and out-bullshit all these smart-ass white guys that voted for Romney, thinking they were a winner like Mitt was, on the money, no more taxes, the fix is in, all that and more, denial of women’s reproductive rights, denial of equality in the work place and so on. Continue reading

Those Election Day blues

Once again, I find myself with the dreaded Election Day blues, having to vote for the lesser of two evils, the evilest being the Mormon anti-Christ Mitt Romney, and the lesser evil for me, Barack Obama, despite his branding by many Democrats and liberals, myself included, as too weak to take down the Republicans. Continue reading

The not so perfect storm

We all are in shock from Hurricane Sandy’s appearance, with its 1,040-mile diameter of gale force winds, the “largest hurricane in history,” which we thought not possible after Katrina, but here and gone nonetheless, ending as the second most costliest storm in history, leaving a wake of destruction, particularly in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and New England, behaving like some biblical prophecy, when we all know (or should know) the reason for its appearance was our unquenchable thirst for hydrocarbon gook; plus turning forests and rainforests and open land into syncs (cities, towns, malls, parking lots, roads) and the overpopulation they bring with them. These all scar the biosphere as they scar our lungs. Continue reading

Post-Hurricane Sandy kicks butt

NEW YORK—I woke up at 6 A.M. on Sunday to the sound of barking winds outside the bedroom windows and shoved my head back under the covers. This time, the wind’s bite was turning out to be far worse than its bark. Yet, the ground was solid, and the concrete sidewalks and macadam covering Manhattan’s Upper West Side streets were too. Their steel, concrete and stone buildings were strong as well. Of course, this was just hello from Hurricane Sandy. Continue reading

What has changed? Another look at ‘Full Metal Jacket’

Full Metal Jacket is a timeless film documenting the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War from 1964 to ‘75. It appeared in 1987, directed, produced and co-written by Stanley Kubrick and authors Michael Herr and Gustav Hasford. It has not aged a minute in 25 years in its similarity to the Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libyan and now Syrian wars. If anything, the scale of our decade of war has only intensified in numbers, violence and weaponry—and in man’s inhumanity to man, woman, animals and earth’s destruction. Continue reading

The magic of threes did not apply to the debates

It seemed like all three debates proved to lack little political magic in defining what the issues were, the primary issue supposedly “the economy,” which, amazingly, received short shrift by the moderator, CBS News’ Bob Schieffer, who mentioned that this day was the anniversary of JFK’s engagement in the Cuban Missile Crisis, and how would each of the candidates deal with it if they were in the catbird seat. Continue reading

Bangladeshi patsy held in Federal Reserve bomb plot

Well, we have several things going on here: first a refreshment for the myth that Muslims committed the attack on the WTC. And second that a Queens man, according to authorities and New York-1 News, was on a mission to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank, and is now being held without bail. Continue reading

What you should know about the second presidential debate

Debates are mostly verbal swordplay as the candidates spew facts at warp speed, trying to spell out a whole agenda in 90 minutes. Continue reading

The 2012 Major League Baseball Championship Series takes over America’s mind

After 162 team games of the regular baseball season finished, the American and National League Championship Series’ Playoff’s Schedules landed like the marines to take over the beachhead of America’s attention. Now with an extended five-faze play-off schedule, including two “wild card” play-offs not one, I think Bud Selig, the commissioner of baseball has lost his mind to commerce. Continue reading

Two gnawing questions about Frontline’s ‘The Choice: 2012’

In PBS’s excellent Frontline series, the episode “The Choice: 2012” on the upcoming presidential election and candidates left me wondering about two things. The first was how did Obama pay for his time at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, three very expensive schools and cities to study and live in? Continue reading

The House’s songbird for an Israeli Middle East

Congresswoman Illena Ros-Lehtinen was busy as a bee as she made her way through the political and social rounds of the Republican National Convention. Illena is the one female committee chair in the House of Representatives, probably Israel’s most ardent voice. She is a constant thorn in the Obama administration’s side, regularly condemning the president for playing “political games with U.S. foreign policy” and being “soft on Iran” while undermining the legitimacy of Israel. Bad Obama, bad Obama. Heel. Continue reading

The Federal Reserve System has been handed police powers, Glocks and patrol cars

The Federal Reserve, a privately owned banking cartel that controls interest rates and the money supply, has been given police powers, including Glock 22s and patrol cars. This was a story I originally saw in Alternet.Org and did a double take on. Were they talking about the real Federal Reserve, or was this some kind of joke? It turns out it’s not a joke. Continue reading

Pitching how to make more money as the value of the dollar fails

Recently, one of a series of pitchmen trying to sell their financial products to me proposed Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that will make more dollars the more the US dollar goes down in value. Continue reading

The new and shameful Jim Crow voter ID laws

The old South’s political bosses and bigots of the Jim Crow era would have had a good laugh at the ingenious tricks of their successors in the art of voter suppression. Continue reading

In medias chaos, happy birthday ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Monday September 17, 2012, 8:27 AM, my birthday and more importantly, the first birthday of protesters trying to Occupy Wall Street and the movement’s supporters are out making an appearance in the hundreds at the Financial District, while swarms of cops are arresting dozens of people (nearly 200 so far), Silverstein’s ‘Freedom Tower’ glaring down from the WTC. Continue reading

9/11-linked cancers to be covered by Zadroga Act

In days surrounding the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the federal government is expected to add 50 types of cancer to the list of World Trade Center-related diseases covered by the Zadroga Health and Compensation Act. This will come as good news to those first responders suffering from cancer-related illness, and even those close to passing, in that their pain will be properly cared for and eased. Continue reading

Where is today’s Pecora Commission?

The Pecora Commission was named for Ferdinand Pecora, the fourth chief counsel of the investigation into the causes of the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The commission launched in 1932 by a majority Republican Senate and continued under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, turned out to be one of the highlights of FDR’s crusade to rebuild America’s wrecked economy during the Great Depression. Continue reading

9/11 widow hoping for Supreme Court review

Backers trying to raise ‘$11K by 9/11’

Embattled widow Ellen Mariani wants to tell the U.S. Supreme Court that the $3.75 million settlement of her late husband’s 9/11 claims was tainted, and she has authorized a legal defense fund to allow her to carry on her decade-long fight, announced Mariani backers August 30 from Massachusetts. Continue reading

How much does Paul Ryan know about Alisa Rosenbaum who morphed into his idol, Ayn Rand?

In her excellent 2011 book about Ayn Rand, “Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right,” Jennifer Burns notes that Ayn Rand was born Alisa Rosenbaum and Jewish in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Feb. 2, 1905, to Zinovy Rosenbaum, a pharmacist, and Anna Rosenbaum, the high-strung daughter of a wealthy tailor, whose clients included the Russian Army. Continue reading

NYPD Muslim spying led to zero terror cases

NEW YORK—In the unending War on Terror, it seems the myth that Muslims were responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Center has to be fed on a daily basis. Ergo, six years ago the New York Police Department (NYPD), at the behest of the CIA, proceeded to intensify this task of Muslim demonizing. After all, we didn’t want to lose our central patsies to what was in effect an “inside job” or “false flag” operation prompted by the Bush administration to start its wars—and further its hegemonic march towards a worldwide empire of defeated but oil-rich countries, feeding our unquenchable thirst for their black gold. Continue reading

How to prepare for Paul Ryan

First, get yourself a copy of one of Ayn Rand’s bizarre books, which are a self-confessed major influence on Ryan and his thinking. And don’t be too upset that Rand believed that everyone has to look out for themselves and only themselves because there is really no such thing as a society, let alone a civil one. For Rand, society is a struggle of survival of the fittest in a dog-eat-dog polyglot of strangers, each looking to bag more of everything that you have. Continue reading

Biting the 1% where it hurts

In this fascinating account of his trial-by-fire in Washington’s wicked ways, Neil Barofsky surfaces with a searing indictment as an insider of both the Bush and Obama administrations, dealing with the ongoing mishandling of the $700 billion TARP bailout fund. With behind-the-scenes experience, he repeatedly reveals proof of the deep degree to which our government officials sank to serve the interests of Wall Street firms at the expense of the 99%—and at the larger expense of real financial reform. Continue reading

Chilling comments from a friend on Holmes’ killing spree

A good friend in high places wrote to me after reading my last article, James Holmes family connected to DARPA and mind manipulation work. Continue reading

James Holmes family connected to DARPA and mind manipulation work

Cut to the Aurora massacre, the premier showing of The Dark Knight Rises, and the sudden appearance of a man dressed in black with a gas mask. He enters the theater exit, throws several gas grenades at the theater floor, and opens fire with a a forty millimeter Glock, a twelve-gauge shotgun, an AR-15 assault rifle with a 100-round drum magazine, and 6,000 rounds of ammunition to back that up. The second Glock is sitting on the seat of his car, parked near the exit. Continue reading

Blue Angels descend on South Dakota as ‘Dark Knight Rises’ in Colorado

Last week, my wife, 23-year old son and I took a family trip to Sioux Falls South Dakota to celebrate my father-in-law’s 90th birthday. I was surprised to find that coincidentally the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels had descended on the local airport for an air show, titled Power on the Prairie. Ugh! For me, this was a pointless show of military power turned into some kind of entertainment for the unanointed. Continue reading

Too much or not enough? That is the question

Most recently, we’ve been formulized as a people made up of the 1% wealthy versus the 99% of the struggling middle/working classes and poor, indicating the tiniest portion of us have too much all of the wealth and the largest number of us have not enough, in millions of cases barely enough to live. Continue reading

The fruit vendor of the real

He stood across the street from Saint John the Divine’s Cathedral on Amsterdam Avenue at West 112th, not far from Columbia University. I was returning from lunch, two blocks away, with the June heat beating my head like a drum. He was standing like so many others who form a fleet of fruit and vegetable vendors spread across the city with their aluminum faced wagons, with an umbrella to shade the produce, small wheels so that an SUV could pull the cart to and from locations that sell their produce at prices lower by far than the supermarkets and tony stores nearby. They have produced a pushcart culture that I hadn’t seen since I was a boy in the 1940s. It signifies to me how desperate people have become for work. Continue reading

TPP plus NAFTA plus SOPA=Big Trouble

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an alliance of eleven countries, America, Australia, Malaysia, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Brunei, Canada and Mexico. What do they have in common? Trouble, as they secretly write a trade agreement behind closed doors. Critics believe the group is allowing corporations a venue to override American laws. It’s worse than NAFTA. Continue reading

Another breach in the wall of a corrupt system: The LIBOR scandal

On July 2, LaRouchePAC wrote in a report sent to me, “Most cases of financial fraud are presented to the public as cases of individual crimes, committed by individuals or small groups of individuals—as corrupt acts by elements within an otherwise honorable system. But every once in awhile a case comes along that blows that fiction out of the water and reveals that it is the system itself that is corrupt. Rather than rotten apples spoiling the barrel, a rotten barrel is spoiling the apples. The corruption comes from the top.” Continue reading

Con Ed uses its power to lock out union workers

Consolidated Edison Company of New York, our gas and electric power baron, and representatives of the Utility Workers of America will resume contract talks tomorrow. But there seems no end in sight to the lockout of 8,500 workers or the union’s protest at the utility’s Gramercy Park headquarters, and as New Yorkers continue to swelter in the ongoing heat wave. Continue reading

Julian Assange rejects police request to surrender

Last Thursday, June 27, London Metropolitan Police served WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with an order to present himself at Belgravia police station on Friday, June 28. Instead, he told the BBC that he would stay at the Ecuadorean Embassy since he fears the US has secret plans to extradite him. Continue reading