Author Archives: John Stanton

American defense contractors profiting from Russian and Chinese engineering, technology, manpower

It is a fine thing that Boeing is supporting STEM education in China. But as part of the American Defense Industrial Base Critical Infrastructure, Boeing regularly moans about the dearth of America’s own STEM/ aerospace engineering capability. For example, in a glossy publication from 2007 comes the article Engineering Brain Drain? by Louise Wilkerson, in which the reader learns that “According to a recent study by Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, the United States is turning out only about 110,000 engineers a year compared with China’s 600,000 a year and India’s 350,000 a year.” Continue reading

USA is a sinkhole: What’s worth fighting for?

A nation that refuses to take care of all of its mothers and all of its young children has no future. Continue reading

FIDO and General Wesley Clark in Ukraine: US advisors on the ground, deadly messenger

News that General Wesley Clark, USA (Ret.) visited the Ukraine at the behest of the National Security Advisor there—and also a senior member of Ukraine’s parliament—should be a cause for alarm. A nonprofit foundation was involved in this exercise (more below). There is a sense of open, almost joyful viciousness in all this pro-war, anti-Russian sentiments on opinion pages and television broadcasts. It is certainly racist and demeaning in tone. Such is the first step in convincing the public that the “transgressor” is equivalent to a retrovirus. Continue reading

Prelude to world war: We are hungry in three languages

On 24 February, US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel held a press conference to announce some of the details of Pentagon’s 2015 budget. Beyond the news of cuts in war-fighting machinery and personnel—and the pox of “irresponsible” sequestration on the federal government—Hagel made a point of indicating that the world is becoming an increasingly volatile place. He also seemed to express a bit of disgust for nation building of the type attempted by the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading

Antidotes to cyber industrialization and the swarm culture

Get the cure before you become part of the swarm. Continue reading

A soulless, digitally concussed Western world

The USA and European Union (EU) continue on their downward trajectory in the 14th year of the 21st Century. The perpetual state of war against terror, drugs, immigrants, the press and whistle-blowers moves on uninhibited. Another war, this time named Austerity, is being waged by USA and EU leaders against the middle and lower classes. Youth are particularly hard hit with the average unemployment rate in the EU at 23 percent. In the USA the figure is 17 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But never mind that. Continue reading

Obama’s web portal contractor runs the US Army’s Human Terrain System: CGI Federal everywhere

Who knew? Continue reading

America’s threat-centric education system

Out of date and out of time

How can young people be encouraged and coached to narrate a “true” history of their lives and times in the world—and the events, people and geography that influence them—for the bulk of their literate existence (i.e., 21st century literate to include visual and technological literacy)? How can they be motivated to bypass the standard historical corporate media sanctioned fare of Steven Ambrose, Doris Kearns-Goodwin or David McCullough? How can they be motivated to collaborate and push against forces that seek to program them to accept “austerity” and “it is what it is”? How can America’s threat-centric, industrial education system be changed? Continue reading

European austerity hits America: Time to suffer

“Game over,” so to speak. The dark times are here in America. You are on your own. The federal-state-local governments are broke. No more benefits for hungry children, homeless veterans and civilians. No more full-time employment with benefit packages. Stagnating wages and income inequality are the norm. But hey, let’s cut taxes. Continue reading

The USA and Saudi Arabia: a monstrous relationship

According to Dave Ottoway, writing for the Foreign Policy Research Institute, “There is practically no civil society in Saudi Arabia. The country is run by the al-Saud royal family in partnership with a highly conservative religious establishment espousing a fundamentalist theology known as Wahhabism. Continue reading

The art of collaborating with the Nazis: Hollywood and America reek of Nazi influence

Ben Urwand’s “The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact with Hitler” (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013) is a disturbing, unsettling and must-read. That Hollywood’s studio heavyweights like Jack Warner and Carl Laemmle would cut scenes and dialog offensive to the ideology of National Socialism is a tough fact to digest. But aggressive capitalists, whether operating in US dollars or German Reichsmarks, do not distinguish between good and evil (think Allen Dulles, famed Wall Street lawyer and OSS/CIA). Siphoning profit off from the clash between good and evil, or the suffering of good at the hands of evil, is part and parcel of the capitalist enterprise, particularly in the United States. Taking a “stand” only occurs if the balance sheet prospers, legal action is imminent, or national security interests—as defined by capitalists—are at stake. How else to explain the present day US alliances with Al Qaeda in Syria, the military junta in Egypt, and the love-fest with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain? Continue reading

SeaWorld Entertainment and Guantanamo Bay: Captivity, torture and slow death

The documentary “Black Fish” reminds one that “intelligence” and the human species do not necessarily equate. And it shows just how humanity’s bloodthirsty ignorance knows no bounds even in its dealings with a peaceful, incredibly intelligent and social species like the Orca (Killer Whales). They have not once killed a human being on the high seas, but have done so at SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc., after the abuse and torture that they have suffered over the years. Some of their human counterparts are captives in Guantanamo Bay. Continue reading

Profiting from food stamps, student loans, unemployment

Wall Street, US Congress, Obama cash-in

According to the US Census Bureau’s Median Value of Debt by Household (2011), the median household debt (both secured and unsecured) for 35–44 year olds was $108,000 (USD); for those 45–54, $86,500; and for 55–64 age group it was $70,000. The data in the Census Bureau report also shows that the less formally educated one is, the less debt one has. Continue reading

President Obama channels Lord Cromwell: Great statesmen tamper with packets

Glenn Greenwald’s Snowden dossier concerning the American Leviathan’s practice of harvesting, storing and analyzing the information/conversations of its own and the world’s political, military, economic and cultural gatekeepers is fascinating. This is so not due to the technological sophistication and global reach of the USA’s intelligence capabilities, but for what it implies about the current state and future of the collective nation-states known as Western Democracies. And it undercuts nearly every ideal in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, leaving the dry, functional and core text of the US Constitution as the last mooring line to—paraphrasing Russell Crowe in the movie The Gladiator—“The dream that was once the United States.” It also challenges the foundations of the “free” market and “free will”: but more on that in a moment. Continue reading

America’s Continuity of Government plan: The cronyism of the revolving door

All the media bluster and folly surrounding whistleblower Edward Snowden is detracting from critical thinking that Americans must engage in and act upon. At this moment, benefits from the Snowden data dump appear to be accruing to the US government and its assorted defense related corporate interests. If the American national security apparatus is to be checked and balanced, structural changes must take place. Substance must be ascendant, form can come later. Continue reading

JP Morgan’s man in the White House: Barack Obama’s legacy of ashes

At one time, it seems decades ago now, the general thinking in the USA was that President Barack Obama would jolt the American political system into actually doing something beneficial for its citizens rather than spying on them, building F-35 aircraft, upgrading nuclear weapons, spending trillions of dollars (US) on national security, cutting unemployment benefits/food stamps, fomenting war with Iran, Syria, China and Russia; and dragging out the war in Afghanistan. Continue reading

President Obama’s data harvesting program: NSA as pollster, PRISM as MISO

It is way too soon to bet the house fortune on the reliability of reports by the Washington Post (Washington, DC) and The Guardian (United Kingdom) on President Obama’s data harvesting program, known for the moment as PRISM. Continue reading

American/Saudi covert operations in Chechnya: Ricin, diamonds, stingers

As the Cold War between the USSR and the USA drew down in the early 1990s, organizations/institutions used to fund proxy wars—and destabilization efforts—between the two Empires became exposed. With the Cold War ostensibly over, the corrupt and illegal actions of such groups could no longer be ignored, or covered up, as the larger purpose of them was to fund the fight against the Red Menace of Communism. Continue reading

The American education system is creating ignorant adults

There is an illuminating briefing produced by the Center for Digital Education titled Education Market Forecast, 2012. One page, in particular, displays where select US K-12 schools and universities would rank in the Fortune 500. The New York City K-12 school system, with US $18.5 billion in revenue, would be ranked number 136 far ahead of Marriot International and Yahoo, Inc. At the college level, the University of Michigan with US $5.8 billion in revenue ranks ahead of MasterCard and the Washington Post. Continue reading

America’s killer elite: Cho, Lanza, Bales, Ridgway and the One Percent

The American Suicide Gunman has joined the ranks of the Jihadist Suicide Bomber. Both are products of their cultures. Continue reading

Wall Street proclaims: Buy Mormon! Buy Romney!

According to a 2010 census conducted by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, there are 150 million Americans who believe in some form of myth worship (religion) ranging from mainline Christianity to Tao. Continue reading

Marinetti’s and Kraemer’s puppets: Romney, Obama and neoconservative liberalism

US Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s speech at the Virginia Military Academy in early October was an embarrassment to the nation. For those who seriously study the life and career of General George C. Marshall (or teach about the man and his times to young/old Americans) it was appalling to the senses to hear Marshall’s name invoked by Romney just as it would be by any of today’s American civilian and military leaders. Continue reading

President Barack Obama’s second term: More Reaganesque acting or bold Nixonian action?

President Barack Obama will easily defeat his Republican opponent, former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. Continue reading

Keep the American flag at half staff for a nation in perpetual mourning

What’s the point in Stars and Stripes flying full staff anymore? What joy or pride is there in looking up at the American flag when it seems that each week it is lowered for this and that death, current or past? And knowing that over the last three decades or so, most of those deaths and sacrifices would turn out to be at the altar of dismal failure (except for those promoted or who profited in stock and US dollars). Continue reading

Syria on the horizon?

Leadership, mission reboot at Army Human Terrain

Current Human Terrain System (HTS) program manager Colonel Sharon Hamilton will be retiring after 27 years in the US Army. She will be replaced by another active duty Army colonel according to sources. Continue reading

Pentagon’s Phase Zero Intelligence Human Terrain Program: Foreign internal defense, diversion or drug war?

The follow-on to the first US Army Human Terrain System program is loosely referred to as HTS: A Phase Zero Intelligence Program. Unfortunately, leadership seems to be reinforcing the caricatures on display in the movie Doctor Strangelove (more below). The responsibility for that is not solely the HTS director’s, Colonel Sharon Hamilton. It goes up the chain of command within the US Army and, perhaps, the Office of Secretary of Defense/Intelligence. Throwing $227 million dollars (US) at a damaged program at time when budgets are being squeezed makes little surface sense. Continue reading

Towards a captive, blank slate humanity

Beyond silicon capitalism to the individual as integrated genetic circuit

“After the industries of death brought about by the gas chambers and concentration camps, the industries of life now offer the possibility of a genetically modified human race, calling into question humans born of blood and sperm and therefore the wild, the natural part of humanity. The “naturals” would become the new savages with augmented people leading a new humanity shaped less by political totalitarianism than bioengineering. And now we have entered the question of hyper racism. The deadly consequences of the great ecological fear are extremely disturbing. We are at risk of seeing not military dissuasion established between powers, but civil dissuasion between people. Continue reading

Use tactical nukes on Iran, North Korea and Pakistan: US missile defense will shield retaliation

As the old Nike footwear commercial once suggested, “Just Do It!” Continue reading

US Army Center for Substance Abuse Programs: Money versus soldier treatment, health

The Army Center for Substance Abuse Programs (ACSAP/ASAP) is located under US Army G-1, Human Resources, Deputy Chief of Staff. It consists of two elements according to the G-1 website. “The ASAP is split into two major components: the clinical and non-clinical ASAP or Command ASAP. The Command ASAP works under the installation/garrison commander and is responsible for drug and alcohol prevention and training programs, urinalysis specimen collection, shipping and handling, risk reduction and all other non-clinical functions within the ASAP. The proponent for the Command ASAP is the Army Center for Substance Abuse Programs (ACSAP) which falls under the Human Resources Directorate of the G1. The clinical ASAP handles the treatment and rehabilitation of soldiers that are identified as having substance abuse problems. USA Medical Command has oversight responsibility for the clinical ASAP. Continue reading

Nuke weapons industry and financial backers: Global profit, death and sin

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons released an eye-popping report on 5 March 2012, titled Don’t Bank on the Bomb. In that report are listings of banks, financial institutions and funds that, in some form, fund the research, design, development, production, deployment and maintenance of nuclear weapons. Continue reading

Barak Obama and Sayyid Khamenei: brilliant but fools

President of the United States of America Barak Hussein Obama and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Sayyid Ali Khamenei are brilliant scholars and teachers. Each is an exceptional orator and leader. Both are family men with wives and children. They both love their families and hope for them a bright future. Obama and Khamenei both “love” their country and the ideals on which it is based. Both are extraordinarily wealthy. Continue reading

Saudi Arabia is in charge of US foreign policy

Israel cheerleads, Saudis finance & the Cold War lives

Watching, listening, and reading the media coverage, government commentary and think tank analyses on Iran’s nuclear capability and the desire by some to destroy it is like taking in Abbott and Costello’s Who’s on First and Math skits. Continue reading