Author Archives: Larry Pinkney

The spurious left/right paradigm in the United States

The left/right political model or paradigm in the 21st century United States is a deadly trap. It is a spurious paradigm maintained for the specific purpose of keeping everyday people from being united and collectively creative in order to bring about genuine systemic change. Continue reading

Is Black America reawakening?

The euphemistic mountaintop of freedom is actually not a mountaintop at all. It is a plateau. For each succeeding generation must struggle to scale the heights of indifference and apathy in order to bring to fruition one more forward step in the amazingly persistent evolution of humanity. Nevertheless, humankind is constantly shadowed by the ever-present danger of losing our grip and falling backwards into an abyss of stagnation and extinction. Continue reading

The perfect storm is already here

The United States remains, in the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” This U.S. corporate-government’s violence is physical, economic, and psychological; and it is directed against everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in this nation and throughout the entire world. Continue reading

Is the U.S. political system really ‘broken?’

The political system of the United States works magnificently—for the very rich, including the bloodsuckers of the avaricious corporate elite—whom it perniciously serves. For the rest of us however, who make up the vast majority in this nation, this political system of, for, and by the corporate-owned Democrats and Republicans is a perpetual quagmire of hypocrisy, manipulation, injustice, and inequality. Continue reading

The United States today: Fascism by any other name

It is sometimes difficult to recognize that which is in plain view. Continue reading

On principles, perseverance, and protracted struggle

The intensifying “clash” nationally and globally between what Malcolm X described as “those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the system of exploitation” has, in this 21st century, taken on varying forms. Due to the increasingly vicious and insidious reality of corporate exploitation, everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in the United States, and around the world, are having to come to grips with who their real enemies actually are. Continue reading

Pigmentoids, news media garbage, and the United States at a crossroad

A pigmentoid is a person who makes decisions based primarily on pigmentation, i.e., the color of another human being—without the bother of critical thought. Continue reading

A perpetual con: Talking peace and waging war

Everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in the United States remain the perpetual targets of fake politicians, offering fake justice, perpetuating a fake corporate ‘democracy.’ Continue reading

The ‘election’ farce manipulating the minds of the masses

Without fundamental systemic change, there is in reality, no change at all. Continue reading

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Dream: A contradiction in terms

“The wolf and the fox are both enemies of humanity, both are canine, both humiliate and mutilate their victims. Both have the same objectives, but differ only in methods.”—Malcolm X [el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz] Continue reading

Barack Obama’s answer to the pain of everyday people: Indefinite detention!

Contrary to the assertion that Barack Obama fears the ordinary everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people of the United States and the world; his repeated political betrayals demonstrate contempt for, not a fear of, everyday people. His high-sounding, obfuscated rhetoric is constantly belied by his egregious actions against ordinary people. Continue reading

‘Beyond Vietnam’ into Afghanistan and indefinite detention of U.S. citizens

Everyday ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people of this nation and world want simply to be accorded the right to live our lives with collective human dignity, justice, economic security, and in peace. Continue reading

Amabo the Conjurer: A short New Year’s parable

Once upon a time, on a beautiful little planet there lived a clever lad named Amabo. Continue reading

The corporate elite: Too long unaccountable and too long untouchable

The amoral and insatiable appetite of the corporate/military elite for profit and power in this nation has brought to de facto fruition a U.S. government which is neither accountable to, nor concerned about, the needs, rights, and aspirations of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people. Continue reading

The Occupy Movement: Another collective step by the exploited against the exploiters

As the struggle by everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people, including those in the Occupy Movement continues, in this nation and abroad, many are increasingly beginning to understand the need for collective unity in these challenging and legitimate efforts to attain real systemic change. Continue reading

Obama brand ‘hope’: A litany of rhetorical dope

The once mesmerizing rhetoric and the sickly blood curdling smile of Barack Obama, in concert with his Democrat and Republican Party systemic cohorts, has begun to give way to the reality of a growing awareness on the part of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in this nation and around the world. Continue reading

Support the Occupation Movement even as we clarify and address its inevitable contradictions

The growing ‘OCCUPATION’ movement sweeping this nation, and countries throughout the world, is a legitimate and much-needed struggle not only physically, but also in a consciousness-raising mental sense on many levels. Continue reading

On principled struggle for systemic change

What awesome times in which to be alive! The rainbow of everyday ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people are awakening! The protracted national and global people’s struggle for genuine systemic change is stirring! Continue reading

The celebrity group of five does not speak for everyday people struggling for systemic change

Contrary to the fallacious assumption on the part of systemically adorned intellectuals, everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people are not anti-intellectuals, but are quite correctly, anti-intellectual masturbators. In fact, everyday people are very intelligent, though they may lack a systemically adorned pedigree. Continue reading

Wall Street’s end game: Greed, co-optation, and business as usual

The present ‘occupations’ of the bastions and symbols of corporate greed and domination by ordinary everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people nationally and internationally are in essence the 21st century stirrings of a growing consciousness. More than being ‘occupations,’ these actions are a collective reclaiming by everyday people everywhere of what Howard Zinn refers to as their/our “strength,” “ability,” and “our own selves.” Continue reading

The Democrat and Republican Parties: ‘Black holes’ of human progress

Euphemistically akin to what astronomers, quantum physicists, and astrobiologists refer to as cosmic ‘black holes’ that have swallowed millions of stars are the Democratic Party foxes and the Republican Party wolves who have, for numerous decades, sought to disfigure and devour the histories and aspirations of many millions of people in the United States and throughout this world. Continue reading

Black America: It’s time to collectively rejoin the developing revolution

The struggles for economic, political, and social justice of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow peoples has been, and remains, a long, arduous, and protracted one. The legacy of Black America in this regard has been a particularly sterling one. Continue reading

Barack Obama: Wall Street’s Trojan Horse

The recently published statement by Chris Hedges that “Those on the streets around Wall Street are the physical embodiment of hope . . .” is partially correct. However, those Wall Street occupiers in New York, and those of us in solidarity with them across the United States and elsewhere, are not merely the “physical embodiment of hope.” They/we are the “physical embodiment” of actualized “hope;” as neither “hope” nor “faith,” in and of themselves, serve to bring about genuine change unless they are acted upon. Continue reading

On the meaning and ramifications of the State assassination of Troy Davis

The recent execution of Troy Davis in Georgia, U.S.A., was nothing short of a STATE sanctioned assassination; the ramifications of which, yet again, indicts the “nauseating mimicry” of judicial justice in this nation for everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow men, women, and children. Continue reading

The rationale of irrationality

It took the ardently “anti-communist” Richard M. Nixon to officially recognize the political existence of the People’s Republic of China. But it took the nominally “black” and supposedly “progressive” Barack H. Obama to cleverly facilitate, and greatly enhance, the growth of de facto corporate/military fascism (i.e. unbridled corporate hegemony) right here in the United States. Continue reading

The irrelevance of the corporate-stream ‘news’ media

An uninformed people, irrespective of color or gender, are an enslaved people. Continue reading

Notes on a developing revolution

There is, to be sure, a people’s revolution developing in the United States. Continue reading

Counterinsurgency and political prisoners in the United States

One of the most insidious historical myths perpetuated by so-called ‘educational’ institutions and the corporate-stream media is that the United States was founded upon the holistic principles of ‘democracy’ and ‘justice for all.’ Since when has ‘democracy’ and ‘justice for all’ meant the genocide of the Indigenous Native peoples, the enslavement of Black people, and the systemic disenfranchisement of women and the poor? Continue reading

On being patriots of and for Mother Earth

The true revolutionaries are those women and men who are patriots of and for the entire planet. They (we) struggle to understand and address the inter-connectedness between militarism, perpetual wars, corporate greed and hegemony, social inequities, and economic austerity in this nation and around the world. Continue reading

Being a revolutionary: A constant struggle in our thoughts, words, and deeds

In this 21st century, the very survival of this planet (Mother Earth) and humanity demands a conscious and deliberate meshing, and evolving of and in, our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. This century demands that we humans utilize a revolutionary vision that recognizes not merely how things are, but concomitantly how they can be made to be. Continue reading

On color, ethnicity, and the necessity for a 21st century Revolutionary People’s Party

There is but one ‘race’ of people on this planet and it is called human. Continue reading

The burial of the Negro and the 21st century Negrodian

Like a recurring nightmare, replete with psychotic, blood sucking sci-fi political vampire, some biologically black people in this nation-have moved briskly backwards from merely being negroes inside the U.S. Empire to full blown 21st century negrodians, shamelessly perpetuating it; and in so doing have given new and even more horrific meaning to the term “sell out.” Continue reading