Author Archives: Linda S. Heard

UN veto leaves Washington exposed

If there was anyone left on the planet who still required proof that the US and Israel are two sides of the same coin, it came on Friday. The sight of US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice defying the other 14 Security Council member countries by vetoing a resolution characterising Israeli West Bank colonies as ‘illegal’ stripped the US of any residual legitimacy as an honest broker. Continue reading

Why Egypt needs a new face

Celebrations over the enforced exit of President Hosni Mubarak are over. The people’s revolution was successful . . . or was it? Continue reading

Welcome Egypt’s new pharaohs

ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT—It’s the day after. Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak has been toppled by a phenomenal show of people power unprecedented in the Arab world. Just about everyone in the country of all ages and political persuasions is wild with joy. Continue reading