Author Archives: Thom Hartmann

Neoliberalism: America has arrived at one of history’s great crossroads

The Democratic Party is having an internal battle over the “small” and the “large” infrastructure bills, but what’s really at stake is the future of neoliberalism within the party. The smaller “bipartisan” bill represents the neoliberal worldview, including public-private partnerships and huge subsidies to for-profit companies, whereas the larger “reconciliation” Democratic Party-only bill hearkens back to the FDR/LBJ classic progressive way of doing things. Continue reading

Trump’s shadow cabinet is part of his ongoing attempted coup

Even though the number of dying Trump followers increases daily, his coup rolls on. Continue reading

Hawley’s “Love America Act” is all about hate

Former-slave-state Missouri Senator Josh Hawley doesn’t want America’s white children to be exposed to the simple reality that slavery was not only legal at the founding of our country but was, in several places, written into our Constitution. Continue reading

Healthcare parasites are sucking Americans dry

Parasites attach themselves to your body and suck your blood to feed themselves. Most, like ticks and mosquitos, while they may provide food for birds, bats and other animals, seem to provide no direct benefit at all to humans. Continue reading

The GOP’s truly morbid election strategy

Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a CNN Medical Analyst, said last week, “A surprising amount of death will occur soon…” But why, when the deadly Delta variant is sweeping the world, are Republicans and their media warning people not to get vaccinated? Continue reading

Why America can’t have “nice things”

Some time back a woman living in Sweden, “Caroline” @SweResistance on Twitter, posted a thread that said: “I live in Sweden. We have social security, affordable health care, strict gun laws, 5 weeks paid annual leave, 1 year maternity leave, etc. And no, we’re not a communist country, and not even strictly socialistic but socio-democratic. And our freedom is not inhibited. Continue reading

Here comes Donald Trump’s final massacre

J. R. R. Tolkien wrote, “The burned hand teaches best. After that, advice about fire goes to the heart.” It’s a painful truth that people in red states, and red counties in blue and purple states, are about to learn.

While multimillionaire well-vaccinated Fox “News” hosts continue to sow doubt about masks and Covid vaccines to jack up the billions in revenue the channel brings in every year for the Murdoch family, the CEO of a hospital chain in Missouri is begging them to tell the truth. Continue reading

One of them has to go: the GOP or America as we know it

America can’t let them get away with it.

Texas is showing us all how the corruption that has overwhelmed the GOP has reached a crisis point, and it’s killing people. Continue reading

Is the rise of Qanon conspiracies the ‘end times’ for US democracy?

There are people in this world who don’t like —and even hate—democracy. They’re on the move against it, particularly here in America, and the Qanon religion/cult is the glue that’s bringing them all together. Continue reading

America’s cops are having their Harvey Weinstein moment

The generation coming up now is not going to let this moment pass like previous generations were forced to do by the powers-that-be after horrors like the brutal murder of Emmit Till, the beating of Rodney King or the murder of Eric Garner.

Sometimes cultural change takes generations or even centuries; sometimes it happens in the seeming blink of the eye. America’s bad cops—and their enablers—are having their Harvey Weinstein moment. Continue reading

The right wing love affair with Ayn Rand ties conservatism to one of the most disturbing sociopathic killers

There’s a direct link between a sociopathic killer in 1927 and the GOP’s willingness to embrace a sociopathic president like Trump. That link runs through the work of Ayn Rand. Continue reading