Author Archives: Walter Brasch

Scratches on the blackboard of animal cruelty

Take a pigeon. Continue reading

Look for the union bunny

Bullied, harassed, and lied to, District 1 of the Amalgamated Association of Easter Bunnies, AFB-CIO (American Federation of Bunnies–Cottontails International Organization) went on strike, forcing a halt to this year’s Easter egg hunts in Wisconsin. Continue reading

A crock pot tax-exempt idea

A wall of suffocating heat nearly vaporized me as I walked into Marshbaum’s house. In the kitchen was a portable kiln spewing fiery venom that was curling the linoleum. In the den, wildly pumping a potter’s wheel flinging clay all over the room, was Marshbaum. Continue reading

Tax-deductible invasions

Millions of Americans gave George W. Bush unquestioned support when he diverted personnel and resources from the war against al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden to invade Iraq. Continue reading

Charlie and the CBS Factory (and other news)

There has been a lot in the news this past week. Continue reading

President Obama: MIA on labor issues

As expected, Michael Moore, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka were in Madison, Wisc., to support and rally the workers in their fight against the union-busting governor and Republican-dominated state legislature. Continue reading

Lies and truth in Wisconsin

Historian Thomas Carlyle said “a lie cannot live.” However, Mark Twain casually remarked, “It shows that he did not know how to tell them.” Continue reading

Ironically, anti-union Republicans need unions

There are a lot of ironies in the Wisconsin fight between the Republican-dominated legislature and the working class. Continue reading