Category Archives: Health

GOP wants Medicaid abolished

Republicans want Medicare and Medicaid eliminated, marketplace medicine replacing both programs—obtaining healthcare based on the ability to pay. Continue reading

Why isn’t Big Pharma paying for the harm it caused like Big Tobacco?

Late last year, the Senate approved $1 billion of taxpayer money for “opioid prevention and treatment programs” as part of the 21st Century Cures Act. Yes, taxpayers are stuck paying for the opioid crisis which Big Pharma created for no other reason than to make more money. Continue reading

The deplorable state of healthcare in America

Healthcare in America is the world’s best—based on the ability to pay. Continue reading

Don’t fall for these pharma scare tactics

Long before the Internet and direct-to-consumer advertising, the medical profession tried to reassure people about their health concerns. Remember “take two aspirins and call me in the morning”? Continue reading

Congress wants to cut your health care—and billionaires’ taxes

But health care costs, not corporate taxes, are the real drain on the U.S. economy.

Members of the House GOP were in a hurry on May 4 to pass their bill to gut Obamacare. They rushed it through before anyone even had a chance to check its cost or calculate its impact on people’s access to insurance. Continue reading

Trump escalates attack on healthcare, women with rebranded and expanded global gag rule

‘The Global Gag Rule doesn't protect lives; it destroys them.’

President Donald Trump spent part of his first Monday in office following in the footsteps of other Republican presidents by reinstating the Global Gag Rule, officially known as the Mexico City Policy. Continue reading

US beef exports to China will resume. Who remembers why they stopped?

After the first mad cow, things got worse.

US cattlemen and agriculture professionals are ecstatic over China’s willingness to accept US beef imports for the first time in 13 years. Yet few reports articulate why the beef ban occurred in the first place. Continue reading

The moral travesty of Trumpcare

Shame on every one of the 217 Republicans who voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act on Thursday, and substitute basically nothing. Continue reading

House passes pay or die Trumpcare

Obamacare was bad enough—a deplorable rationing scheme to enrich insurers, drug companies and large hospital chains. Continue reading

America’s health is in the hands of GOP frat boys

This just in: Health care is not a game. It’s a matter life or death for millions and millions of Americans. But you sure wouldn’t know it from watching Donald Trump and House Republicans celebrate their narrow victory on Thursday. Continue reading

For first time ever, majority of House Dems support ‘Medicare-for-All’ bill

A record-breaking 104 House Democrats are co-sponsoring a Medicare-for-All bill

As President Donald Trump and the GOP attempt once again to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with a much crueler bill, House Democrats are pushing in the total opposite direction: as of Thursday, a record 104 have signed on to co-sponsor a Medicare-for-All bill. Continue reading

Chronic pain patients ill served by U.S. medicine

It is estimated that up to 66 percent of U.S. women and 45 percent of U.S. men live with chronic pain from spinal disorders like disc disease, pinched nerves and neck pain, to complex regional pain syndromes, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and headaches. Low back pain alone affects eight out of 10 people worldwide and is the fifth most common reason people visit a doctor. Continue reading

How Big Pharma’s profit machine has evolved

Thanks to drug safety scandals and new methods of marketing, the bloom had fallen off the Pharma reps’ roses.

More than a decade ago, the job of pharmaceutical rep was enviable. Direct-to-consumer advertising pre-sold many drugs so doctors already knew about them. Medical offices welcomed the reps who were usually physically attractive and brought lunch. In fact, reps sometimes had their own reception rooms in medical offices and seemed to see doctors before waiting patients. Continue reading

Trump threatens healthcare for poor in effort to cut healthcare for poor

President Donald Trump appears to be pursuing Republican strategy of sabotaging Affordable Care Act

Displaying deal-making skills that employ vulnerable citizens as bargaining chips, President Donald Trump threatened on Wednesday to cut off subsidies that help poor people afford health coverage in order to get Democrats to the negotiating table on repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Continue reading

Big Pharma profits from promoting drugs that cause harm

I recently interviewed Lawrence Golbom, author of ‘Not Safe As Prescribed.’ Continue reading

What U.S. poultry producers do not want you to know about bird flu

A bird flu outbreak exposes the unethical and deceptive practices of poultry producers.

Once again, bird flu is back in the U.S. From 2014 through mid-2015, 48 million chickens and turkeys were killed in the U.S. to prevent the disease’s spread and protect farmers’ profits. Continue reading

A public, non-profit healthcare system? Really?

Sen. Bernie Sanders has announced to constituents at a town hall meeting this past Saturday that he’ll introduce a single-payer health care bill in Congress “within a couple of weeks.” Continue reading

Trump and the GOP in sickness and ill health

The day after Republicans pulled the plug on Trumpcare (or was it Ryancare?), the front-page headline of the tabloid New York Post asked: “Is There a Doctor in the House?” Continue reading

Republicans demand the impossible in a healthcare bill

Republicans demand a healthcare bill (or medical system) that will simultaneously (and without sacrificing quality of healthcare) reduce their total expenses on medical care—including their insurance premiums and their out-of-pocket costs—and that will also be more free-market (with less government involvement and regulations) than in existing U.S. healthcare policy (both before and after Obamacare began); they want more free-market, and less cost, and also no sacrifice on quality. Continue reading

No, Paul, it wasn’t because of ‘growing pains’

House Speaker Paul Ryan, in his press conference following the demise of his bill to replace Obamacare, blamed Republicans who had failed to grasp that the GOP was now a “governing party.” Continue reading

Trumpcare down but not out?

On Friday, one of Trump’s signature domestic programs was defeated, at least for now. Continue reading

Trumpcare/Ryancare dead on arrival: Can we please now try single payer?

The new American Health Care Act has been unveiled, and it has been pronounced an even greater disaster than Obamacare. Dubbed “Ryancare” or “Trumpcare” (over the objection of White House staff), the Republican health care bill is under attack from all sides, with even conservative leaders calling it “Obamacare Lite,” “bad policy,” a “warmed-over substitute,” and “dead on arrival.” Continue reading

The Republican healthcare bill is very free-market, libertarian

The Republican House proposed healthcare legislation is a substantially more free-market approach to health care than exists in any industrialized nation. It would greatly reduce regulation of health care in America, and also considerably increase the choices that consumers would have in their health care. Another way of putting this is: it would considerably decrease the requirements that are placed upon health care insurers and providers. It would be as close to extreme free-market health care as can be achieved except for a system in which anyone can legally sell anything and call it “health insurance” or call it “medical care.” In other words, it would be more like anarchy in these fields. Continue reading

Unaffordable healthcare in America

Healthcare in America costs double what consumers in other developed countries pay. Proper coverage is increasingly unaffordable for millions. Continue reading

Trump’s plan for a sicker, more profitable, America

The AP headlined on March 9, “GOP health bill would cut CDC’s $1B disease fighting fund” and reported that this “pillar of funding for the nation’s lead public health agency,” which provides “public health programs designed to prevent illness and, therefore, reduce health care costs,” is targeted for “elimination,” by the Republican Paul Ryan-introduced healthcare bill—i.e., by the proposed legislation that President Donald Trump now says he is “proud to support.” Continue reading

Trump’s pay or die healthcare plan

Proposed Trumpcare is a boon to America’s privileged and sickness industry, a bane for most others—leaving millions more uninsured than under Obamacare. Continue reading

Pharma funded ‘patient’ groups keep drug prices astronomical

It happens with regularity during citizen open-mike sessions at FDA drug advisory committee hearings. A queue of “patients” materializes out of nowhere to testify, often in tears, about the crucial need for a new drug or new use approval. Some are flown in by Pharma. Continue reading

Ending Obamacare’s nightmare promises a worse one

Addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference last Thursday, Vice President Pence said, “America’s Obamacare nightmare is about to end.” Continue reading

‘Medicare for All’ only way for Trump to keep healthcare promises

Plans put forth by House Speaker Paul Ryan and HHS Secretary Tom Price are 'unlikely' to fulfill President Donald Trump's campaign promises—'but single payer could'

Cut the bureaucratic mess. Continue reading

There’s more to the bacon shortage than what’s been reported

By 2014, a virus had killed 7 million piglets in their first days of life.

Just as Big Pork has gotten people hooked on bacon as an added ingredient everywhere—even in gum, candy and ice cream—a shortage has been announced. USDA reported that stored pork bellies fell to 17.7 million pounds last month, the lowest December inventory since records began in 1957. Continue reading

How Big Pharma’s lust for profit turns their customers into guinea pigs

Is patient safety being compromised in the rush to approve new drugs?

There is a reason drug safety experts recommend waiting five years before taking a new prescription drug. Before new drugs are released to the public, they are tested on a shockingly small group of people for a shockingly short period of time. Risks and safety problems, therefore, often don’t emerge until millions try the drug as we saw with the withdrawn drugs Vioxx, Bextra, Baycol, Trovan, Meridia, Seldane, Hismanal, Darvon, Raxar, Redux and at least 11 others. Continue reading

Could Trump’s hair drug threaten his physical and mental health?

There can be a downside to a full head of orange hair

Last week, President Trump’s doctor disclosed that the president takes finasteride, a drug marketed as Propecia, to treat male pattern baldness. While it is tempting to make jokes about Trump’s hair, and even the sexual side effects that accompany the drug, it also has many disturbing side effects that neither the president—nor any other man—should risk. Continue reading