The road to fascism: How the war in Ukraine is changing Europe

As soon as I landed in Rome, I discovered that I was no longer able to access any Russian media whatsoever. Unfortunately, threats by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, that Europe should sever all links with “Russia’s propaganda machine” were taken seriously by the Italian government. Continue reading

Bringing workers’ rights into a constitution? An innovative state ballot proposal could offer a new path for labor

Chris Frydenger’s young coworkers at the Mueller Company performed the same work and brought the same dedication to their jobs as he did, but the manufacturer’s two-tier wage system exploited newer hires by paying them thousands less each year. Continue reading

Biden’s MAGA obsession won’t help Democrats

Because Joe Biden and Democrats act on behalf of the oligarchy instead of the people, they now risk a mid-term election loss. His solution to this political problem is to speak endlessly about Donald Trump and shout the word MAGA at every opportunity.

Anyone paying attention knows that Joe Biden’s accomplishments as president are pretty sparse. The oligarchy allowed his American Rescue Plan stimulus program to go through but then put a stop on Build Back Better or any other legislation that would help the people in a meaningful way. The student loan debt relief plan is a bait and switch scam used against desperate people. Biden brags about allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies but that won’t happen until 2026 and will only be allowed for ten drugs that are to be named later. Continue reading

What do truckers and librarians have in common?

Both used to be good jobs, but attacks by ideologues and greedy corporate bosses have pulled the rug out.

In the world of work, what two occupations might seem to have the very least in common? Consider long-haul truck drivers and school librarians—an odd pairing, yes. But the two have more in common than you might think. Continue reading

Will America see a 2nd major renewal of the middle class?

It’s easy to get lost in despair and outrage over the state of affairs in America. Women and queer people are being forced back into the kitchen and closet, climate change is killing scores of Americans every week, our schools and public areas are under constant assault by armed Republican gangs and GOP-sanctioned mass shooters. Over the past decade more than a million American lives have been lost to “deaths of despair” as a result of our 40-year experiment with Reagan’s neoliberalism. Continue reading

Ninth Circuit upholds Washington’s ban on ‘dangerous and discredited’ conversion therapy

"This is a massive win for LGBTQ+ youth out of Washington," said one advocate.

LGBTQ+ rights advocates on Tuesday applauded a ruling by a federal court in Washington State which upheld the state’s ban on “conversion therapy,” saying the ban will continue to save lives. Continue reading

Where does Russia receive its aid from?

While Ukraine has received enormous aid from around the world since the Russian invasion began in February, open support for Russia should not be dismissed.

On August 24, Ukraine’s independence day, the U.S. provided a $3 billion military aid package to the country. The additional assistance adds to more than $80 billion worth of support that Kyiv has already received between January 24 and August 3, the majority of which was provided by the U.S., the UK, and the EU. In addition to gaining access to Western weapons systems, military data, and training, the Ukrainian armed forces have further been augmented by foreign volunteers serving in the International Legion. Continue reading

How God was created in the image of man

I had a daydream in which I envisioned the creation of the first god by the first human to do so. The human’s name was Oog, and he lived 200-thousand years ago—an early homo sapiens living in a band of about twenty nomads. Continue reading

Does sparing the rod really spoil the child?

“When police found a kindergarten boy who had walked off from school after attacking his teacher and classmates,” Elizabeth K. Anthony writes at The Conversation, “it didn’t take them long to start guessing about the cause of his behavior.” Continue reading

Peace talks essential as war rages on in Ukraine

Six months ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. The United States, NATO and the European Union (EU) wrapped themselves in the Ukrainian flag, shelled out billions for arms shipments, and imposed draconian sanctions intended to severely punish Russia for its aggression. Continue reading

In refusing to prioritize drivers’ safety, UPS risks major strike

As UPS drivers around the country struggle to do their jobs in triple-digit temperatures—literally baking inside non-air-conditioned trucks—their wealthy employer refuses to take action.

In late August, as temperatures soared around the United States, a driver for United Parcel Service (UPS) took before-and-after photos of chocolate chip cookies on a baking sheet. The delicious-looking confections were baked on the dashboard of a UPS truck whose internal temperatures shot to dangerous levels—not in an oven. It was an ingenious way to showcase the modern-day horror of the climate crisis intersecting with corporate greed. Continue reading

Wicked Witch of the West selected, not publicly elected UK prime minister

In Britain, majority party members choose the prime minister as head of government. Continue reading

Trump calls Biden ‘enemy of the state’ in ‘fully unhinged’ speech

"This is, quite simply, a speech intended to incite domestic terrorists to kill FBI agents and members of the Biden administration," said one attorney.

Former President Donald Trump was accused of inciting domestic terrorism following a Saturday rally speech in which he called President Joe Biden an “enemy of the state” while threatening a “backlash the likes of which nobody has ever seen” in response to the federal investigation into his possession of classified documents. Continue reading

NATO’s five steps to control any country

NATO employs the five basic processes of location, dependency, bribery, civilian control and force to subjugate every country that makes it onto their hit list. Continue reading

How to green our parched farmlands and finance critical infrastructure

There are workarounds the U.S. can use to fund affordable housing, drought responses, and other urgently-needed infrastructure that was left out of the two recent spending bills.

Congress has passed two major infrastructure bills in the last year, but imminent needs remain. The 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law chiefly focused on conventional highway programs, and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) mainly centered on energy security and combating climate change. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), over $2 trillion in much-needed infrastructure is still unfunded, including projects to address drought, affordable housing, high-speed rail, and power transmission lines. By 2039, per the ASCE, continued underinvestment at current rates will cost $10 trillion in cumulative lost GDP, more than 3 million jobs in that year, and $2.24 trillion in exports over the next 20 years. Continue reading

The Biden administration and two looming crises: an economic and financial crisis and a hegemonic war

Besides the lingering COVID-19 pandemic and the on-going climate crisis, which will be accompanied by an energy crisis, not to mention the coming migration crisis, the world could be facing two man-made major crises in the years to come, i.e. an economic and financial crisis and a hegemonic war crisis. Continue reading

‘Corrupt as hell’: Demands for Clarence Thomas to resign follow new details of wife’s election scheming

"If Clarence Thomas had any shame, he would resign immediately," said one advocacy group. "But he doesn't."

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas faced fresh calls to step down Thursday after new reporting revealed that his wife’s involvement in efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election was broader than previously known, extending to the battleground state of Wisconsin as well as Arizona. Continue reading

The real reason teachers are quitting

There’s a war being waged on America’s teachers, and we must stand up for them before it’s too late. Continue reading

Investigating the victim: On Abbas’ ‘holocaust’ and the depravity of Israeli hasbara

“There was no Massacre in Jenin” was the title of a Haaretz editorial on April 19, 2002, one week after Israel ended its deadly onslaught on the besieged Palestinian refugee camp in the northern West Bank. Continue reading

The American kleptocracy: A government of liars, thieves and lawbreakers

The American kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) continues to suck the American people down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe in which the Constitution is meaningless, the government is all-powerful, and the citizenry is powerless to defend itself against government agents who steal, spy, lie, plunder, kill, abuse and generally inflict mayhem and sow madness on everyone and everything in their sphere. Continue reading

Is the U.S. legal system at war with its people?

Incarcerations, brutality, and torture are common in the U.S. Activists claim that this amounts to a war waged against racially marginalized, poor, and working-class people.

The very laws and government agencies created to protect the people in the United States are increasingly being weaponized against those who are often marginalized in society: people of color, the poor, and the working class. In just the last few months, there have been many incidents of this kind of violent abuse of power. Continue reading

How about a civic group to oppose a cashless society?

The most perceptive ancient historians and philosophers could not have foreseen a time when a certain type of mass convenience and abundance becomes a threat to democracy, justice and dispersed power. Welcome to the incarcerations of the credit card payment systems Gulag and the corporate state’s drive to stop consumers from paying with cash. Continue reading

How Republicans could steal the next presidential election

The latest Republican plot to sabotage our elections could remove American voters from the process of selecting their president. Continue reading

Deliberate misrepresentation: Western media bias makes Israeli war on Palestinians possible

While US and western mainstream and corporate media remain biased in favor of Israel, they often behave as if they are a third, neutral party. This is simply not the case. Continue reading

Biden defends democracy as Republicans push dystopia and fascism

Biden heads to Independence Hall in a mission to save democracy as Republican leaders join an extremist call for a future too horrible to contemplate.

WASHINGTON—As Democratic President Joe Biden prepared to defend democracy in a prime-time speech on Thursday night, Republican predecessor Donald Trump was leading the Republicans, dominated by his MAGA followers, off the deep end into unconstitutional insanity and threats of fascist violence. Continue reading

GOP attacks on Social Security makes popular program key midterm issue

Social Security advocates on Wednesday applauded Democrats including U.S. President Joe Biden for their defense of the popular program as Republicans recycle false claims that the nation will soon be unable to pay for the program’s benefits, making the monthly payments that help support more than 65 million Americans a key issue ahead of the midterm elections. Continue reading

‘President’ Newsom goes anti-solar and pro-nuke with a ticking clock

“Green” Gavin Newsom, the California governor who would be president, has gone intensely anti-solar and pro-nuke. Continue reading

How unions are combating domestic violence

Losing two coworkers to domestic violence over a three-year span left Emily Brannon and other members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 310L reeling. Continue reading

Can a deeply unequal nation totally reverse course?

The alarm bells are—sort of—ringing, Bloomberg reports, in Colombia’s most “fashionable neighborhoods of Bogotá and Medellin.” Continue reading

Corporate media has failed to report accurately on the threats to women’s reproductive rights

The establishment press ignored stories about the right's racist assault on reproductive health for years

In the weeks since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the corporate media has been saturated with analyses and reports about the implications of the ruling for women’s lives and health. Legal observers have weighed in on the conservative majority’s reasoning in the case. The impact of the ruling on the 2022 midterm elections has been discussed endlessly. The state-by-state battles over legislation and state-level constitutional amendments banning abortion have been covered exhaustively, as have efforts by women’s rights groups and medical providers to ensure that women get the reproductive health services they need. Continue reading

Is the GOP now promoting the business of tracking women seeking abortions?

When the Dobbs decision came down from six Republicans on the Supreme Court, many folks were wondering how long it would take before vigilantes and GOP-controlled states might start tracking women seeking abortion services. Continue reading

DeSantis’s “Mongoose Gang” of intimidators and cronies

Florida is currently the closest thing to a fascist police state within the borders of the United States. That is primarily due to its Republican authoritarian governor, military “stolen valor” practitioner Ron DeSantis, acting like a tinpot caudillo or dictator, the type that frequently plagued the Caribbean and Latin America over the decades. DeSantis has continually abused his authority as governor. This includes his throwing elected Democrats out of office, in one case at gunpoint, and replacing them with far-right Republican cronies. Continue reading