‘An unjust society is far costlier’: AOC says beware the deficit scolds who only complain about paying for stuff when it benefits people

‘I see decisions made every day that cost the American public billions of dollars a year for bogus reasons’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Wednesday asked voters to question why U.S. politicians and pundits only consider the cost of government programs when those programs help the public and least fortunate—and ignore price tags on policies that benefit the most wealthy and powerful. Continue reading

Why not Medicare for All?

“I don’t want my taxes to increase”; “I don’t want to lose my current insurance”; “I don’t want the government involved in or interfering in my health care”. Continue reading

Why the Trump regime toppled Bolivia’s Evo Morales

In a word, he wasn’t “our guy” in La Paz, Bolivia’s political capital. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Say no to Bloomberg

Bloomberg says he wants to stop Donald Trump but he’s really running to stop Bernie Sanders. Continue reading

Why are drug prices rising so much? Pharma exec admits ‘no other rationale’ than profit-making

‘The industry executive said the quiet part out loud,’ said one outside expert in response. ‘Price-gouging is central to the industry business model.’

Corporations’ quest for profits is what “is driving up drug prices and nothing more.” Continue reading

Don’t just give thanks, pay your blessings forward

Once again, it’s been a hard, heart-wrenching, stomach-churning kind of year. Continue reading

Israel’s next move: The real danger in US decision to normalize illegal Jewish settlements

It is hardly shocking that the United States government has finally decreed that illegal Jewish settlements which have been built in defiance of international law, are, somehow, “consistent” with international law. Continue reading

Celebrating Thanksgiving

It’s that time of year again, a time to give thanks to the white men who perilously crossed the ocean to discover America. Along with this discovery came the genocide and the murder of tens of thousands of indigenous people who never realized that these white men discovered the land they had been living on, for centuries, until years later when they read about this in our text books. Continue reading

Thankful in 2019

A political writer’s annual Thanksgiving column can be easy to write, or incredibly difficult to put together. It can also be inspiring or banal. The two are probably connected. It’s always a difficult one for me; its quality is a matter of your opinion. But hey, today is Turkey Day and it’s time to talk about being thankful. Please bear with. Continue reading

Trump’s ‘progressive’ allies

There is a rather vocal sector of the so-called “progressive left” that has decided it is best to tolerate Donald Trump and his administration’s fascist policies. This is mainly because Trump has made a few narrowly-focused decisions that the pro-Trump “left” happens to support. The Trump decisions that have enamored the faux left include the much-ballyhooed “withdrawal” of U.S. military forces from Syria—actually, some of those forces remain in-country—as well as trash talking NATO and U.S. bilateral military alliances with South Korea and Japan. Continue reading

US-installed military backed dictatorship in Bolivia

There’s no ambiguity about events in Bolivia after Evo Morales’ October 20 democratic reelection. Continue reading

For billionaire Bloomberg, trying to buy the presidency is just a sound investment

America’s wealthiest billionaires buy a national election at $100 a vote—and still make money.

Gracie Mansion, the official residence of New York’s mayors since 1942, hosted billionaire Michael Bloomberg for three terms. Continue reading

The rise of the militant religious right in Latin America

The recent coup d’état in Bolivia that overthrew President Evo Morales was not merely a standard right-wing putsch aided and abetted by the US Central Intelligence Agency but also placed into power politicians affiliated with a rising fundamentalist Protestant movement in Latin America that can be termed “Christo-fascist.” Many of the far-right and out-of-the-mainstream Protestant sects that have gained power in Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil, and, now, Bolivia have decried traditional Roman Catholicism in Latin America as heretical to their religious ideology and even pro-Communist. As for mainstream Protestant religions, the fundamentalist sects view them as hopelessly liberal, as well as heretical. Continue reading

Beware of the Medicare ‘Disadvantage’ corporate trap

Medical Disadvantage would be a more accurate name for the quasi-private programs referred to as Medicare Advantage, as insurance companies push to corporatize all of Medicare, yet keep the name for the purposes of marketing, deception, and confusion.

While the Democratic presidential candidates are debating full Medicare for All, giant insurance companies like UnitedHealthcare are advertising to the elderly in an attempt to lure them from Traditional Medicare (TM) to the so-called Medicare Advantage (MA)—a corporate plan that UnitedHealthcare promotes to turn a profit at the expense of enrollees. Continue reading

Labour’s Achilles’ heel is its leader

Corbyn comes with baggage based on his previous associations with officials of Iran and Hamas

As Britain gears up for what is arguably the most important general election, one poised to decide the nation’s future for generations to come, voter enthusiasm is at an all-time low. Continue reading

How Trump’s poverty subsidy enriches the rich

This is how corporate and political elites conspire to rig the system, blatantly ripping off money meant to help poor people to make the rich richer.

Years ago, a Texas legislator who was occasionally known to take lobbyists’ cash in exchange for a vote, explained his ethical framework as opportunistic: “I seen my chances, and I took ‘em.” Continue reading

Dirty hands

“Dirty hands” in literature results when a leader encounters a conflict of duties with values and must choose between alternatives, none of which are entirely satisfactory. In Jean-Paul Sartre’s play Les Mains Sales (Dirty hands), Communist leader Hoederer explains his view to the bourgeois, Hugo, who has joined the Proletarian Party in the fictive East European country of Illyria at the end of World War Two. Despite his love and admiration for Hoederer and the model he makes, Hugo is steadfast in his refusal to “dirty” his hands. Continue reading

Torturing and killing Julian Assange slowly

In cahoots with the Trump regime, Britain is killing Assange slowly for the “crime” of truth-telling journalism the way it’s supposed to be. Continue reading

Impeach the government: Rogue agencies have been abusing their powers for decades

By all means, let’s talk about impeachment. Continue reading

How Western media bias allows Israel to get away with murder in Gaza

An Israeli attack on Gaza was imminent, and not because of any provocations by Palestinian groups in the besieged, impoverished Gaza Strip. The Israeli military escalation was foreseeable because it factors neatly in Israel’s contentious political scene. The war was not a question of “if,” but “when.” Continue reading

The real deal with Medicare for All

Republicans and even some Democrats are out to scare you about Medicare for All. They say it’s going to dismantle health care as we know it and it will cost way too much. Continue reading

CEOs promise to protect us from… CEOs?

Nearly 200 CEOs signed a letter admitting businesses have behaved badly but offering zero promises to do better.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote of being leery of a fast-talking huckster who visited his home: “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons,” Emerson quipped. Continue reading

‘They’re killing us like dogs’—a massacre in Bolivia and a plea for help

I am writing from Bolivia just days after witnessing the November 19 military massacre at the Senkata gas plant in the indigenous city of El Alto, and the tear-gassing of a peaceful funeral procession on November 21 to commemorate the dead. These are examples, unfortunately, of the modus operandi of the de facto government that seized control in a coup that forced Evo Morales out of power. Continue reading

Ohio’s pro-nuke assault threatens American democracy with violence & more

The nuclear industry’s violent assault on democracy in Ohio has taken a surreal leap. It could seriously impact whether Donald Trump will carry this swing state—and the nation—in 2020. Continue reading

Yes, we want to take your guns, NRA

The bullet that came through my front window, some thirty years or so ago, told me I have every right to keep a gun for self-defense. I’d received four death threats in the weeks preceding, from someone opposed to my anti-nuclear weapons writing. At the time I was writing for Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), and editing a monthly PSR publication for which I received an award at their national meeting in Washington. Continue reading

Donald Trump and his insane clown posse

The GOP thinks its Ukraine fantasies are one rung up the fool’s gold ladder of chaos.

Chaos is a pit, the all-knowing eunuch Lord Varys warns in Game of Thrones, “a gaping pit waiting to swallow us all.” Continue reading

Why economic sanctions don’t deliver results

They are weapons breeding misery, hatred and starvation in some poorest populations

The nuclear deal with Iran initiated by US President Barack Obama, sealed after seven years of negotiations, was certainly flawed. It was the worst deal ever negotiated pronounced President Donald Trump who had a point because it served to embolden, enrich and legitimise the Iranian regime for very little in return. Continue reading

Intrepid Report will resume publishing Monday, November 25

I will be spending next week with family members I haven’t seen since last year. Continue reading

Why aren’t Americans rising up like the people of Chile and Lebanon?

The waves of protests breaking out in country after country around the world beg the question: Why aren’t Americans rising up in peaceful protest like our neighbors? We live at the very heart of this neoliberal system that is force-feeding the systemic injustice and inequality of 19th century laissez-faire capitalism to the people of the 21st century. So we are subject to many of the same abuses that have fueled mass protest movements in other countries, including high rents, stagnant wages, cradle-to-grave debt, ever-rising economic inequality, privatized healthcare, a shredded social safety net, abysmal public transportation, systemic political corruption and endless war. Continue reading

Media support for the CIA coup in Bolivia

Without establishment media support, US planned aggression, color revolutions, old-fashioned coups, and other hostile to peace, equity and justice actions wouldn’t get out of the starting gate. Continue reading

Casualties of war: military veterans have become America’s walking wounded

War drives the American police state. Continue reading

A lesson for the Palestinian leadership: Real reasons behind Israel’s arrest and release of Labadi, Mi’ri

The release on November 6 of two Jordanian nationals, Heba al-Labadi and Abdul Rahman Mi’ri from Israeli prisons was a bittersweet moment. The pair were finally reunited with their families after harrowing experiences in Israel. Sadly, thousands of Palestinian prisoners are still denied their freedom, still subjected to all sorts of hardships at the hands of their Israeli jailers. Continue reading