Killing Julian Assange: Justice denied when exposing official wrongdoing

The hideous treatment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange continues and many observers are citing his case as being symptomatic of developing “police state” tendencies in both the United States and in Europe, where rule of law is being subordinated to political expediency. Continue reading

US blames Palestinians for Israeli state terror against them

Israel is a Ziofascist police state, masquerading as democratic, a notion it abhors. Continue reading

Ethiopia must show flexibility on Egypt’s Nile share

Cairo fears Grand Renaissance Dam will negatively impact its share of lifeblood—water

Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD) has been a bone of contention between Cairo and Addis Ababa since 2011 when construction began without consultations or environmental and impact studies. Continue reading

The metamorphosis of the Deep State

It gets funny, this shallow analysis of the Deep State that is currently big news. There’s something ghoulish about it, perfectly timed for Halloween and masked jokers. What was once ridiculed by the CIA and its attendant lackeys in the media as the paranoia of “conspiracy theorists” is now openly admitted in reverent tones of patriotic fervor. But with a twisted twist. Continue reading

A progressive surge is brewing across Latin America

A year ago, the corporatists and anti-socialist militarists in the Donald Trump administration appeared ecstatic over the electoral successes of neo-fascism in Latin America. Jair Bolsonaro, a self-proclaimed admirer of Adolf Hitler and who is nicknamed the “Trump of the Tropics,” sat in the presidential palace in Brazil; billionaire right-winger Sebastian Pinera had, once again, become president of Chile; and Lenin Moreno, the one-time leftist and progressive ally of former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, had invited the US military back into his country and made common cause with the Lima Group, an anti-Nicolas Maduro bloc subservient to Washington. Continue reading

Fascist pro-nuke assault on anti-bailout referendum headed to Ohio Supreme Court

The infamous gestapo-style assault on an Ohio anti-nuclear referendum is now headed to the Ohio Supreme Court. Continue reading

Trump to small farmers: Get lost

As hundreds of Wisconsin dairy farms go under, the White House is telling them to clear out for the big guys.

Donald Trump’s idea of a good farm program seems to be “Hee Haw.” Continue reading

United Kingdom—Brexit or no Brexit—our Donald trumps your Boris

But an ocean apart, both US and UK activists fight dangerous threats to democracy.

Sorry, Britain, we win. And believe me, I’m sorrier about that than I can say. Continue reading

Now repeat after me, impeach Trump, impeach Trump, impeach Trump!!

The world has stopped. The revolutions in Chile and Lebanon are not happening; the destruction of Yemen and the killing of tens of thousands of its citizens are a figment of my imagination; Israel’s continuing program of genocide of the Palestinian people; racism and violence in the US; the lack of a decent, comprehensive health care program; the lack of affordable housing for millions of Americans, etc. are all issues that are not worthy of our attention. The only worthwhile news is the impeachment of Mr. (not my president) Trump. The mainstream media have made certain that we do not hear any news other than Trump and the congressional Democrats who are pursuing impeachment proceedings. That might be why millions of Americans don’t bother to vote… they know no one gives a damn. Continue reading

Eric Emerson Schmidt wants your room to be his room

Eric Emerson Schmidt is the former chief executive officer of Google (2001-2011) and of Google’s parent, Alphabet (2001-2017). He oversaw the growth of Google from $20 million and no earnings in 2001 to a market-value of $202 billion in 2011, then the fifth-largest among Corporations based in the U.S. Google/Alphabet is now among the five Corporations grouped as the biggest of ‘Big Tech’ and known by the awkward acronym of ‘FAAMG’—Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google. Sometimes Netflix is added or substituted among this quintet to form the sightly FAANG. Each of the five has a Stock Market value near $1 trillion. Together these five ‘Big Tech’ Corporations’ value in our speculative U.S. economy, $4.36 trillion, is very close to the United States’ 2019 Federal Budget of $4.41 trillion. The five of FAAMG’s Stock Market value far exceeds the U.S. Government’s anticipated revenue of $3.422 trillion for 2019, a Deficit of $985 billion. Continue reading

Conservative Democrats appear to be trying to elect Trump again

Whether the Democrats or Republicans had the congressional majority, the conservatives have ruled for decades. The system is rigged by having conservative Democrats vote with Republicans for an enduring majority. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The Baghdadi scam

The Democrats and corporate media don’t really oppose what Donald Trump is doing in Syria or anywhere else. Continue reading

They live, we sleep: Beware the growing evil in our midst

We’re living in two worlds, you and I. Continue reading

The ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Christians that nobody is talking about

Palestine’s Christian population is dwindling at an alarming rate. The world’s most ancient Christian community is moving elsewhere. And the reason for this is Israel. Continue reading

Intrepid Report will resume publishing Monday, November 4

It’s that time of year again for me to spend time with visiting family and friends. I will be taking next week off and if all goes as planned, I will be taking off the week of November 18. Continue reading

Donald Trump: An American tragedy not only for the U.S., but also for the world

The election of New York far right businessman Donald Trump in November 2016 has turned out to be a tragedy for the United States and also for the world, as more blunders, disasters and catastrophes unfold under his inexperienced, impetuous and incompetent stewardship. Continue reading

‘We Need Medicare for All’: Progressives condemn Bezos decision to shift more health insurance costs onto Washington Post staffers

‘Just one more example of why employer-based healthcare is not stable and not just. Jeff Bezos, the richest man in America, gets to decide on a whim whether Washington Post employees get to see a doctor or not.’

The Washington Post, owned by world’s richest man Jeff Bezos, is reportedly moving most of its staff onto what one Post journalist described as “high-deductible health insurance plans that shift significant costs and risks onto employees,” a decision Medicare for All proponents highlighted as a prime example of the instability and injustice of the employer-sponsored healthcare system that is frequently praised by centrist Democratic presidential candidates. Continue reading

The pathocracy of the Deep State: Tyranny at the hands of a psychopathic government

Twenty years ago, a newspaper headline asked the question: “What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath?” Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The return of Hillary Clinton

It’s not clear if smear-mongering Clinton is running for president, or just fleeing reality. Continue reading

She deserves our support: Betty McCollum wants US to stop subsidizing torture of Palestinian children

In December 2018, 17-year-old Palestinian teen, Ayham Sabah, was sentenced by an Israeli military court to 35 years in prison for his alleged role in a stabbing attack targeting an Israeli soldier in an illegal Jewish settlement in the West Bank. Continue reading

Slow motion US/UK killing of Julian Assange

Establishment media are in cahoots with US/UK ruling regimes against Julian Assange for the “crime” of truth-telling journalism abhorred in the West—totalitarian rule where these societies are heading. Continue reading

Trump administration misusing USAID for personal business interests

Historically a cipher and pass-through for the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has been transformed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, at the urging of Donald Trump, into an aggressive business intelligence operation designed to financially benefit Trump’s top donors in private industry. USAID is a component of the U.S. State Department and is officially tasked with managing U.S. foreign assistance programs, mostly in developing countries. Continue reading

How to displace the great replacement

The far right’s war on culture is capturing the hearts and minds of mass shooters and populist politicians.

The far right is on a roll. Just a few years ago, liberals and conservatives would have considered its recent political victories a nightmare scenario. Right-wing extremists have won elections in the United States, Brazil, Hungary, India, and Poland. They pushed through the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom. In the most recent European Parliament elections, far-right parties captured the most votes in France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Hungary. Continue reading

The real basis for impeachment? Not phone calls but murder…

For the past eight years, our mainstream media have been constantly screaming their talking heads off at us about the hysterical importance of staging a bloody and wasteful “regime change” in Syria. But, instead, shouldn’t the MSM actually be telling us the unvarnished truth—that “regime-change” here at home is a much better idea. Continue reading

Ms. Pumpkin Head for president: A nightmare

A few weeks ago, I had a terrifying nightmare, so gruesome was it that I awoke screaming and had to run to the bathroom to vomit in the toilet. In this dark horror show, I was carving a pumpkin for Halloween. The cap came off easily and I disemboweled the slimy interior quickly, but as I did, I felt a strange sensation on my hand, as if a tongue were biting it. When I was finishing carving the face, however, the trouble really started. The pumpkin head came alive as the eyes and mouth moved and then it started speaking in a voice that was familiar but one I couldn’t place. Blond hair started sprouting from its head as it started shrieking and bouncing on the table in an hysterical manner. I jumped back in fear and trembling as it started cackling, “I running, I running.” Blood ran from between the carved teeth and the blue eyes pulsated with the mania of a serial killer in a horror movie. Continue reading

Election laws ignored as foreign cash piles into U.S. political campaigns

The revelations that businessmen tied to Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash and other foreign interests funneled campaign cash into the coffers of several Republican Party politicians, including the president, senators, U.S. representatives, and governors is like a case of déjà vu. In 1940, the United States first began to take seriously foreign cash donations to U.S. political campaigns in the months preceding the U.S. entry into World War II. Continue reading

Assange lawyer decries ‘legally unprecedented’ assault on journalism as judge denies request to delay US extradition hearing

‘This is part of an avowed war on whistleblowers to include investigative journalists and publishers.’

Lawyers for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday warned of potentially devastating consequences for journalism around the world after a British judge denied Assange’s request to delay his U.S. extradition hearing in February. Continue reading

Arab land is not America’s to gift

US president Trump cannot hand over a sovereign territory to a third entity

The idea that one individual can unilaterally decide the fate of a population 10,000km away on a whim and, worse, surrender even an inch of a state’s sovereign territory to a third entity is illegal, immoral and downright dangerous. Continue reading

Let’s make sure the Nazis killed in vain

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that if we don’t stand by Israel, the victims of the Nazi Judeocide will have died in vain. I knew something was wrong with that claim, but for the longest time I couldn’t put my finger on it. Now I think I can. Continue reading

Why are Americans so accepting of war?

Why are the American people so passive and accepting of war? We have not experienced war on our soil since the Civil War. The closest we came was the destruction and deaths caused by the 9/11 attack and that wasn’t even implemented from a foreign nation. It was a homegrown incident to gather support for US military action in the Middle East. Continue reading

The United States Air Force at Incirlik: Our national ‘black eye’

Current events concerning Turkey and the Kurds in Syria remind me of a conversation I had with a US Air Force colonel almost 17 years ago in a courtroom in Des Moines. To refresh my memory, I dug deep into my closet and dusted off the transcript of the case, “STATE OF IOWA, plaintiff vs. CHRISTINE GAUNT et al.,” in which I was a defendant, heard in February, 2003, the month before the US invasion of Iraq. The following quotes from that dialogue are verbatim per the transcript. Continue reading

For supporting Medicare for All, Biden accuses Sanders and Warren of ‘playing Trump’s game and trying to con the American people’

Biden's attack comes as he is falling in the polls and being heavily outraised by his more progressive 2020 rivals

Speaking to reporters during a campaign event in Ohio last Wednesday, former Vice President Joe Biden accused Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren—his two top rivals for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination—of “playing Trump’s game and trying to con the American people” by supporting Medicare for All. Continue reading