Are you ready to die?

Washington’s provocations of Russia and Russia’s passivity are scheduling the death of the Earth

The Zionist neoconservatives who run US foreign policy are now herding the US out of the remaining arms limitations agreements. It appears that Washington intends to withdraw from the Open Skies agreement with Russia. Continue reading

John Lennon vs. the Deep State: One man against the ‘monster’

John Lennon, born 79 years ago on October 9, 1940, was a musical genius and pop cultural icon. Continue reading

Administrative torture: Free Heba al-Labadi, a Jordanian Citizen in Israeli prison

On August 20, Heba Ahmed al-Labadi fell into the dark hole of the Israeli legal system, joining 413 Palestinian prisoners who are currently held in so-called administrative detention. Continue reading

Popular outrage against Ecuador’s Moreno

Lenin Moreno was elected Ecuadorian president in 2017 on a platform of continuing his predecessor’s popular agenda. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Botham Jean, Joshua Brown and Antonio Williams

The death of a police murder witness in Dallas is reminiscent of another police atrocity and coverup in New York City. Continue reading

What really happened to American socialism?

Despite the corporate hype, Democratic Socialism and Social Democracy are deeply rooted in the mainstream of our nation’s history. Continue reading

Trump’s pay or die healthcare agenda extends to unwanted aliens

Trump is an imperial/corporate tool—hostile to ordinary people everywhere, notably malicious toward aliens of the wrong color from the wrong countries. Continue reading

‘Shameful’: Trump aiming to gut rules that prevent corporate offshore tax dodging

‘The same administration that tried to cut food stamps to save money wants to make it easier for companies to avoid paying taxes by hiding their profits offshore.’

The Trump administration is reportedly considering gutting regulations designed to prevent corporations from shifting profits overseas to avoid U.S. taxes, a move Democratic lawmakers and progressives condemned as yet another effort by the White House to enrich large companies at the expense of workers. Continue reading

Tell Kroger they’d better carry your local paper

With no warning or consultation, the giant grocery chain banished local papers from its stores. No way!

Like most politicians, corporate executives never do anything wrong. If anything wrong does “happen,” it’s always someone else’s fault. Continue reading

Why 2020 won’t be won by centrists

I keep hearing that the Democratic primary is coming down to someone who’s “electable” versus someone who has “ideas.” Continue reading

The GM strike: A century of context

In deeply unequal societies, real gains for working people never come easy.

Wars end with treaties. In the middle of the 20th century, the “class war” that finished off America’s original plutocracy ended with the “Treaty of Detroit.” Continue reading

Trump regime escalates economic war on China

The US is a declining empire, the more aggressive and widespread its malign activities, the sooner its fall from grace will arrive. Continue reading

After Education Secretary Betsy DeVos flouts 2018 ruling, judge reminds her of consequences—including jail time

‘I'm not sending anyone to jail yet, but it's good to know I have that ability.’

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Monday was told in no uncertain terms that her refusal to abide by a 2018 order stopping her department from collecting on student loans made to predatory for-profit Corinthian College had the potential to land her in jail, though Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim made clear that was, for now, an unlikely outcome. Continue reading

Israel also involved in digging up dirt on the Bidens on behalf of Trump

By Donald Trump’s own admission and through documents provided by an Intelligence Community whistleblower and former U.S. special envoy for Ukraine Paul Volker it is known that the Trump administration pressured at least four countries to dig up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. The countries identified as being involved in the Trump operation thus far are Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Australia, and China. The attack on the Democratic Party’s leading presidential candidate in 2020 is far worse than that carried out by Richard Nixon henchmen G. Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt, Donald Segretti, and Charles Colson in the Watergate scandal and events surrounding it. Continue reading

Teaching Boris Johnson three dates of destiny

1839, 1937 and 1941—These are three dates for blustering, bullying British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to learn before he sends Britain’s two new aircraft carriers to the South China Sea where the Chinese if they wanted to could sink them within minutes. Continue reading

Entangling alliances make for forever wars

In March of 2018, US president Donald Trump promised “we’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon.” That December, he issued an order to begin withdrawing US troops. Apparently, the order never got executed. Most of a year later, US forces remain. Continue reading

Journalism in an era of delusional politics

There are several correlations currently being made between the current move by the US Congress to impeach Donald Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors and a similar action that resulted in the resignation of President Richard Nixon as a result of the Watergate scandal. However, there is a major difference between then and now: The Internet and the dissonant cacophony of polemics from non-journalists whose sole goal is to muddy the informational waters with far-out conspiracy theories and libelous prose. Continue reading

Workers stuck ‘paying the ultimate price’ as GE freezes pensions for 20,000 employees

‘GE hired a new CEO last year with a pay package worth up to $300 million.’

Workers are stuck “paying the ultimate price for executives’ poorly-timed deals,” said Our Revolution on Monday after General Electric announced it was freezing the pensions of roughly 20,000 employees with salaried benefits. Continue reading

Hong Kong sleepwalks into self-destruct mode

Since emergency law has been imposed, prognosis for a peaceful resolution has dimmed

It is a facet of human nature to gravitate towards the underdogs of this world and when covering mass anti-government uprisings, wherever they take place, the media and human rights groups tend to reflect that sentiment. Continue reading

How most Americans favor corruption

Americans don’t do it voluntarily, but mainly because they don’t understand the way the US system works. Part of that is the nation’s legal system; part of it isn’t, but is instead international. Continue reading

The real lesson of Ukraine-gate: Trump will do anything to win in 2020

Amid the impeachment furor, don’t lose sight of the renewed importance of protecting the integrity of the 2020 election. Continue reading

The most important presidential election question (that no one ever asks!)

Once again, the American voters have dutifully begun their quadrennial march to futility at the hands of another election cycle full of false prophets. None seem to realize or remember that the monocracy that they hold so sacrosanct is not—and has not been—a democracy for decades. Yet these societal lemmings, known as “voters,” again prepare to exert their media controlled, fact adjusted opinions at the polls while singing joyfully the praises of their one chosen new demagogue and praying that this time their candidate will, post-election, actually represent them from the Oval Office of American despair. Continue reading

‘Unacceptable’: Family farms, ag advocates hit back after Sec Perdue Says small dairy farms destined to die

‘Five years of plunging farm prices, increasing bankruptcies, and climbing suicide rates were not discussed by Perdue. His message to them was basically, stop whining, your demise is inevitable.’

Furious family farmers flamed Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue Wednesday after comments he made on the future of the dairy business that cast doubt on the future of small farms during a stop in Wisconsin Tuesday. Continue reading

The key to distributing wealth more equitably

We only build—and sustain—more equal societies when we confront the economic dynamics that generate inequality in the first place.

CEO compensation in the United States may have finally crossed the line—from outrageously unfair to intolerably obscene. In 2018, a new Institute for Policy studies report details 50 major U.S. corporations paid their top execs over 1,000 times the pay that went to their most typical workers. Continue reading

4 gorillas to save the Earth

The Greta/AOC generation is marching for our place on this planet. Continue reading

Why does Trump keep doing this?

Either our system is going to break, or Trump’s finally going to fail. It’s an exhausting drama.

Does Trump understand democracy? I’m really asking. Continue reading

Guns for hire: No, the government shouldn’t be using the military to police the globe

Eventually, all military empires fall and fail by spreading themselves too thin and spending themselves to death. Continue reading

‘Stunning rebuke to predatory Wall Street megabanks’ as California Gov. signs law allowing creation of public banks

‘The people of California just went up against the most powerful corporate lobby in the country—and won.’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday signed into law historic legislation that would allow the state’s cities and counties to establish public banks as an alternative to private financial institutions, a move advocates hailed as a “stunning rebuke to the predatory Wall Street megabanks that crashed the global economy in 2007-08.” Continue reading

Wall Street is killing local newspapers

We can’t put a price tag on our free press—but unless we stop them, predatory investors can.

Though lacking the size and prestige of The New York Times or The Washington Post, The Storm Lake Times is arguably just as important. Continue reading

As global economy weakens, Trump escalates trade war

Multiple rounds of Sino/US trade talks failed over unacceptable Trump regime demands and aims. Continue reading

The Africa-Palestine Conference: Why South Africa must lead the way

On September 16, I visited South Africa, a country where many Palestinians have always felt welcomed, if not overwhelmed by the degree of genuine and meaningful solidarity. Continue reading

‘Be ready to fight like hell,’ say Internet defenders as court upholds FCC repeal of net neutrality

‘Big Cable's lobbyists will use this as an excuse to swarm Washington, D.C. The internet must come together once more to beat back corruption and defend our online freedom.’

Digital rights advocates said the public must “be ready to fight like hell” to save the open internet from telecom attacks after a federal appeals court on Tuesday largely upheld the FCC’s 2017 repeal of net neutrality. Continue reading