Europe is subservient to US imperial interests

On most geopolitical issues, Europe is subservient to a higher power in Washington under both right wings of its war party. Continue reading

The real lesson of Ukraine-gate: Trump will do anything to win in 2020

Amid the impeachment furor, don’t lose sight of the renewed importance of protecting the integrity of the 2020 election. Continue reading

Impeachment is on rails. That’s not the hard part

On September 24, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) elbowed her way to the front of a parade she’d been trying to disperse since early 2017. “Today ,” she said, “I’m announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry and directing our six committees to proceed with their investigation under that umbrella of impeachment inquiry.” Continue reading

After the Navy identifies UAPs, how will the empire respond?

A spokesman for the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare has confirmed the obvious: that official Navy video footage taken in 2004, known as the US Nimitz incident and elite Navy jets in 2015 recorded the existence of what has been termed ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAP). The videos were documented by US fighter pilots trained to know the difference between an actual UAP or a helium filled weather balloon. Continue reading

Healthcare reformer Wendell Potter: ‘The system is unraveling’

A business group comes out swinging on behalf of Medicare for All.

With the word “whistleblower” spinning through news cycle after news cycle these last few days, every headline about Trump, Giuliani and Ukraine is a powerful reminder that the whistleblower is a proud tradition in the United States, one that merits our support and protection. Continue reading

Counting the dead through the fog of war in Afghanistan

During one week in late September, U.S.-led forces killed at least 70 civilians in two incidents in Afghanistan. A U.S. drone strike on September 19 killed at least 30 farmers harvesting pine nuts in Nangarhar province. Then on September 23, at least 40 civilians, including women and children, were reported killed in a combined U.S.-Afghan attack on a village in Taliban-controlled territory in southern Helmand province. Continue reading

Whistleblower’s lawyers say Trump has endangered their client as president publicly threatens ‘big consequences’

‘Threats against a whistleblower are not only illegal, but also indicative of a cover-up.’

Lawyers representing the whistleblower who filed a complaint about President Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine’s leader warned in a letter over the weekend that Trump has put the safety of their client at risk by describing the anonymous individual as a traitor and issuing open threats of retaliation. Continue reading

Trump’s major crimes

Impeachment finally under way

The long-delayed impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump are finally starting, but at present the focus is on a relatively minor crime—the Ukraine-Biden scandal. However, Trump has committed (and is still committing) major crimes, and these ought to be in the spotlight. Let us look at a few of them. Continue reading

My field trip to ancient Maaloula: Saint Martha vs. America, Zionists, Saudis & ISIS

In his latest book, “The Management of Savagery,” Max Blumenthal gently reminds us of the obvious—that savagery can never be managed. Once you let the monster out of the bag, it can never be put back inside again. Continue reading

The disaster of negative interest rates

President Trump wants negative interest rates, but they would be disastrous for the U.S. economy, and his objectives can be better achieved by other means. Continue reading

It’s past time to move the United Nations to Switzerland

With a dangerous right-wing and quasi-fascist administration in power in Washington, one that rejects internationalism and consensus-building, it is past time for the United Nations to move its headquarters and member states’ permanent missions to a more neutral location. One can understand why the UN was originally located in New York. The Rockefeller family donated the land on Turtle Bay on the East River for the construction of UN Headquarters. After World War II, the United States was in a prime position to nurture the UN, something it failed to do after World War I when Washington rejected membership in the League of Nations. Continue reading

For Trump, regime change begins at home

Trump has been enlisting foreign leaders in his fight against the U.S. state. Is impeachment a moral necessity or political trap?

A month after he won the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump gave a speech in North Carolina where he declared that “we will stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn’t be involved with.” Continue reading

The wounds of war in Afghanistan

Recovering from a broken hip, the author reflects on her experiences with people disabled and traumatized by war.

Its economy gutted by war, Afghanistan’s largest cash crop remains opium. Yet farmers there do grow other crops for export. Villagers in the Wazir Tangi area of Nangarhar province, for example, cultivate pine nuts. As a precaution, this year at harvest time, village elders notified the governor of the province that they would be bringing in migrant workers to help them collect the nuts. Hired laborers, including children, would camp out in the pine nut forests, they informed the officials. They hoped their letter could persuade U.S. and ISIS forces, which had been fighting in or near their villages, not to attack. Continue reading

Want to save the environment? De-Fund the Pentagon.

Millions of people are uniting in demonstrations worldwide against our civilization’s ecocidal march toward extinction, which makes me so happy to see. It’s really encouraging to see so many young people burning with love for their planet and a hunger to reverse the damage that has been done to our ecosystem by the refusal of previous generations to turn away from our path of devastation. This must continue if we are to survive as a species. Continue reading

Trump’s big mouth and freelancing landed him in hot water with the NSA and DNI

In July 2018, White House leaks indicated that Donald Trump gave his personal mobile phone number to various foreign leaders. Although Trump is known to have phoned some foreign leaders over his official White House landline, he is also known to call some leaders using his mobile phones on a whim and while some of his calls’ recipients, in Asia, for example, are asleep. Trump is also known to use multiple cell phones to call foreign leaders. Criminals, including narco-lords and drug smugglers, often use multiple “burner” phones in the hope they can evade detection and eavesdropping by law enforcement. Continue reading

Will constitutional outlaw Trump implode with lies before he is impeached?

When he is not openly violating the Constitution, Trump lies and commits impeachable offenses.

Donald Trump said he believes the Constitution lets him do “whatever I want as President.” In over two and a half years, Trump has been a serial violator of the Constitution, unmatched by any president in American history. Just about every day he is a constitutional outlaw. Continue reading

Trump’s economy revealed

Donald Trump and his enablers are hoping that a strong economy will help the American people look past the damage they are doing to the country. That’s why Trump is constantly crowing about job numbers and the stock market in order to paint a rosy picture of the economy. Continue reading

Pharma wants you to be sick and celebrities help

Do you have gas, bloating and frequent diarrhea? Pharma hopes so. If you have the rare digestive/intestinal condition exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)—mostly limited to those with chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis and diabetes—AbbVie can sell you its expensive drug Creon. Pharma wants you to be sick. Continue reading

Public notices/private questions/musical dreams

Two women out walking do not stop talking. An elderly man and woman out dining do not start talking. Continue reading

Welfare checks turn deadly: You might want to think twice before calling the cops

Think twice before you call the cops to carry out a welfare check on a loved one. Continue reading

10 ways that the climate crisis and militarism are intertwined

To free up billions of Pentagon dollars for investing in critical environmental projects and to eliminate the environmental havoc of war, movements for a livable, peaceful planet need to put "ending war" at the top of the "must do" list.

The environmental justice movement that is surging globally is intentionally intersectional, showing how global warming is connected to issues such as race, poverty, migration and public health. One area intimately linked to the climate crisis that gets little attention, however, is militarism. Here are some of the ways these issues—and their solutions—are intertwined. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The WFP, phony outrage and black misleaders

The co-founder of Black Lives Matter has struck a cynical deal with corporate Democrats to boost Elizabeth Warren by attacking Bernie Sanders forces as racist. Continue reading

The case for impeachment goes way beyond Ukraine

Democrats need to take Trump’s crimes against people and the planet as seriously as those against Joe Biden.

“Has Trump finally gone too far?” There’s a headline you’ve seen a thousand times. Continue reading

Trump regime denies visas to members of Russian and Iranian UN delegations

International protocol obliges host country USA to issue visas for delegation members, attending sessions at UN headquarters in New York. Continue reading

Why does Chris Hedges hedge his bets?

Revelations about the machinations of the so-called “deep state’s” conspiracies often conceal deeper truths that go unmentioned. This is quite common, whether it is done intentionally or not. Continue reading

A careless bully at the KFC at the end of empire

Will Trump go to war with the Iranians or the homeless? Or both? Continue reading

Britain, France and Germany join the Trump regime’s anti-Iran blame game

Time and again, Britain, France, Germany, and other EU countries operate as virtual US colonies—abandoning their sovereign independence to a higher power in Washington. Continue reading

Yep, these people are stone cold crooked

Did Vice President Joe Biden threaten to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees from the Obama administration if the Ukrainian government failed to remove a prosecutor whose investigation targets included Burisma Holdings, a gas company on whose board Biden’s son, Hunter, sat? Yes. He’s publicly admitted it. Continue reading

As Biden falters, will Warren survive the scrutiny?

Despite early polls which showed some of the ‘top tier’ Democrat candidates beating Trump in a general election, the last DNC debate left considerable question as to whether there was enough substance on that stage to win the White House. Continue reading

How holes in the burning Saudi oil fields narrative could draw the US into a war with Iran

It is inconceivable to the United States that a ‘rag-tag’ force like Yemen’s Houthis might, with home-made weapons, outdo the hundred-billion-dollar might and sophistication of the state-of-the-art systems Washington has lavished upon the Saudis.

Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran are escalating to new heights, drawing the United States into a confrontation with the Islamic Republic after a sophisticated attack targeted Saudi Arabia’s Aramco oil facility—the largest oil processing facility in the world—knocking out half of the country’s oil capacity, or more than 5 million barrels a day, and leaving the oil fields in flames. Continue reading

Trump condemned for moving to ‘roll back the clock’ on women’s rights as letter exposes attempt to form anti-abortion UN coalition

"It's not just abortion that they care about, they care about women's ability to exercise autonomy over their bodies and about denying them critical access to the services they need."

Global women’s rights advocates raised alarm Monday after a leaked letter showed the Trump administration is pressuring U.N. member nations to join an international anti-abortion coalition. Continue reading

The cover-up of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination is wearing thin

Here is a several years old documentary of 35 minutes summarizing the powerful evidence that the Warran Commission Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is a cover-up. Continue reading