‘Sociopathic disregard for our future’: Trump EPA set to gut restrictions on planet-warming methane emissions

‘At a time when the federal government's job should be to help localities and states move faster toward cleaner energy and a cleaner economy, the government is walking off the field.’

Amid dire scientific warnings that the international community must act immediately to slash greenhouse gas emissions, President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency was reportedly set to take another step in the opposite direction Thursday by unveiling a rule that would gut restrictions on the fossil fuel industry’s methane pollution. Continue reading

Liar-in-Chief Trump

All politicians lie, heads of state most notably because their prominent positions reach a large audience and get widespread media coverage. Continue reading

Humanity denied: What is missing from the Omar, Tlaib story

Israel’s decision to bar two United States Democratic representatives, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, from entering Israel and visiting Palestine has further exposed the belligerent, racist nature of the Israeli government. Continue reading

Ways to stay sane during the primaries

As the presidential primaries get underway, it’s easy to get burnt out or overwhelmed by all the candidates and their platforms. Here are 9 ways to stay sane through the madness of the presidential primaries. Continue reading

Behind Islamophobia is a global movement of anti-Semites

The world’s Jewish and Muslim communities are both in the firing line of far-right groups forged in the historic bowels of Nazism.

The global rise of white nationalist violence proves that the threat of fascism is not just about one community—it threatens all communities: white people, black people, Muslims, Jews, and beyond. Continue reading

Breaking the media blackout on the imprisonment of Julian Assange

The same media that has spent years dragging Assange’s name through the mud is now engaging in a blackout on his treatment. If you are waiting for corporate media pundits to defend freedom of the press, you’re going to be disappointed.

The role of journalism in a democracy is publishing information that holds the powerful to account—the kind of information that empowers the public to become more engaged citizens in their communities so that we can vote in representatives that work in the interest of “we the people.” Continue reading

‘Lawless’ and ‘despicable’: Harvard freshman deported after immigration agents search social media and find friends critical of US policy

‘This is a move so perverse, so grotesque as to defy explanation.’

A Palestinian student set to attend his freshman year at Harvard was reportedly denied entry to the U.S. based on his friends’ social media posts, setting off a firestorm of criticism from progressives, though not the so-called “free speech warriors” of the right. Continue reading

Are Sanders and Warren throwing a lifeline to the military-industrial complex?

Their pro-diplomacy worldview has blind spots. This creates a pretext for continuing U.S. militarism and risks undermining their commitment to peace.

Among the frontrunners in the Democratic Party presidential primary, Senators Warren and Sanders not only have the most progressive domestic agenda, but also the most anti-war, pro-diplomacy foreign policy agenda. The sharpest distinction between them is that Sanders has voted against over 80% of recent record military spending bills in the Senate, while Warren has voted for two thirds of them. Continue reading

Make America… more like Canada

Canadians enjoy much better health care, much less inequality, and—a new study finds—higher incomes too.

We Americans tend not to pay much attention to our northern neighbors. Often, entire election cycles can come and go without anyone running for national office saying anything about Canada. Continue reading

Captain Pia Klemp arrives as David Koch departs the United States Of Altamont

‘We are lived by powers we pretend to understand.’

Fifty Years after rhapsodic auguries of the acid-informed era involving the coming “Woodstock Nation,” the US citizenry—convulsed by violence, strung out on all the wrong drugs, and with the Rolling Stones still touring—stumble in mortification through the grim phantasmagoria of the United States Of Altamont. What a long, strange, bad (Nixonian in its dour, paranoid cultural and political aura; Reagan/Clinton/Obama in noxious, neoliberal fantasy; Bush/Trump in cresting tsunamis of raging stupid) trip it has been. Continue reading

‘A death sentence’: Trump reportedly moving to deport kids with cancer, HIV, and other deadly illnesses

‘This is a new low for Trump. The administration is now literally deporting kids with cancer.

The Trump administration has reportedly ended a program which allowed immigrants with serious illnesses to temporarily remain in the U.S., a move by the White House that rights advocates decried as “a death sentence” for children receiving treatment for cancer, HIV, and other life-threatening diseases. Continue reading

Trump and Netanyahu regimes pushing for war on Iran?

Their longstanding aim is toppling Iran’s legitimate government, wanting it replaced by pro-Western puppet rule. Continue reading

Fix Syria to solve refugee problem

In Europe, refugees and asylum seekers are being blamed for the rise of far-right parties

It’s a crying shame that ‘refugee’ and ‘migrant’ have almost become dirty words from one side of the Atlantic to the other. Desperate families fleeing conflicts, violence or abject poverty have been dehumanised, turned into scapegoats and in some cases locked-up, treated worse than cattle. Continue reading

Name and shame big political contributors

Donors don’t like it, but using this publicly available information is one of the best ways to fight corruption.

This August, a phony controversy erupted over wealthy donors to President Trump’s campaign and political action committee being publicly named. Continue reading

China says it’s ‘now the biggest market’ for GM cars & trucks

The Chinese government’s Global Times newspaper headlined on August 25, “Quitting Chinese market will be suicide for US firms”, and reported that, China is now the biggest market for some US-based enterprises, such as US automaker General Motors (GM). The automaker’s China sales came to 3.65 million cars in 2018, exceeding its total sales in the US market, where GM delivered nearly 3 million vehicles. Continue reading

US sanctions a weapon of war by other means

The US under both extremist wings of its war party imposes illegal sanctions on nations targeted for regime change—part of its war on these countries by other means. Continue reading

Israel’s democracy disguise is wearing thin

It’s not a country that abides by the rule of law as it promotes colonies deemed illegal

I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard Israeli officials boasting that their country is the only democracy in the Middle East even as it flouts all democratic principles whose mainstays are equality, free expression, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law. Continue reading

Trump’s entire worldview is a nut job conspiracy theory

‘Why is everybody always picking on me?’

Once upon a time, when I first was writing for newspapers and magazines, because I was the junior guy in the rotation, one of my many beats was the conspiracy theorists—in those days, mostly small, cult-like groups with some truly bizarre ideas. Continue reading

Red states cut worker pay by $1.5 billion

If you’re a minimum wage worker in a conservative state, your state lawmakers may have cut your paycheck by over $4,000.

Last month, the House voted to incrementally raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Continue reading

‘Child actorvism’ and the extinction agenda of neoliberal racists

There is no shortage of social justice causes trumpeted by the West† with a revolving medley of “child actorvists” at the forefront. The logical observer may question whether these endless multi-billion dollar campaigns have had any tangible effect at all, except in serving as a stalking horse for mass-mediated interferences in the affairs of other nations. Continue reading

Trump’s increasingly dangerous messiah complex demands his removal from office

Not since the Third Reich regime of Adolf Hitler have Nordic nations been forced to deal with a megalomaniac foreign leader like Donald Trump. Trump has summarily criticized the prime ministers of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, lied about a conversation with the president of Finland; and is likely to soon turn his Twitter venom on the prime minister of Iceland. The five Nordic leaders serve as heads of government of five countries that annually top the world’s list of happiest nations because of their policies that put the health and welfare of their people first. Continue reading

After life of incalculable harm, billionaire climate denialist and right-wing villain David Koch dead at 79

‘Death is an escape hatch for David Koch while the rest of us are left scrambling for the emergency brake before we go over the cliff.’

Billionaire industrialist David Koch, who spent vast sums of his billions in personal fortune promoting climate denialism and other right wing causes over the last four decades, died Friday at 79. Continue reading

The word ‘philanthropist’ is poisonous

Well hot damn, we’ve lost a Koch brother! Do your happy dance, call out the munchkins and let your voice shake the heavens with a rousing rendition of “Ding-dong the oligarch is dead!” Continue reading

Trump’s re-election strategy: Pit us against each other

I’ve seen firsthand how communities get hung out to dry when politicians scapegoat immigrants for the crimes of corporations.

You would think after a white nationalist murdered 22 people and injured dozens more in El Paso, Donald Trump would lay off the hate, even just for a moment. Apparently, he’s not capable. Or not willing. Continue reading

Brazil’s regime destroying the Amazon rainforest for profit

In October 2018, hardline Social Liberal Party (PSL) candidate Jair Bolsonaro defeated Workers Party (PT) aspirant Fernando Haddad. Continue reading

American apocalypse: The government’s plot to destabilize the nation is working

The U.S. government is working hard to destabilize the nation. Continue reading

Jewish settlers rule the roost in Israel, but at what price?

Israeli Jewish settlers are on a rampage in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. While settler violence is part of everyday routine in Palestine, the violence of recent weeks is directly linked to the general elections in Israel, scheduled to be held on September 17. Continue reading

Lindsey Graham’s blank check

Why a defense agreement with Israel would be a disaster for Americans

Two world wars began because of unconditional pledges made by one country to come to assistance of another. On July 5, 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany pledged his country’s complete support for whatever response Austria-Hungary would choose to make against Serbia after the June 28 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian nationalist during an official visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia. This fatal error went down in history as Germany’s carte blanche or “blank check,” assurance to Austria that led directly to WW I. Continue reading

The politicization of justice

The American criminal justice system has long been a sharp painful thorn in the nation’s consciousness as if to remind us of a major flaw in the American way of life. Mostly, that awareness has focused on the inequities of prosecution and sentencing between the privileged upper-class elites, the have-nots of the blue collar underclass and our nation’s minorities. Continue reading

What globalism did was to transfer the US economy to China

The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. The offshoring of US jobs has reduced US manufacturing and industrial capability and associated innovation, research, development, supply chains, consumer purchasing power, and tax base of state and local governments. Corporations have increased short-term profits at the expense of these long-term costs. In effect, the US economy is being moved out of the First World into the Third World. Continue reading

The New York Times’ propaganda war on Syria

On major issues mattering most, especially geopolitical ones, the NYT is a lying machine, a propaganda machine, an anti-truth telling operation, a virtual state-sponsored ministry of deception, masquerading as real news, information and opinion. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Protest and the corporate media

The corporate media are steadfast partners with the United States government and faithfully follow the party line on foreign policy issues. Continue reading