Two weeks after Uvalde school massacre, Texas GOP vows ban on… taking kids to drag shows

"Imagine a government that acted this fast to protect us from guns instead of drag queens."

Two weeks after a gunman armed with a semi-automatic rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition massacred 19 children and two adults at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, a Republican state lawmaker announced that he is taking action—against drag shows. Continue reading

As January 6 hearings begin, poll finds many conservatives with open minds

Younger Republicans, and Republican women, are not Trump cultists.

As the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol held its first televised public hearing in prime time on Thursday, June 9, a nationwide poll has found that there are more Republicans “open” to changing their minds about what happened than there are immovable Donald Trump loyalists. Continue reading

Warren, Murray lead call for Biden to defend abortion rights via executive order

"With an extremist Supreme Court poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, now is the time to act," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

With the U.S. Supreme Court expected to issue a ruling later this month that could overturn Roe v. Wade and imperil abortion rights nationwide, a group of 25 senators on Wednesday urged President Joe Biden to do all he can through executive action to protect reproductive freedoms at the federal level. Continue reading

Storms at the Summit of the Americas

June 7 was a bad day for Luis Almagro, secretary-general of the Organization of American States (OAS). During the ninth Summit of the Americas, a young man declared to him what he is: an assassin and puppet of the White House, instigator of the coup in Bolivia. He said that Almagro cannot come to give lessons on democracy when his hands are stained with blood. In another room at the summit in Los Angeles, Secretary of State Antony Blinken seemed to be doing no better: several journalists rebuked him for using freedom of the press to provide cover for the murderers of journalists and for sanctioning and excluding certain countries from this meeting. “Democracy or hypocrisy?” could be heard over the loudspeaker that day. Continue reading

U.S. effort to hurt Russia undermines itself and the world

The U.S. drive to dominate creates self-inflicted wounds and self-imposed crises. It also creates suffering around the world with only the most servile vassal states willing to do what Washington wants.

The United States continues to shoot itself in the foot in its futile effort to damage the Russian economy. It is also asking other nations to do likewise and live with inflation, food scarcity, and rising energy prices. European countries have gone along with the sanctions which cut off their natural gas supplies from Russia when there is no logical alternative source for them. However, the rest of the world has refused to join in U.S. and EU condemnations or accept that they must live with privations caused by the reckless actions of other nations. Continue reading

Election subversion is replacing voter suppression as new GOP threat

Pro-Trump Republicans are building new paths to subvert future election results, numerous analyses find.

The language of the voting rights movement is changing. For decades, it had been centered around overcoming voter suppression and Jim Crow, which is shorthand for intentional barriers to stymie voters at the starting line—affecting their voter registration, their voting options, and whether or not their ballots are accepted. But today, thanks to Donald Trump’s 2020 election-denying loyalists, the focus is shifting to the finish line in elections, where counting votes is what matters. Election subversion is the new political buzz phrase. Continue reading

The blood-soaked lie about the Second Amendment

The blood-soaked lie about the Second Amendment is simple. Continue reading

Unscrambling sexuality: Compassion, sharing and understanding in action

Most women have girlfriends, but most men don’t have boyfriends. Most women go to beauty shops, but men don’t go to handsome shops. Continue reading

Is corporate criminal law heading for extinction?

Crimes without criminals was not a subject for study when I was in law school. The two were seen as part of the same illegal package. That was before notorious corporate lawyers and a cash register Congress combined to separate economic, health and safety crimes from corporate accountability, incarceration and deterrence. Continue reading

Lift the Supreme Court’s veil of secrecy

These nine individuals make decisions that affect every American. Why should they get to do it secretly?

When Supreme Court member Sam Alito’s secret plan for canceling the constitutional right of people to end their pregnancies leaked to the public, Republican politicos went ballistic. Continue reading

The abortion firestorm is also a white freak-out about the browning of America

The abortion battle is not just about religion. Continue reading

Tucker Carlson’s ‘Great Replacement’ theory comes from an anti-American Nazi

Why has the American far right adopted an anti-American conspiracy theory as its rallying cry?

Before a hate-filled 18-year-old murdered 10 and wounded 3 African Americans in Buffalo on May 14, he penned a rambling screed about replacement theory. Continue reading

America needs to see the reality of assault rifle murders

Decades ago, photos of Emmett Till’s murdered body galvanized action for civil rights. Today, disturbing images could do the same for gun control.

In the days since the Uvalde shooting, media outlets have shared heartbreaking images of the small victims as they were cherished in life. As Americans, we’re forced to look into their young, innocent eyes and accept our shame that we failed to protect them. Continue reading

Our country is trading children’s lives for guns

Guns have become an intimate part of American culture, one that is fed by gun-makers and the gun lobby, the right-wing media and Hollywood, and of course the Republican Party. Our children are paying the price.

Mass shootings are good for gun sales. In the days following the horrific massacre of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, firearm manufacturers’ stock prices predictably rose. Gun owners, who have been conditioned to purchase weapons out of fear of not being able to buy more guns, tend to run out and buy more weapons in anticipation of coming restrictions. That in turn boosts gun profits and stock prices. It is a macabre cycle that appears to be fueled by Republican-led fear-based culture wars. Continue reading

Our original founders were indigenous women who controlled their own bodies

The real Founders of American society were not the 55 rich, white, male interlopers who staged a coup d’etat in 1787-9 … and whose misogynist progeny have always wanted to ban abortion. Continue reading

The GOP’s ‘pro-life’ victory will mean more dead mothers

Anti-choice states already have the highest maternal mortality and infant mortality rates. Women who choose to avoid pregnancy could instead face execution.

Under a Louisiana bill likely to become law when the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, a woman who has an abortion is guilty of first-degree murder. For this, she’ll face the death penalty or—if the prosecutor chooses leniency—life imprisonment and hard labor. Continue reading

Why Michigan public school parents might be too strong of a match for Betsy DeVos and her privatization agenda

Parents in DeVos’s backyard tell right-wing radicals, “No thank you to divisive, partisan agendas in schools.”

Culture war issues dressed as serious K-12 classroom concerns, such as trumped-up battles over critical race theory and gender identity, have become useful campaign fodder for the GOP in several key states. Continue reading

Your zip code: Your life

The leaked draft of the Supreme Court case against abortion rights authored by Justice Samuel Alito (Politico, May 2, 2022) spread across the US like a destructive forest fire. The case originated in Mississippi and had the potential of returning one half of the women in the US to the days before abortion became legal in New York in 1970 and across the US by way of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Continue reading

Right of Return, Nakba are back on Palestinian agenda

The Nakba is back on the Palestinian agenda. Continue reading

Is lasting peace possible?

The wise men of the establishment are again telling us that hopes for lasting peace are a delusion. They declare that human nature makes it impossible, that war is built into our genes. They point to research by evolutionary biologists that indicates our closest genetic relatives, the chimpanzees, make war. Therefore war must be part of our heredity. Continue reading

Abortion: Why is the court using religious belief to alter what should be secular law?

Democrats are generally disinclined to discuss religion, much less debate it. Continue reading

An ugly new era of “states’ rights”

The Supreme Court is giving extreme new powers to increasingly autocratic state governments. That’s not democracy.

There’s a lot to be worried about in the draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade—and with it, half a century of constitutional precedent. Continue reading

GOP split: Far right gains ground in east, while losing out west

Still, fringe candidates are luring GOP voters and winning key races.

The Republican Party’s radical right flank is making inroads among voters and winning key primaries east of the Mississippi. But out West, among the five states that held their 2022 primary elections on May 17, a string of GOP candidates for office who deny the 2020’s presidential election results and have embraced various conspiracies were rejected by Republicans who voted for more mainstream conservatives. Continue reading

Capitalism and baby formula

The baby formula shortage is not a glitch in the system. It actually exemplifies everything that goes wrong when the profit motive rules. Capitalism can't ensure a food supply or anything else that humans need.

“Socialism doesn’t work” is repeated like a mantra. We’re told endlessly that capitalism provides jobs, housing, food, and health care in this country when it does a very bad job of doing all these things. The United States is said to be “the richest country in the world,” a strange statement which implies that the people are prosperous even though they aren’t. Continue reading

200 members of Congress outrageously voted against baby formula

Politicians who cry that they’re “pro-life” are voting against feeding babies. Others look away while monopolies undercut food safety.

My 8-month-old daughter, Jayde, was born with a growth restriction. She weighs just 13 pounds—no more than a 3-month-old. She sees a pediatric nutritionist and eats a specialized formula that provides 30 calories per ounce in hopes of getting her on the elusive growth curve. Continue reading

Murphy’s Law has struck

So far, this is not my year. First, I pulled some muscles in my right leg, making it difficult to walk, never mind driving. Then I had to replace my water tank at the well. Murphy wasn’t done yet. The zone board on my HVAC burned out and, in the wee hours of Saturday, the auxiliary water pump in the house blew a valve Continue reading

Intrepid Report will resume publishing as soon as possible

I hurt my leg getting up yesterday morning, making it impossible for me to stand or sit in one position for more than a few minutes. In addition, the painkillers I have been taking cause me to fall asleep. Between the two, it has been impossible to edit and publish articles. Continue reading

With Roe under threat, sale of location data on abortion clinic patients raises alarm

"Companies that traffic in personal, geolocation, advertising, or other data could become digital crime scenes for eager prosecutors armed with subpoenas," said one expert on technology and gender.

A location data firm said Wednesday that it would no longer sell information about people who visit abortion clinics after reporting on the company’s sales raised alarm, but privacy advocates warned that strict regulation is needed to protect patients from such sales—particularly in light of news that abortion rights are likely to be rolled back by the U.S. Supreme Court. Continue reading

Georgia SOS Raffensperger flirts with Trump propagandists in reelection campaign

A principled conservative who rejected demands in 2020 to “find votes” is now singing a very different tune.

Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who in November 2020 refused Donald Trump’s demand to “find” the votes for the ex-president to win the state and vigorously defended the accuracy of Georgia’s results and recounts, is “being bent to the will” of 2020 election deniers as his May 24 primary approaches, civil rights advocates say. Continue reading

The Poor People’s Campaign dishonors Martin Luther King

Some movement leaders say they are inspired by Martin Luther King while also supporting the U.S. proxy war against Russia. King's anti-war stance was uncompromising. He made a choice and didn't waiver in his condemnation of the U.S.

On April 4, 1967 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave one of the most significant speeches of his career. In “Beyond Vietnam – Time to Break Silence ” King declared his unequivocal opposition to the war in Vietnam. His very public break with Lyndon Johnson was greeted with derision, including from his own allies, who believed that the president was an ally who should not be attacked. The NAACP board passed a resolution calling King’s statement a “serious tactical mistake” that would neither “serve the cause of civil rights nor of peace.” The media joined in the condemnation, with the New York Times characterizing his comments as “facile” and “slander.” Even Black newspapers such as The Pittsburgh Courier judged his remarks to be “tragically misleading.” Continue reading

By redefining UNRWA, Washington destroys the foundation for a just peace in Palestine

Palestinians are justifiably worried that the mandate granted to the United Nations Agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, might be coming to an end. UNRWA’s mission, which has been in effect since 1949, has done more than provide urgent aid and support to millions of refugees. It was also a political platform that protected and preserved the rights of several generations of Palestinians. Continue reading

What’s behind inflation? Greedy corporate executives

Don’t take my word for it—they’ll tell you themselves.

Today, CEOs of big corporations are playing the tricky “Inflation Blame Game.” Continue reading