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U.S. regime hides global support for Assange

On July 11, was published online by “Assange Helfen” or “Help Assange” a “Brief der 120 für die Freiheit von Julian Assange” or “Letter from the 120 for Freedom of Julian Assange,” and those 120 are prominent progressive Germans who are pleading with the U.S.-allied German regime, to demand that the U.S. regime cease its imprisonment of Assange in a British high-security prison for extradition of him to the United States in order for him to be to killed by the U.S. regime. Continue reading

Biden regime aiming to destabilize and undermine Cuba

Longstanding US policy aims to transform nations free from its control into subservient vassal states. Continue reading

Freedom is not free (that’s why you don’t have any)

“Freedom is not free,” goes the old bumper sticker slogan, commonly accompanied by an image of a flag or soldiers or some other bullshit. Continue reading

Internet censorship: The real monopoly threat

“If [Donald] Trump and [Bernie] Sanders take the same position on Big Tech censorship,” David Catron writes at The American Spectator, “the issue deserves serious attention.” Continue reading

Biden told to move on FCC nomination if he wants net neutrality restored

An unfilled seat on the commission, say advocacy groups, means an executive order from the president has nowhere to go at the moment.

President Joe Biden on Friday was urged to appoint a third Democratic commissioner to the empty seat on the Federal Communications Commission after the president signed an executive order encouraging the panel to reinstate net neutrality rules. Continue reading

A country that has lost its way: U.S. government and corporations combine to strip citizens of their rights

The Biden administration is calling on Americans to spy on friends, neighbors and family and reporting any “extremist” views to the authorities.

The American people have increasingly become aware that government surveillance and corporate censorship have combined to keep people ignorant and controlled. What is taking place has generated some dark humor. A friend of mine, also a former CIA officer, wrote to me recently and said tongue—in—cheek that he retains a lot of respect for the agency because it is the only major government national security entity that does not read our mail and emails. Those jobs are the responsibility of the NSA and FBI. I responded that I would imagine that CIA does in fact read quite a lot of mail where it operates overseas but it is probably done the old—fashioned way by recruiting an underpaid mail clerk as an agent. Continue reading

Biden regime escalates war on Russia and China by other means

Hostile to peace, stability, cooperative relations with other countries, and rule of law principles, Biden regime hardliners escalated illegal sanctions war on Russia and China. Continue reading

Why America can’t have “nice things”

Some time back a woman living in Sweden, “Caroline” @SweResistance on Twitter, posted a thread that said: “I live in Sweden. We have social security, affordable health care, strict gun laws, 5 weeks paid annual leave, 1 year maternity leave, etc. And no, we’re not a communist country, and not even strictly socialistic but socio-democratic. And our freedom is not inhibited. Continue reading

Carlos Lazo the Cuban American leading the charge to transform U.S.-Cuba policy

Carlos Lazo and a small band of Cuban Americans are on a 1,300-mile pilgrimage from Miami to Washington, D.C., to end the U.S. blockade of Cuba. Despite the blistering summer heat and occasional death threats (including a trucker who tried to run them off the road), the marchers persist. Lazo’s group is called Puentes de Amor, Bridges of Love, and this grueling walkathon is certainly a labor of love. Continue reading

The People vs. Mahmoud Abbas: Are the Palestinian Authority’s days numbered?

“The Palestinian Authority’s days are numbered”. This assertion has been oft repeated recently, especially after the torture to death on June 24 of a popular Palestinian activist, Nizar Banat, 42, at the hands of PA security goons in Hebron (Al-Khalil). Continue reading

These journal ads could not run today

Many drug ads in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s would offend today. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: How the billionaires rule

Predatory capitalism has driven down wages and created a dystopia for workers.

President Calvin Coolidge said, “The business of America is business.” The expression is memorable because it always rang true. But nearly 100 years later an old trite saying has taken on an ever more terrifying meaning. Continue reading

The Assange case isn’t about national security, it’s about narrative control

Julian Assange once said, “The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security.” Continue reading

Russia’s gloves coming off?

Do Russian officials henceforth intend dealing with the US-dominated West in the only language their regimes understand? Continue reading

The empire depends on psychological compartmentalization

Britain’s High Court has granted the US government limited permission to appeal its extradition case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, meaning that the acclaimed journalist will continue to languish in prison for exposing US war crimes while the appeals process plays out. Continue reading

Rumsfeld’s legacy of torture in U.S. imperialist history

Accolades may continue to pour in for Rumsfeld, but history will continue to judge the ravages of U.S. imperialist violence.

Fellow U.S. war criminals have eulogized the former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld upon news of his death. “A faithful steward of our armed forces,” former U.S. President George W Bush declared. “A period that brought unprecedented challenges to our country and to our military also brought out the best qualities in Secretary Rumsfeld.” Tell that to the tortured, executed and displaced Iraqis tortured upon Rumsfeld’s orders, in line with the “War on Terror” agenda post September 11. Continue reading

‘Disgusting’: Pipeline company files $15 billion claim against US for canceled Keystone XL

TC Energy Corporation filed for compensation under a free trade provision that allows investors to sue governments if they impede profits.

In a move that progressives described as unsurprising yet outrageous, TC Energy Corporation, the Canadian company behind the now-defunct Keystone XL pipeline, is seeking more than $15 billion in compensation from the United States government, which it has accused of violating free trade obligations by blocking further development of the tar sands oil project. Continue reading

Gravel can still make a mountain

The passing of former United States Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK) on June 26 was largely overshadowed by that of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld three days later. The same need not be true of their political legacies. Continue reading

No escaping in the American Rockies

As the country continued to spiral out of control with a pretend president whose election is as illegitimate as he is unhinged and with the uncertainty of national collapse only a matter of timing, retreat into the idyllic American Rockies in the hopes of escaping the tyranny threatening the rest of the country has provided little satisfaction. Continue reading

Key witness admits lying about Julian Assange, a major blow to U.S. extradition case, yet Western media ignores this development

Former WikiLeaks volunteer, who became an FBI informant for $5,000, says he fabricated important parts of the accusations in the U.S. indictment.

Conclusive evidence: Julian Assange committed no crime of hacking or seeking access to telephone recordings of Icelandic MPs. This revelation comes from the witness who lied about that, in order to please the United States prosecution against the publisher in the extradition trial, in London, last summer. Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment–Stundin Continue reading

The horrifying rise of total mass media blackouts on inconvenient news stories

Two different media watchdog outlets, Media Lens and Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), have published articles on the complete blackout in mainstream news institutions on the revelation by Icelandic newspaper Stundin that a US superseding indictment in the case against Julian Assange was based on false testimony from diagnosed sociopath and convicted child molester Sigurdur Thordarson. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The terrible origins of July 4th

The July 4 holiday in the United States commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Anyone educated in this country has been propagandized with lies about patriotic colonists seeking freedom from a tyrannical British monarch. Our minds were filled with tales of Paul Revere and Betsy Ross which erase the role that indigenous and Black people played as they attempted to end true tyranny over their lives. The present-day traditions of enjoying cookouts, vacations, and fireworks should not obscure the true meaning of this date. In fact, analyzing this history is an absolute necessity. Continue reading

George Orwell’s ‘1984’ has become a blueprint for our dystopian reality

Tread cautiously: the fiction of George Orwell (Jun. 25, 1903-Jan. 21, 1950) has become an operation manual for the omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state. Continue reading

The system isn’t there to protect us from criminals, it’s to protect criminals from us

Iraq war architect Donald Rumsfeld has died. Not in a prison cell in The Hague, not murdered by bombs or bullets, but peacefully in his home, surrounded by loved ones, a week and a half shy of his 89th birthday. Continue reading

Bennett’s political theater: The decisive Israeli-Palestinian fight ahead

Many Palestinians believe that the May 10-21 military confrontation between Israel and the Gaza Resistance, along with the simultaneous popular revolt across Palestine, was a game-changer. Israel is doing everything in its power to prove them wrong. Continue reading

President Biden & Secretary of State Blinken have failed to confront international terrorism

In 2020, candidate Joe Biden promised to “rally the world” to fight “transnational terrorism.” Continue reading

A dangerous moment for academic freedom

Florida officials say they want to promote “intellectual freedom”—by using political surveys to target university funding.

The state of Florida just passed a law that—to put it mildly—grossly violates academic freedom. Under the new bill, recently signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, students and faculty will be surveyed about their political views to ensure “intellectual freedom and ideological diversity.” Continue reading

Biden regime terror-bombs Syrian/Iraqi border areas

Forever war by hot and/or other means is official US policy against all nations free from its control. Continue reading

The weird, creepy media blackout on recent Assange revelations

As of this writing, it has been three days since the Icelandic newspaper Stundin broke the story that a key witness in the US government’s case against Julian Assange had fabricated allegations against the WikiLeaks founder. And yet, somehow, Assange is still in prison. Continue reading

Biden’s hypocrisy on press freedom

President Biden condemned China on June 24 for exerting pressure on Hong Kong to close down the special region’s only remaining pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily. Biden said, “It is a sad day for media freedom in Hong Kong and around the world,”adding, “through arrests, threats, and forcing through a National Security Law that penalizes free speech, Beijing has insisted on wielding its power to suppress independent media and silence dissenting views.” Continue reading

Socialism has a PR problem—one that can be solved

Even as openly socialist candidates are winning political power, the right is working hard to equate socialist governance with repressive regimes.

New York’s second-largest city, Buffalo, has essentially elected a socialist mayor. India Walton, who calls herself “very proud” to be a democratic socialist, swept past incumbent Mayor Byron Brown in Buffalo’s Democratic mayoral primary race on June 22. Walton’s victory is reminiscent of recent shocking election upsets where self-proclaimed socialists, particularly in the state of New York, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, have beaten establishment favorites. Because Buffalo residents have reliably chosen Democratic mayors for decades, Republicans didn’t even bother putting up a candidate, and Walton is expected to prevail against any write-in opponents in November’s general election. Continue reading

We can have the filibuster or democracy, but not both

The warning from democracy advocates is clear: Kill the filibuster and pass the For the People Act, or our democracy won’t survive.

The American political system is complicated, but fixing it doesn’t have to be. Continue reading