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GOP: We just may be the lunatics you’re looking for

These days, you don't have to be delusional to be in the Republican leadership, but it helps.

If you’ve chosen to read this, it’s a fair bet you’re been aware for quite some time that the Republican Party has gone completely insane—especially if you agree with that classic definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Continue reading

Missouri Republicans honor Limbaugh, reject Cronkite

The Republican-controlled Missouri House of Representatives made its own contribution to the Trump Party’s cancel culture and racist acceptance doctrine by voting to make January 12 “Rush Limbaugh Day” in the state. Limbaugh was born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri and died in February from cancer. The Trump Party has elevated Limbaugh to political sainthood. Trump added to Limbaugh’s right-wing deification by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2020 and giving him a seat of honor at the 2020 State of the Union address. Continue reading

News Guild fights to save newspapers from vulture capitalists

CHICAGO—The Chicago News Guild plans a mass rally for May 15 to publicize its campaign to save the Chicago Tribune and allied papers from the predatory private venture fund, Alden Global Capital. The rally will be at Freedom Center, 560 West Grand Ave. Continue reading

House Dems push postal banking pilots as an alternative to predatory firms

Thirty-three members have asked for federal budget funding to test out expanded postal financial services in 10 rural and urban communities.

At a recent press conference, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez described a common scene at the check-cashing places that dot her Bronx neighborhood. Continue reading

Why the PRO Act is a game-changer for labor and the economy

Among the many reasons behind the recent failure of Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama, to form a union was their employer’s intimidation tactics about what a union would mean for workers. The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) in its response to the disappointing vote against unionization released a statement saying, “Amazon interfered with the right of its Bessemer, Alabama, employees to vote in a free and fair election.” RWDSU Union head Stuart Appelbaum claimed that the retail giant “required all their employees to attend lecture after lecture, filled with mistruths and lies, where workers had to listen to the company demand they oppose the union.” Continue reading

Peace activist interrupts General Dynamics shareholder meeting to blast the business of war

CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin took CEO Phebe Novakovic to task for "personally making $21 million a year through a business model that thrives on conflict, death, and destruction."

Anti-war activism met corporate gaslighting Wednesday as General Dynamics CEO Phebe Novakovic refused to acknowledge the deadly consequences of her firm’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other nations after CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin interrupted a company shareholder meeting. Continue reading

From mind control to viruses: How the government keeps experimenting on its citizens

The U.S. government, in its pursuit of so-called monsters, has itself become a monster. Continue reading

New York AG reveals telecom giants funded ‘secret campaign’ to flood FCC with fake net neutrality comments

"This investigation shows how low the industry will stoop to undermine even the most basic and benign safeguards."

The New York Attorney General’s Office released a report Thursday showing that major U.S. telecom companies pumped millions of dollars into a “secret campaign” that flooded the FCC with millions of fake comments in an attempt to influence the agency’s 2017 repeal of net neutrality protections. Continue reading

Palestine’s moment of reckoning: On Abbas’ dangerous decision to ‘postpone’ elections

The decision on April 30 by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to ‘postpone’ Palestinian elections, which would have been the first in 15 years, will deepen Palestinian division and could, potentially, signal the collapse of the Fatah Movement, at least in its current form. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Progressives capitulate to Biden

There can be no more excuses made for Democratic “progressives,” who steadfastly refuse to fight for what they know to be right. Continue reading

Blinken on Sino/Russian threats?

Establishment media, the VOA, and Washington’s other state-sponsored propaganda operations give US officials a platform to lie and mass deceive the public. Continue reading

The Biden administration wants to partner with criminals to spy on you

“The Biden administration,” CNN reports, “is considering using outside firms to track extremist chatter by Americans online.” Continue reading

Supreme Court tackles student free speech in social media age

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Supreme Court’s nine justices descended recently from their legal ivory tower, so to speak, to tackle a free speech case important to at least 50 million students—and their schools and parents, too. Continue reading

African human rights vs. Western human rights

If you ask those of us living in the Africa, almost all of us will tell you that the “human rights” that matter most are those that are basic to the right to life: food, water, shelter, medical care and education for your children. Continue reading

Biden’s first 100 days and the GOP’s first 100 days without Trump

By almost any measure, Joe Biden’s first 100 days have been hugely successful. Getting millions of Americans inoculated against COVID-19 and beginning to revive the economy are central to that success. Continue reading

How India has creatively turned social media into a COVID-19 helpline to battle the pandemic

How India has creatively turned social media into a COVID-19 helpline to battle the pandemic

Death, sickness, and helplessness have become the “new normal” that Indians are being forced to live with as they witness the collapse of an already inadequate health care system and the failure of its political system that was caught napping on the uptick of cases, which showed an upward trend as far back as February. Continue reading

Squad & Co: Unite as a block to downsize Biden’s military budget

Imagine this scenario: A month before the vote on the federal budget, progressives in Congress declared, “We’ve studied President Biden’s proposed $753 billion military budget, an increase of $13 billion from Trump’s already inflated budget, and we can’t, in good conscience, support this.” Continue reading

President Biden’s tax-the-rich plan: Just how bold?

A little history can help us with the answer.

President Joe Biden has made no secret of his admiration for Franklin D. Roosevelt. He’s even given a painted portrait of FDR the most prominent place of honor in the White House Oval Office. A bit more significantly, Biden has just announced the most ambitious gameplan—since FDR’s New Deal—for enhancing the well-being of working Americans and trimming the incomes of America’s super rich. Continue reading

Will brick and mortar shopping survive devastating odds?

Brick and mortar stores and shopping malls hit the trifecta in 2020. Internet competition, Covid-19 and looting caused by social unrest. In Chicago, affluent shopping areas remain boarded up while Amazon delivery trucks float down deserted residential streets—stopping at almost every home. Think about that. Continue reading

Modi is singularly responsible for India’s pandemic disaster

As infections and deaths mount at a terrifying pace in India, the prime minister’s culpability for the crisis has become startlingly clear.

India has become the new global epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, with daily infections surpassing 300,000 per day and the official death toll—likely a massive underestimate—nearing a quarter of a million people. Hospitals are being overrun with patients, and the crisis is exacerbated by a devastating shortage of oxygen. The Indian judiciary has gone as far as threatening capital punishment for anyone caught trying to divert shipments of oxygen from around the country to affected areas. There have been dozens of deaths documented directly tied to a lack of oxygen. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: No justice without a movement

The changes needed are fundamental to a country which puts anti-black racism at the center of politics, law and economics. Continue reading

Nothing dumber than politicians’ children

There’s a very good reason why the United States rejected a hereditary form of monarchy in favor of an elected president during the formation of the U.S. Constitution. Hereditary monarchies produce in-bred dullards like Prince Charles, sex perverts like Prince Andrew, and maniacal sadist Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. However, the United States has created a quasi-hereditary monarchy by voting into office the children of politicians, not because of any special qualities or abilities on their part, but because they were conceived in lieu of using a 75-cent rubber. Continue reading

The Global Deep State: A new world order brought to you by COVID-19

For good or bad, COVID-19 has changed the way we navigate the world. Continue reading

Bottom-up politics: Grassroots activism behind pro-Palestine shift in the US

At a recent virtual J Street Conference, US Senators, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren broke yet another political taboo when they expressed willingness to leverage US military aid as a way to pressure Israel to respect Palestinian human rights. Continue reading

An ugly picture as state-level GOP attempt to strangle dissent nationwide

In 34 states, Republican lawmakers attempt destroying the right to protest.

As we passed the one-year mark of the pandemic lockdown, the media was flooded with assorted lookbacks, memorials for the dead and even quizzes designed to remind people of what the country and the world were like before the coronavirus descended. Continue reading

Reporting from around the world, Reese Erlich was a beacon of independent journalism

The longtime war correspondent, who died earlier this month, embodied the honesty and deep humanity that makes for the very best journalists.

When Reese Erlich died in early April, we lost a global reporter who led by example. During five decades as a progressive journalist, Reese created and traveled an independent path while avoiding the comfortable ruts dug by corporate media. When people in the United States read or heard his reporting from more than 50 countries, he offered windows on the world that were not tinted red-white-and-blue. Often, he illuminated grim consequences of U.S. foreign policy. Continue reading

How Venezuela is rebuilding its industrial base, one volunteer at a time

An organisation of 2,270 volunteer workers is helping Venezuela boost its industrial capacity, devastated by years of US economic sanctions.

“We don’t just repair machines; we repair consciences,” says Sergio Requena of the Productive Workers Army (EPO by its Spanish-language initials) in Venezuela. The EPO is a group of 2,270 volunteers with a broad range of technical expertise. They go from factory to factory repairing broken machinery. Their mission is to recover Venezuela’s industrial production by empowering workers to take matters into their own hands. Continue reading

Bashing invented US enemies

Nations refusing to sell their soul to higher power in Washington are automatically considered threats to its national security at a time when its only enemies are invented. Continue reading

Tanks and think tanks: How Taiwanese cash is funding the push to war with China

Twenty years ago, a group of neoconservative think tanks used their power to push for disastrous wars in the Middle East. Now, a new set of think tanks staffed with many of the same experts and funded by Taiwanese money is working hard to convince Americans that there is a new existential threat: China.

TAIPEI—At MintPress, we have been at the forefront of exposing how Middle Eastern dictatorships and weapons contractors have been funneling money into think tanks and political action committees, keeping up a steady drumbeat for more war and conflict around the world. Yet one little-discussed nation that punches well above its weight in spending cash in Washington is Taiwan. Continue reading

SCOTUS should clarify Tinker in favor of free speech, not school control

In 1969, the US Supreme Court held, in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Schools may only prohibit, censor, or punish student speech which would “materially and substantially interfere with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school.” Continue reading

If Joe Biden is truly a ‘union guy’ he must strike dead the Taft-Hartley monster

The PRO Act alone is simply not going to get the job done for U.S. workers.

President Joe Biden likes to say, “I’m a union guy.” Unfortunately, as Vice President from 2009 to 2017, his boss, Barack Obama wouldn’t let him be a “union guy.” Even with large Democratic majorities in Congress and control of the White House, worker needs went unmet. Continue reading

Musk’s and Bezos’s great escape

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos want to colonize outer space to save humanity, but they couldn’t care less about protecting the rights of workers here on earth. Continue reading