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Freedom Rider: Israel and the U.S. assassinate peace

Israel and Saudi Arabia are doing everything in their power to prevent Biden from rejoining the nuclear agreement—and Biden’s team has nothing to say. Continue reading

Moving past apartheid: One-state is not ideal justice, but it is just and possible

Once again, Europe’s top diplomats expressed their ‘deep concern’ regarding Israel’s ongoing illegal settlement expansion, again evoking the maxim that Israeli actions “threaten the viability of the two-state solution.” Continue reading

Trump got dumped by paper ballots, millennials … and “socialism”

See Trump flail. Continue reading

CIA partners with Google, Amazon and IBM in latest big tech procurement drive

The military industrial complex is returning to its roots as the CIA turns to big tech to maintain control and rebuild the war economy.

The vaunted “17 intelligence agencies” that comprise the U.S. intel community will be sharing a network of private-sector cloud computing service providers which includes Microsoft, Google, Oracle, IBM, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) as part of a 15-year contract said to be worth tens of billions of dollars. Continue reading

Will the world community condemn the murder of Iran’s nuclear scientist?

Israel used all four years of Trump’s presidency to entrench its systems of occupation and apartheid. Now that Joe Biden has won the U.S. election, the assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist, likely by Israel with the go-ahead from the US administration, is a desperate attempt to use Trump’s last days in office to sabotage Biden’s chances of successful diplomacy with Iran. Biden, Congress and the world community can’t let that happen. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Censorship in the Biden era

The corporate media have joined the incoming administration in deciding what we can and cannot see and hear. Continue reading

Trump was no fluke: George W. Bush blazed the trail

His lies and incompetence created epic disasters that may yet sink America.

My friend and former colleague Bruce Bartlett has done a service by reminding us that after four years of the non-stop catastrophe that was the Trump administration, we should not lull ourselves with the illusion that the 45th president was some aberration that fell out of the sky. Continue reading

Shoving Donald Trump out the Oval Office door

Now is the time for all good Americans—and coyotes—to come to the aid of our country.

What if Donald Trump won’t leave the White House? It’s a question many of us have asked, but the Boston Globe’s Beth Teitell did something our soon-to-be-ex-president would never do—she went to some experts and got their practical advice. Continue reading

Has the Trump International Hotel been bugged by Trump and his associates?

While Donald Trump has continually lambasted the FBI for wiretapping his Trump Tower in New York—legally authorized by court orders as a result of the amount of organized crime activity taking place there—there is evidence that he had at least one condominium outfitted with audio and video bugs during its use by contestants on Trump’s NBC reality show, “The Apprentice.” Moreover, there are fears being expressed from informed quarters that Trump has been blackmailing individuals who have stayed at his Trump International Hotel, located in the Old Post Office building, on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington. Continue reading

How to celebrate Thanksgiving in the midst of toxic politics and COVID-19 lockdowns

If ever there were a year filled with an abundance of bad news and a shortage of good news, 2020 would take the prize. Between the toxic political theater, pandemic scares, nationwide lockdowns that smack of martial law, a rollercoaster economy, and the ever-present menace of the police state, it’s been a hard, heart-wrenching, stomach-churning kind of year overrun with too much hate and too little tolerance. Continue reading

The undead Republican Party seeks to overthrow democracy in America

It gets tiring constantly having to bash on the political, social, military, economic and media leaders in the United States along with fellow citizens of every class and persuasion. But what is a journalist—and citizen—supposed to do when presented with the petulance of a sitting American president in Donald Trump who, defying precedent, refuses to submit to the fact that he lost an election and simply out of spite is placing land mines—in the form of edicts, firings, appointments and executive policy actions— for the incoming president, Joe Biden. And what of the Republican party that enables this dangerous precedent? Continue reading

An invitation to ‘Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies’

In lieu of writing reviews of their own books—with the exception of Walt Whitman, who did that with Leaves of Grass—writers often write introductions or prefaces. The purpose of such introductions is to give the prospective readers a sense of what to expect in the pages that follow, as if the author knew exactly what he was writing when he was writing it, as if he weren’t waylaid by words along the way, or could possibly know what a reader may experience when reading them. In a way, I too have done that, even while knowing that all writing, if it is any good, is a leap into the relative dark, both for the writer and the reader. We can’t know beforehand how either will affect us. What changes us in life and in books is always surprising. Continue reading

Hey Joe, where you going with that Pentagon in your hands?

The pernicious and lucrative aspects of military madness are personified in the favorite to be Biden’s defense secretary.

By all accounts, the frontrunner to be Joe Biden’s pick for secretary of defense is Michèle Flournoy. It’s a prospect that should do more than set off alarm bells—it should be understood as a scenario for the president-elect to stick his middle fingers in the eyes of Americans who are fed up with endless war and ongoing militarism. Continue reading

Pandemia’s norm: Wars and rumors of wars

Welcome to the world of Pandemia. It is a place where a deadly virus pandemic spreads in an out-of-control fashion. Sheltering at home has led to widespread unemployment. With closed borders and reduced airline flights, international and some domestic travel are all but dead. Legislatures and judicial courts render their decisions over video-conferencing connections. People of all ages die without being able to physically say farewell to their loved ones. Continue reading

Who needs zombies when we have Republicans?

How else would you describe Americans who deny a pandemic that’s killed 250,000 people and the election that repudiated Trump?

The 2017 film “Bushwick” begins like a lot of zombie flicks. Continue reading

Thousands protest Trump and DeJoy’s post office destruction

WASHINGTON—Augmented by progressives, notably from the group Our Revolution, thousands of Postal Workers, other unionists, and their supporters turned out from coast to coast on Nov. 17 to campaign against Trump Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s resumed destruction of the U.S. Postal Service. Continue reading

The rain on our yes-we-now-have-a-vaccine! parade

What could be better than a drug that can stop COVID? A society that doesn’t let some make billions off a drug millions can’t access.

Who doesn’t like a race? A grand global race, like the competition to run the first mile under four minutes. Or the race to scale the world’s highest mountain. Or be the first to walk on the moon. Continue reading

The petty revenge of a soon-to-be-ex-president

With their pitiful plots to overthrow election results, Trump and the GOP are the lowest.

In Mary L. Trump’s book about her family, “Too Much and Never Enough,” there’s a moment referred to in the index as the “mashed potatoes incident.” Continue reading

As Israel destroys EU projects in Palestine, European foreign policy remains impotent

Belgium is furious. On November 6, the Belgian government condemned Israel’s destruction of Belgian-funded homes in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank. Understandably, Brussels wants the Israeli government to pay compensation for the unwarranted destruction. The Israeli response was swift: a resounding ‘no.’ Continue reading

Don’t call the cops. especially if your loved ones are old, disabled or have special needs

They shot at him fourteen times. Continue reading

Ten foreign policy fiascos Biden can fix on day one

Donald Trump loves executive orders as a tool of dictatorial power, avoiding the need to work through Congress. But that works both ways, making it relatively easy for President Biden to reverse many of Trump’s most disastrous decisions. Here are ten things Biden can do as soon as he takes office. Each one can set the stage for broader progressive foreign policy initiatives, which we have also outlined. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The real Trump coup

Trump puts whiteness first and that means he will always have support and Republican leaders know it. Continue reading

We need a safety net for parents

The collapse of child care and traditional schooling is having a devastating effect on women in particular.

This week my students turned in papers relating news articles to what they learned in class about parenting. Every single student’s paper is about how the pandemic is exacerbating pre-existing inequalities. Continue reading

Put empathy back in the White House

I used to think policy was all that mattered in a leader. But after four years of Trump, my feelings have changed.

I used to think the only thing that mattered about politicians were the policies they supported. Continue reading

Corporate Democrats are to blame for congressional losses—so naturally they’re blaming progressives

When Rep. Rashida Tlaib talks about "pushing the Democratic Party to represent the communities that elected them," she actually means what she says.

Corporate Democrats got the presidential nominee they wanted, along with control over huge campaign ad budgets and nationwide messaging to implement “moderate” strategies. But, as the Washington Post noted, Joe Biden’s victory “came with no coattails down ballot.” Democratic losses left just a razor-thin cushion in the House, and the party failed to win a Senate majority. Now, corporate Democrats are scapegoating progressives. Continue reading

Why can’t inner-ring Democrats just say ‘no’ to billionaires?

The problem runs even deeper than Donor Class donations.

Have you heard the latest about the strategic political genius of billionaire Michael Bloomberg? Continue reading

America in transition: How Joe Biden can score a major foreign policy win on day one of his presidency

“President-elect Joe Biden has promised to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal,” writes Tom O’Connor at Newsweek. “But a return is set to face challenges on both sides as they attempt to rebuild trust in a radically different environment than five years ago.” Continue reading

Trump is US history’s biggest loser

It’s over!! Continue reading

End the government’s war on America’s military veterans

The 2020 presidential election may be over, but nothing has really changed. Continue reading

Mink strains of COVID show the potential folly of a vaccine

The role of China’s wet markets in producing COVID is ignored for two reasons. Vaccines that Pharma is developing with $1 billion of our tax dollars would be shown to be a fool’s errand as new animal strains erupt from the markets. And wild-eyed conspiracists, when they aren’t exposing Satanic cultists who eat babies, call the virus a “bioweapon” not an outgrowth of animal practices. (Were the animal originated SARS, MERS, Ebola, Avian Flu and HIV also bioweapons conspiracists? How about malaria?) Continue reading

Pompeo committed treacherous sedition with his announcement of Trump’s coup

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo committed an act of treacherous sedition when he commented on a smooth presidential transition at a Tuesday press conference at the Department of State. In answer to a Fox News’s reporter’s question about the transition, Pompeo relied, “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.” Continue reading

Pompeo’s war on China, Iran and truth-telling

As point man for Trump regime foreign policy, illegal US sanctions on targeted countries likely come at Pompeo’s urging. Continue reading