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Letter Carriers union files nationwide grievance against mail slowdown scheme

WASHINGTON—The Letter Carriers union has filed a national grievance, an unusual move, against Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who took over the agency, promptly fired 21-31 top staffers, and imposed shutdown actions and an overtime ban that slows the mail down. Continue reading

Within health care USA, risk and reward have never been more out of kilter

Nurses are losing lives and jobs while execs rake in million after million.

How’s pandemic life been going for you? If you work in America’s health care industry, that depends. That totally depends. Continue reading

The evilness of America’s ruling class

The landmark Gilens & Page study in 2014, which was the first study anywhere to examine the data to determine scientifically whether or not a given government is a democracy or instead a dictatorship, studied the U.S. data, and found conclusively that it’s a dictatorship. The U.S. is controlled by its six or seven hundred billionaires (the study identified America’s ruling class as only “economic elites and organized groups representing business interests”, but the people who own the controlling interest in over 90% of that and hire their lobbyists and fund the careers of the winning politicians are simply America’s billionaires, the U.S. oligarchy or “aristocracy”). After that landmark 2014 study, other reports came forth, all adding further confirmation to its findings. Continue reading

COVID ‘has laid bare’ the crisis of healthcare in America

Wendell Potter’s new group, the Center for Health and Democracy, investigates money in politics and how it stubbornly resists health insurance reform.

Time flies. Hard to believe that it was twelve years ago that healthcare reform activist Wendell Potter left his job as head of corporate communications at Cigna and shortly after, loudly blew the whistle on the gross malpractices of the health insurance industry that had employed him. Continue reading

P Is for Predator State: The building blocks of tyranny from A to Z

While America continues to fixate on the drama-filled reality show scripted by the powers-that-be, directed from the nation’s capital, and played out in high definition across the country, the American Police State has moved steadily forward. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: How Trump can steal the 2020 election

The election was stolen from Clinton four years ago and the even weaker 2020 candidate can expect the same fate. Continue reading

Postal Union leader warns Trump assault on USPS and mail-in voting puts nation on ‘dangerous path toward dictatorship’

‘Anyone who believes in the right to vote should enthusiastically embrace voting by mail. Without it, tens of millions of voters will be denied the opportunity to safely exercise their cherished right to vote.’

The leader of the 200,000-member American Postal Workers Union warned Monday that President Donald Trump’s evidence-free attacks on mail-in voting, threat to delay the November election, and ongoing efforts to undermine the U.S. Postal Service are putting the nation on “a dangerous path toward dictatorship” and must be opposed. Continue reading

US war on Chinese enterprises

US war on China’s rising prominence on the world stage is a bipartisan affair. Continue reading

Majority forces need to combat market dictatorship

An economy on the brink of more serious failure than the usual cyclic form entered an even more critical state when the COVID virus hit. We now find the mind-boggling debt before the capitalist pandemic growing to be very near breaking the capitalist bank. Along with the awakening public opposition to racism experienced by some who are encountering it for the first time, this is producing the greatest surge for substantial change since the near transformation that took place back in the 1930s, when capitalism defensively improved the lives of much of its working class to avoid social revolution. So, naturally, our intellectually and morally crippled rulers are making every effort to incorporate into the market any and all efforts at creating change, while blocking when not totally smothering public consciousness in the thickest fog of dis-and mis-information to make all previous treatment of mind management seem almost thoughtful by comparison. Continue reading

Attacking local and state government: Trump’s Nazi playbook

Donald Trump has made no secret of his admiration for Nazism and Adolf Hitler. After neo-Nazis marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, Trump called them “fine people.” Trump’s first wife, Ivana Trump, wrote that one of the only books Trump kept readily available was a compendium of Adolf Hitler’s speeches. According to Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, Donald Trump was raised in a household of constant racist and anti-Semitic words and deeds. Continue reading

Privacy advocates herald bill to curb corporate use of ‘enormously invasive’ facial recognition technology

‘Do we really want to live under constant surveillance by unaccountable corporations?" said Sen. Bernie Sanders. ‘I don't.’

New legislation put forward by Sens. Jeff Merkley and Bernie Sanders on Tuesday would curb the use of facial recognition software by corporations and help to slow the spread of “abusive” surveillance, according to leading privacy advocates. Continue reading

Israel considers human rights activists national security threats

Like the US and other Western states, Israel is a fantasy democracy. Continue reading

Visiting Wisconsin: The presidential Zoom convention that will make Milwaukee famous!

My reconnaissance trip to Milwaukee this week is going quite well. I’ve spied out the lay of the land here. Everything looks good. Let the invasion of happy Democratic convention delegates begin! Continue reading

When corporate power is your real government, corporate media is state media

The New York Times published an astonishingly horrible article the other day, titled “Latin America Is Facing a ‘Decline of Democracy’ Under the Pandemic,” accusing governments like Venezuela and Nicaragua of exploiting COVID-19 to quash opposition and oppress democracy. Continue reading

Ten years after Lieberman’s “Internet Kill Switch,” the war on freedom rages on

In 2010, US Senators Joe Lieberman (D-CT), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Thomas Carper (D-DE) introduced their Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act. Better known as the “Internet Kill Switch” proposal for the emergency powers it would have conferred on the president, the bill died without receiving a vote in either house of Congress. Continue reading

Why a joint Arab force is urgently needed

It is beyond time that Arab governments learned to trust one another

‘The Arab World’ is an obsolete construct. The MENA region is torn by fractures and disagreements permitting malevolent foreign entities to exert influence and power. Never has the time been so auspicious for Arab states with a similar world view to unify so as to create an Arab Army on the lines of NATO. Continue reading

Pompeo’s big lies and deception never quit

Mike Pompeo’s public remarks in speeches, press conferences, interviews, and before Congress feature a litany of Big Lies and mass deception—notably when commenting on Trump regime’s policies and about nations on the US target list for regime change. Continue reading

Fascist Ohio’s bribed $60 million nuke reactor meltdown

While Trump pumps his private gestapo into cities like Portland and Seattle, Ohio’s homegrown fascist legions launched a blitzkrieg of their own. Continue reading

It’s easy to laugh at Louie Gohmert, but…

The Texas congressman’s a dangerous fool, like the president he so admires.

A few years ago, while I was president of the Writers Guild of America, East, several union members and I went down to Washington to hold a midday briefing on Capitol Hill about net neutrality. Continue reading

One nation under house arrest: How do COVID-19 mandates impact our freedoms?

We have become one nation under house arrest. Continue reading

List of Israeli targets leaked: Tel Aviv fears the worst in ICC investigation of war crimes

When International Court of Justice (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda confirmed last December that the court has ample evidence to pursue a war crimes investigation in occupied Palestine, the Israeli government responded with the usual rhetoric, accusing the international community of bias and insisting on Israel’s ‘right to defend itself.’ Continue reading

‘History will not judge this kindly’: DNC Platform Committee votes down Medicare for All amendment

‘It's like opposing the New Deal during the Great Depression. Unforgivable

A Democratic National Committee panel on Monday voted down an amendment that would have inserted a plank supporting Medicare for All into the party’s 2020 platform, a move progressives decried as out of touch with public opinion and a slap in the face to the millions of people who have lost their health insurance due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Continue reading

Pompeo gives new meaning to ugly American

Judge him by his actions and rhetoric, defining the menace he represents. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Let the movement be radical

Craven black misleaders jumped at the chance to side with white corporate power against radical white allies. Continue reading

The virus that’s really killing Americans? Greed

Health care giants are taking COVID-19 relief money while cutting jobs and paying CEOs millions.

The holy mantra of health professionals was coined about 2,500 years ago by the Greek physician Hippocrates: “Do no harm.” Continue reading

GOP let ‘em eat cake stimulus plan

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced the so-called Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools (HEALS) Act. Continue reading

GOP maneuvers to block Heroes Act will bring the roof down

WASHINGTON—Unless Congress acts, acts fast, and acts the way the Democratic-run U.S. House wants it to act, millions of people will fall off a cliff—financially and otherwise—after Friday, July 31. Continue reading

Feds attack!

Trump’s use of federal paramilitaries is a classic tactic of autocrats to test how far they can push their authority in opposition-controlled regions.

Federal agents poured into Portland, Oregon, this month to crack down on anti-racism protests. They beat up peaceful protesters and fired impact munitions at demonstrators, seriously injuring one of them. They drove around the city in unmarked vans pulling people off the street. Continue reading

The United States faces irreparable damage in a cold or hot conventional war with China and its allies

Are any of the grand brains in administration of Donald Trump—or possibly a future Joe Biden presidency—thinking systematically about the costs of containing China; i.e., waging a Cold War against a nation of 1.4 billion people or actually fomenting a hot conventional war in the Western Pacific? It’s madness made worse by the fact that Trump, Biden and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are using tired tropes reminiscent of the language of that was employed during the USA vs USSR Cold War that saturated the consciousness of the American people and its Western European comrades. Continue reading

How would Joe Biden’s America differ from Trump’s?

He would change course on every aspect of the Trump presidency with some exceptions

Polls and pundits cannot be trusted when it comes to predicting the winner of a US presidential ballot. In early November 2016, pollsters and so-called expert election analysts were left with egg on their faces. Continue reading

GOP stimulus scheme: Generously fund privileged Americans, crumbs for workers

Made-in-the-USA economic collapse is the most diabolical scheme ever concocted by dark forces in the country. Continue reading

Bribed Ohio’s $60 million radioactive uproar rocks the 2020 vote

Ohio’s biggest-ever bribery case is rocking America’s reactor industry … and the fall election. Continue reading