Why can’t inner-ring Democrats just say ‘no’ to billionaires?

The problem runs even deeper than Donor Class donations.

Have you heard the latest about the strategic political genius of billionaire Michael Bloomberg? Continue reading

Firing a “vindictive, illegal parting shot,” Trump’s interior proposes sabotage of conservation program

"The administration's proposal is unneeded, unwanted, and unacceptable."

The Trump administration was accused of firing a “vindictive, illegal parting shot” following Interior Secretary Bernhardt’s Friday executive order sabotaging funding of a key conservation program. Continue reading

Future of American democracy: On inequality, polarization and violence

In January 2017, the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Democracy Index downgraded the state of democracy in the United States from “full democracy” to “flawed democracy.” Continue reading

America in transition: How Joe Biden can score a major foreign policy win on day one of his presidency

“President-elect Joe Biden has promised to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal,” writes Tom O’Connor at Newsweek. “But a return is set to face challenges on both sides as they attempt to rebuild trust in a radically different environment than five years ago.” Continue reading

Trump is US history’s biggest loser

It’s over!! Continue reading

End the government’s war on America’s military veterans

The 2020 presidential election may be over, but nothing has really changed. Continue reading

The biggest loser

Finally, it’s over. Even if we’re concerned about how he’ll depart, if eventually, he’ll leave peacefully or possibly in a straitjacket. And what he might inflict during the remaining days of his tenure. Continue reading

Debunking Trump’s post-election lies

Even though Joe Biden won the highest percentage of the popular vote for any challenger since FDR in 1932, the Trump campaign is fighting in courtrooms across the country in a desperate attempt to overturn the results. Continue reading

Mink strains of COVID show the potential folly of a vaccine

The role of China’s wet markets in producing COVID is ignored for two reasons. Vaccines that Pharma is developing with $1 billion of our tax dollars would be shown to be a fool’s errand as new animal strains erupt from the markets. And wild-eyed conspiracists, when they aren’t exposing Satanic cultists who eat babies, call the virus a “bioweapon” not an outgrowth of animal practices. (Were the animal originated SARS, MERS, Ebola, Avian Flu and HIV also bioweapons conspiracists? How about malaria?) Continue reading

Pompeo committed treacherous sedition with his announcement of Trump’s coup

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo committed an act of treacherous sedition when he commented on a smooth presidential transition at a Tuesday press conference at the Department of State. In answer to a Fox News’s reporter’s question about the transition, Pompeo relied, “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.” Continue reading

Biden health adviser has a plan to get pandemic under control and revive economy: Pay people to stay home for 4-6 weeks

The government "could pay for a package right now" to cover economic losses—making it possible to curb COVID-19 transmission without increasing the financial suffering associated with shutting down commerce, said epidemiologist Michael Osterholm.

A nationwide lockdown of four to six weeks would help contain the coronavirus pandemic and need not cause economic hardship, according to Dr. Michael Osterholm, a top health adviser to President-elect Joe Biden, who said that paying people to stay home would limit the spread of COVID-19 in the United States and put the country on track for a smoother recovery. Continue reading

Pompeo’s war on China, Iran and truth-telling

As point man for Trump regime foreign policy, illegal US sanctions on targeted countries likely come at Pompeo’s urging. Continue reading

It’s not Trump’s country—even in ‘Trump Country’

Progressive ballot initiatives passed handily across the country, even in so-called red states.

Trump may have lost his bid for reelection, but many will still wonder: How has America turned so right-wing that a narcissistic, wannabe-dictator like Trump was even in the running? Continue reading

‘Playing for time’: The non-strategy of Mahmoud Abbas

“If we are going to live another four years with President Trump, God help us, God help you and God help the whole world.” Continue reading

The frivolous lawsuits of a sore loser

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are indisputably the next president and vice president of the United States. The “Blue Wall,” painted red and shattered by Donald Trump in 2016, has been rebuilt, and as President-Elect Biden, and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris both said in their victory speeches Saturday, Nov. 7: “This is the time to heal in America.” Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The real resistance begins

‘Kamala Auntie’ and Joe from Scranton will do as little as possible so that ‘nothing will fundamentally change’ that would halt endless wars and the Race to the Bottom.

When Pennsylvania announced that Joe Biden won in that state it became clear that he had enough Electoral College votes to become the de facto president-elect. When the news became public, millions of people responded with spontaneous celebrations. There was quite literally dancing in the streets in many cities across the country. The public reaction was unprecedented in its scope and demonstrated the depth of antipathy towards Donald Trump, who is one of the most hated presidents in modern history. Continue reading

Two-face America: 73 million Trump party apparatchiks guarantee turmoil over the coming years

It is happening here. Continue reading

Rival governments are often recipes for violence and regional warfare

With Donald Trump failing to concede his loss in the U.S. presidential election and some of his aides suggesting that he will conduct a counter inauguration and swearing in to rival an official inauguration of Democrat Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021, there is a distinct possibility that the United States will be plunged into political anarchy not seen since the U.S. Civil War of the mid-19th Century. Continue reading

American in transition: Why I’m not worried about the Biden/Harris ‘gun control’ talk

A few weeks before the 2020 election, I visited a local gun shop. It was a madhouse. Weapons flew off the shelves as fast as customers could get their wallets out. Ammunition was in short supply too. Why? Well, on the front door, a flyer warned that, if elected, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would act quickly to push “gun control” legislation through Congress. Continue reading

Will the Biden team be warmongers or peacemakers?

Congratulations to Joe Biden on his election as America’s next president! People all over this pandemic-infested, war-torn and poverty-stricken world were shocked by the brutality and racism of the Trump administration, and are anxiously wondering whether Biden’s presidency will open the door to the kind of international cooperation that we need to confront the serious problems facing humanity in this century. Continue reading

Progressive message to Joe Biden: Don’t you dare ‘cooperate’ with Mitch McConnell

If Biden chooses to 'cooperate' with Mitch McConnell, that choice is likely to set off a political war between the new administration and the Democratic Party's progressive base.

Near the end of his well-crafted victory speech Saturday night, Joe Biden decried “the refusal of Democrats and Republicans to cooperate with one another.” He went on to say that “we can decide to cooperate. And I believe that this is part of the mandate from the American people. They want us to cooperate. That’s the choice I’ll make. And I call on the Congress—Democrats and Republicans alike—to make that choice with me.” Continue reading

‘A dangerous attack on our democracy’: McConnell backs Trump’s refusal to concede to Biden

‘There is no decisive pool of 'illegal' ballots, and Republican Party messaging on this score is at best a cynical attempt to delegitimize a decisive presidential defeat.’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday made his first public remarks since President-elect Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election, but he made no mention of the Democratic former vice president—instead claiming the election results have not been decided and that President Donald Trump is “100% within his rights” to refuse to concede. Continue reading

Trump’s last attempt to steal the election won’t work

Joe Biden has won. He will be our next president. Continue reading

Escalating the demographic war: The strategic goal of Israeli racism in Palestine

The discussion on institutional Israeli racism against its own Palestinian Arab population has all but ceased following the final approval of the discriminatory Nation-State Law in July 2018. Indeed, the latest addition to Israel’s Basic Law is a mere start of a new government-espoused agenda that is designed to further marginalize over a fifth of Israel’s population. Continue reading

Hoorays for the Biden/Harris victory, but the battle’s far from over

Once the cheering stops, the hard work begins.

Late Saturday morning and they had just called it. I was sitting here writing with the TV muted and my back to the windows when I started hearing some yelling on the street. I didn’t know what it was, then looked up at the television and saw the news. Continue reading

Obituary for the Trump era

The American people have rendered their ultimate decision on the fate of Donald Trump, and their message to the reality-TV-star-turned-politician: You’re fired. Continue reading

‘Far past time’ to abolish the Electoral College, progressives say as Colorado approves national popular vote compact

‘Our nation spent a stressful four days wondering who our next president would be, despite the clear fact that Joe Biden won the popular vote by millions.’

With President-elect Joe Biden on track as of Monday to win the national popular vote by a historic margin—more than eight million votes, according to one estimate—progressives are renewing their longstanding demand that the antiquated and undemocratic Electoral College be abolished in favor of a system that adheres to the principle of “one person, one vote.” Continue reading

Can Biden heal America when Trump and his allies don’t want it healed?

In case you missed the news, Joe Biden was elected president of the United States. With almost all ballots counted, Biden has over 75 million votes and Trump some 71 million. The Electoral College isn’t even close. Continue reading

Britain’s endless lockdowns are taking a terrible toll

The problem is that most Britishers are no longer in the mood to be compliant

John, a British friend of mine whom I met in Dubai some 30 years ago, retired to the UK where he rebuilt his life in South Wales. He has always lived alone and enjoys his own company while regularly socialising with friends and travelling around the world to catch-up with others Continue reading

The 2020 election as a triumph for democracy? Hold the hosannas

Higher voter turnouts mask the reality of the ‘affluent authoritarianism’ that now governs America.

In real horse races—races that actual horses run—the winners go on to run other races. Racehorses do races. They have no other responsibility. Continue reading

Biden has ousted a lying and corrupt Trump but that doesn’t mean Democrats had a great Election Day

Loaded with nearly twice as much money as the GOP, the Democrats showed that weak candidates with no robust agendas for people where they live, work, and raise their families, is a losing formula.

Apart from barely squeezing through the swing states to defeat corrupt, incompetent, lying, corporatist Donald Trump, the Democratic Party had a bad election. Continue reading

Progressives made Trump’s defeat possible. now it’s time to challenge Biden and other corporate Democrats

Without a strong progressive program as a rudder, the Biden presidency will be awash in much the same old rhetorical froth and status-quo positions that have so often caused Democratic incumbents to founder, bringing on GOP electoral triumphs.

The defeat of Donald Trump would not have been possible without the grassroots activism and hard work of countless progressives. Now, on vital issues—climate, healthcare, income inequality, militarism, the prison-industrial complex, corporate power and so much more—it’s time to engage with the battle that must happen inside the Democratic Party. Continue reading