Trump’s postmaster general should be returned to sender

I’ve been a postal driver for over 20 years. I’ve never seen an attack on the service like this one.

President Trump’s postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, recently testified before Congress about major slowdowns in mail delivery under his watch. Continue reading

Twin imperatives: Defeat President Trump this fall; challenge President Biden from day one

This is our political crossroads.

One result of the Republican convention will be a drop in the number of progressives who are in denial about the Trump regime’s momentum toward fascism. This week’s relentlessly unhinged GOP gathering has probably done more to win votes for Joe Biden from the left than last week’s Democratic convention did. And that points up a problem. Continue reading

Trump’s war on humanity advanced Washington’s pariah state status

Trump is an embarrassment to the office he holds, America’s first reality TV president, a geopolitical know-nothing manipulated by hardliners surrounding him. Continue reading

Netanyahu vs Gantz: Gaza escalation as reflection of Israel’s political rivalry

Only recently, the Palestinian group, Hamas, and Israel seemed close to reaching a prisoner exchange agreement, where Hamas would release several Israeli soldiers held in Gaza while Israel would set free an unspecified number of Palestinian detainees held in Israeli prisons. Continue reading

Trump’s USDA is serving up diseased chicken

Federal regulators recently okayed selling chickens suffering from Avian Leukosis, which produces cancerous tumors.

Top regulatory officials in Trump’s government keep chanting the same one-word mantra: “Deregulate. Deregulate. Deregulate.” Continue reading

Don’t let this mad, manic president wear you down

The GOP convention reminds us that this freakshow of mayhem can exhaust and distract from the mission at hand.

Today’s conjugation lesson: I am worn out, you are worn out, we all are worn out. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Democrats are Officially Republicans

The Democrats claim to be the opposition party, but they seek out Republicans, hate the left of their own party, and don’t seem to care if they lose the election. Continue reading

The GOP is now a full-blown personality cult vanity party

The Republican Party, founded in Ripon, Wisconsin in 1854, is dead. The “Grand Old Party” as it was known has become a full-blown cult of personality vanity organization beholden to only one person, Donald Trump. National presidential nominating conventions have historically featured the rolling out from convention platform committees the party plank addressing such issues as foreign policy, social security, defense spending, education, health care, the environment, and other factors. The virtual Republican convention this year issued no such plank, a first in recent memory. Instead, the Republican Party issued a statement in which it notified members that there would be no new plank until the 2024 convention. In the meantime, the Republican Party’s plank is whatever Trump says it is. Continue reading

Trump’s 50 promises to be broken

All politicians lie. Rare exceptions prove the rule. Continue reading

The post office crisis to come

It’s no secret Donald Trump will do anything to hold on to power. His latest strategy is to sabotage the United States Postal Service, courtesy of his handpicked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Continue reading

Trump crony, Postmaster General DeJoy, lies under oath to Congress

WASHINGTON—Louis DeJoy, the Trump-named postmaster general who’s ordered his minions to yank out mailboxes and dismantle sorting machines—among other moves—once again denied he’s deliberately doing so to curb voting by mail this fall. Continue reading

Coalition files suit to stop Trump’s ‘slapdash and tragic plan’ to drill in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

‘As our ancestors before us, we will stand and fight for our future generations, for the Porcupine caribou herd, and the Gwich'in way of life.’

A coalition of environmental advocacy groups joined the Gwich’in Nation on Monday in filing a lawsuit to block the Trump administration’s plan to open up the entire coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to fossil fuel lease sales. Continue reading

Connecting the dots: big meat, big pharma, big vaccines and big pandemics

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is surely the worst in recent memory, but prehistory is full of records of plagues and pandemics. Continue reading

As big box stores thrive, 1 in 5 small businesses expect to close in next 6 months without urgent federal aid

‘Many of them still need more financial assistance just to keep their doors open and staff on payroll,’ the National Federation of Independent Businesses said.

One in five small businesses reported in a survey Monday that they will have to shut their doors permanently if economic conditions—and the federal government’s efforts to improve them—don’t change in the next six months. Continue reading

Assaults on postal systems are attacks on national sovereignty

Donald Trump’s assault on the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is an assault on the national sovereignty of the United States. By bolloxing up the postal system to interfere with voting in this year’s election and a reliance on voting by mail during the coronavirus pandemic, Trump has done more than severely damage a critical national infrastructure. The U.S. Post Office is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution as a protected government service. The Postal System is not a business and was never meant to be one. It is a service provided by the federal government to its citizens. Continue reading

US sanctions: Weapons of war by other means

Hegemon USA operates extrajudicially on the world stage in pursuit of its aims at the expense of world peace, stability, and sovereign rights of other nations. Continue reading

Too soon to celebrate Libya’s good news

Libyans are experiencing a sense of hope for a better tomorrow but doubts persist

An oil-rich country torn apart by a Western military intervention, divided along ideological lines and coveted by foreign jackals seeking a part of the action is finally embracing a unifying path, the path to peaceful engagement … or so it seems. Continue reading

‘People of the Cave’: Palestinians take their fight for justice to the mountains

Palestinians are not going anywhere. This is the gist of seven decades of Palestinian struggle against Zionist colonialism. The proof? The story of Ahmed Amarneh. Continue reading

The arithmetic of avarice: Tweaking how we compute CEO compensation

Top corporate execs, turns out, are making even more than we previously thought.

How much do America’s big-time corporate CEOs make? Such a simple question, right? Not quite. Economist Larry Mishel has been working to get the answer right—for decades. And now Mishel, a former president and currently a distinguished fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based Economic Policy Institute, has just released his latest take on the corporate pay universe, a set of newly revised stats that track the past half-century of executive compensation. Continue reading

Mail sorting machines across America dismantled ahead of November election

Some 671 mail sorting machines have already been decommissioned ahead of the upcoming presidential election, where record numbers of Americans are expected to vote by mail.

With little explanation from management, United States Postal Service (USPS) machines are being disassembled across the country. A USPS worker leaked images of a newly decommissioned machine—capable of handling 30,000 pieces of mail per hour—to NBC Montana. Local news outlet KUOW report that 40 percent of the post sorting machines in the Seattle-Tacoma area have been recently dismantled, to the dismay of the local workforce. “It would take a crew of 20 to 30 people hand-sorting the mail all night to do what one of these machines can do in a couple hours… Our infrastructure doesn’t work without these machines,” one worker said. “In our meetings with management, the union has been given no rationale whatsoever,” he added. Continue reading

Establishment media indifference toward Israeli terror-bombing of Gaza

For 11 straight nights, the Netanyahu regime has been waging undeclared war on Gaza—terrorizing its two million people. Continue reading

‘Palestine is still the issue’: UN vote exposes, isolates Canada

A national political nominating convention, as the Democrats have just completed, is, to be sure, a mutual admiration event. A steady stream of speakers led to the finale with the acceptance speech by the presidential candidate, Joe Biden. But the Convention has another declared purpose: to show the country what the Democratic Party stands for and the future it wishes to shape for the American people. Continue reading

Trump 2020: ‘Get your guns, the blacks are coming’

Political messaging doesn't get any clearer than this.

Several speakers at the Democratic Convention made good points about what’s at stake in this November’s election. Continue reading

Democratic Convention: New faces, similar policies but sharp contrast with Trumpism

The Democratic Party avoided the issue of what to do about the gross maldistribution of power between the tiny few and the rest of the people in America.

A national political nominating convention, as the Democrats have just completed, is, to be sure, a mutual admiration event. A steady stream of speakers led to the finale with the acceptance speech by the presidential candidate, Joe Biden. But the Convention has another declared purpose: to show the country what the Democratic Party stands for and the future it wishes to shape for the American people. Continue reading

The great election fraud: Will our freedoms survive another election?

And so it begins again, the never-ending, semi-delusional, train-wreck of an election cycle in which the American people allow themselves to get worked up into a frenzy over the misguided belief that the future of this nation—nay, our very lives—depends on who we elect as president. Continue reading

The fox is still in the henhouse at the post office

In the face of a historic public outcry, the postmaster general has promised to stop sabotaging essential services—temporarily.

Skyleigh Heinen, a U.S. Army veteran who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and anxiety, relies on the Postal Service for timely delivery of her meds to be able to function. She was one of thousands of Americans from all walks of life who spoke out recently to demand an end to a forced slowdown in mail delivery. Continue reading

Jobless crisis worsens: Army of the unemployed grows by more than 1.7 million

WASHINGTON—Actual initial claims for state and federal jobless benefits combined climbed to 1.44 million in the week ending August 15, the Labor Department reported. The adjusted figure, however, was 215,000 claims higher than that, all for state jobless benefits alone. Continue reading

“A disturbing milestone”: America’s top 12 plutocrats now own $1 trillion in wealth

New figures from the Institute for Policy Studies show that, despite a pandemic that has stunted the economy for months, America’s billionaire class is becoming richer than ever, adding nearly $700 billion to their fortune since the nationwide lockdown in March.

For the first time in history, the 12 richest individuals in the United States collectively hold over $1 trillion in wealth. New figures from the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) show that, despite a pandemic that has stunted the economy for months, America’s billionaire class is becoming richer than ever, adding nearly $700 billion to their fortune since the nationwide lockdown in March, now holding $1.015 trillion. Continue reading

Ending the school to prison pipeline

Many school districts are deciding that police in classrooms cause more problems than they solve.

This school year will be unlike any other. Continue reading

While the specter of a fascist coup by Trump haunts the U.S., there’s worse to worry about

Spreading faster than COVID-19 among those on the portside, warnings of a fascist-style coup by Trump are rampant this presidential campaign season.

Should Trump fail to carry the Electoral College, Noam Chomsky admonishes, “he could send Blackshirts out in the streets… preparation for a plan to try to bring the military in to carry out something which would amount to a military coup.” Continue reading

Anti-laundering bill targeting shell companies stalled in Senate as big banks caught cooking books

The Anti-Money Laundering Act would expose the owners of shell companies now sits alone on a shelf in the US Senate while the Federal Reserve shrugs its shoulders in the face of blatant manipulation by the too-big-to-fail banks.

Money laundering and cooking the books are usually treated as separate things when discussing white collar crime, even though the latter is often the mechanism through which the former is carried out. In the world of corporate banking, hedge funds and the host of satellite market services that underpin the financialized economies of the U.S. and U.K., tax haven jurisdictions allow money flowing in from all sorts of highly profitable illicit activities, shell companies and brass plate trusts to become an asset on the books of massive institutions like JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, and HSBC; all of which have been embroiled in massive money laundering scandals. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: “Feet to the fire” and other lies

When the Democratic Party ends its charade of a primary process and spits out the person most closely aligned with neo-liberal policies, the gas lighting begins. Continue reading