Search Results for: syria

What does Israel have against Palestinian singer Mohammed Assaf?

Why does Israel hate Palestinian singer Mohammed Assaf? Continue reading

The new kings of jihadist terrorism: Azerbaijan and Turkey

The vicious war against the Armenian Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh) and Armenia by Azerbaijan, Turkey, and thousands of their jihadist terrorists has passed the one month mark. Continue reading

Ending regime change in Bolivia and the world

Less than a year after the United States and the U.S.-backed Organization of American States (OAS) supported a violent military coup to overthrow the government of Bolivia, the Bolivian people have reelected the Movement for Socialism (MAS) and restored it to power. Continue reading

15 Artsakh war myths perpetuated by mainstream media

When geopolitical power, malignant governance, military might and petroleum wealth determine the political pecking order, being a landlocked country on the right side of history is a minor detail. It is through this lens that global citizens may observe the tiny besieged Republic of Armenia fighting for its survival alone against neighboring aggressors, ISIS, civilian bombings, foreign actors provoking instability in a bid for regional dominance, and world powers which gang up like hyenas before an uncaring world. Continue reading

Egypt has struck the right balance on COVID-19

Egyptian government deserves praise for delivering stability and growth over the years

There is hardly a nation on earth that hasn’t been negatively impacted by the lethal, highly-contagious virus that has swept over our planet killing the most vulnerable, stealing jobs and hurling families into poverty. Egypt hasn’t escaped the pandemic’s tentacles but so far it has weathered the storm with remarkable success when compared to developed nations such as the UK, France, Belgium, Spain and the United States of America that alone accounts for almost a quarter of global cases. Continue reading

How Biden flubbed town hall foreign policy question

Toward the end of Joe Biden’s October 15 town hall session, a Trump supporter asked Biden the only foreign policy question of the night. “So peace is breaking out all over the world,” the questioner claimed. “Our troops are coming home. Serbia is talking to Kosovo. And the Arabs and Israelis are talking peace, which I believe is a modern-day miracle, what’s going on. Does President Trump’s foreign policy deserve some credit?” Continue reading

Trump’s endless wars

The pretend peacemaker has repeatedly endangered the nation and world.

In the aftermath of the attacks on 9/11, the Bush administration invaded Iraq and tortured prisoners of war and terrorism suspects, in flagrant violation of the U.N. Charter and the Geneva Conventions. As a result, the United States lost standing among many of its traditional allies around the world. Continue reading

The exploitation of Turkish nationalism in the Armenian-‘Azerbaijani’ war

As the signal-to-noise ratio decreases in the reporting of events surrounding the September 27 Azerbaijani assault on the Armenian-inhabited region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a much more surreptitious current has received virtually no reporting: Iran. Influential think tanks generate their well-crafted equivocation and prevarication, never really following the evidence and keeping readers cleverly occupied and furious at claims such as “there have been some reports of jihadists being recruited by and transported to the region by Turkey,” when it is not only clear they have been recruited, with videos of scores being slaughtered by Armenian forces and transcripts of radio transmissions in Arabic suspiciously ignored. Continue reading

Trump now starting to starve Iranians into submission

As the great anonymous investigative journalist who writes the “Moon Over Alabama” blog documented on October 9, U.S. President Donald Trump signed, on October 8, Executive Order 13902, which will apply crushing penalties to any entity which trades with Iran, and this will finally close off the entry of food and medicine into Iran, so as to complete the destruction of Iran that has already been done previously by Trump and the U.S. Congress (the sanctions resolutions), and by the global coronavirus epidemic. Continue reading

How can Americans support peace in Nagorno-Karabakh?

Americans are dealing with an upcoming general election, a pandemic that has killed over 200,000 of us, and corporate news media whose business model has degenerated to selling different versions of “The Trump Show” to their advertisers. So who has time to pay attention to a new war half way round the world? But with so much of the world afflicted by 20 years of U.S.-led wars and the resulting political, humanitarian and refugee crises, we can’t afford not to pay attention to the dangerous new outbreak of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. Continue reading

Why Turkey stirs the pot in troubled zones

As long as Trump stays in White House, Erdogan feels he will get away with misadventures

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is no peacemaker. He looks for regional vulnerabilities in the form of feuding entities and instead of behaving like a statesman offering mediation he escalates the violence by picking a side. Continue reading

Spike in boycotts of Turkish goods and services; consumers cite warmongering as cause

Six days into the renewed attacks by the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Israeli axis on Armenia and Artsakh, many countries have come forward to denounce the warmongers. Continue reading

Fight over the Mediterranean: France’s proxy war and the budding Turkish-Russian alliance

Overwhelmed by uncontrollable circumstances, the Greek government is bracing for another financial crisis that promises to be as terrible as the last one in 2015. Continue reading

Renewed Azerbaijani attacks seek to destabilize Caucasus region and deprive Armenians of right to live on their own lands

Repelling foreign invaders has been the single most recurring event throughout all of Armenian history. This year is no different. Continue reading

Will Michele Flournoy be the Angel of Death for the American empire?

If the Democrats manage to push Joe Biden over the finish line in November’s election, he will find himself presiding over a decadent, declining empire. He will either continue the policies that have led the American empire to decadence and decline, or seize the moment to move our nation into a new phase: a transition to a peaceful and sustainable post-imperial future. Continue reading

Life during a Trump second term: Paramilitary democracy accelerates

Two-headed monster: One side is out of control

Sides must be taken. Continue reading

Trump’s war on humanity advanced Washington’s pariah state status

Trump is an embarrassment to the office he holds, America’s first reality TV president, a geopolitical know-nothing manipulated by hardliners surrounding him. Continue reading

Trump’s 50 promises to be broken

All politicians lie. Rare exceptions prove the rule. Continue reading

Enmity will never produce a Palestinian state

The threat of annexation has now been averted by UAE’s peace treaty with Israel

The Palestinians have endured unending loss, humiliation and hardship throughout generations. No peoples on earth have been treated so unfairly for so many decades, not only at the hands of the occupying power but also by Western powers and the United Nations that has merely supported Palestinian rights on paper. Continue reading

Avoiding World War III in the Caucasus

“The Caucasus is Ground Zero in the New Cold War between the U.S. and Russia.”
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CIA-sponsored propaganda has been around for 75 years

The release of a report by the U.S. Department of State’s Global Engagement Center (GEC), billed as the Donald Trump administration’s “dedicated center for countering foreign disinformation and propaganda, cites the Strategic Culture Foundation in Russia, Canada’s Global Research Center, and other online publications as “proxy sites” for Russian intelligence and the Russian Foreign Ministry. The State Department’s report is titled, “Pillars of Russia’s Disinformation and Propaganda Ecosystem” and it is not much different than the series of reports issued by the State Department’s “International Information Program” in the mid-2000s that were used to debase U.S. journalists and authors critical of the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney neo-conservative wars of choice. Those diatribes, like the recent one masquerading as a “special report,” were written on the U.S. taxpayers’ dime and represent a squandering of money. Continue reading

The politics of war: What is Israel’s endgame in Lebanon and Syria?

On August 4, hours before a massive explosion rocked the Lebanese capital, Beirut, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, issued an ominous warning to Lebanon. Continue reading

The U.S. presidential election: A referendum on Donald Trump’s character or a campaign on law-and-order?

Traditionally, Labor Day marks the last stretch in the U.S. presidential campaign leading to the election this year to be held on November 3. Continue reading

The evilness of America’s ruling class

The landmark Gilens & Page study in 2014, which was the first study anywhere to examine the data to determine scientifically whether or not a given government is a democracy or instead a dictatorship, studied the U.S. data, and found conclusively that it’s a dictatorship. The U.S. is controlled by its six or seven hundred billionaires (the study identified America’s ruling class as only “economic elites and organized groups representing business interests”, but the people who own the controlling interest in over 90% of that and hire their lobbyists and fund the careers of the winning politicians are simply America’s billionaires, the U.S. oligarchy or “aristocracy”). After that landmark 2014 study, other reports came forth, all adding further confirmation to its findings. Continue reading

U.S. Cold War China Policy will isolate the U.S, not China

Tensions between the United States and China are rising as the U.S. election nears, with tit-for-tat consulate closures, new U.S. sanctions and no less than three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups prowling the seas around China. But it is the United States that has initiated each new escalation in U.S.-China relations. China’s responses have been careful and proportionate, with Chinese officials such as Foreign Minister Wang Yi publicly asking the U.S. to step back from its brinkmanship to find common ground for diplomacy. Continue reading

Why a joint Arab force is urgently needed

It is beyond time that Arab governments learned to trust one another

‘The Arab World’ is an obsolete construct. The MENA region is torn by fractures and disagreements permitting malevolent foreign entities to exert influence and power. Never has the time been so auspicious for Arab states with a similar world view to unify so as to create an Arab Army on the lines of NATO. Continue reading

Pompeo’s big lies and deception never quit

Mike Pompeo’s public remarks in speeches, press conferences, interviews, and before Congress feature a litany of Big Lies and mass deception—notably when commenting on Trump regime’s policies and about nations on the US target list for regime change. Continue reading

Pompeo gives new meaning to ugly American

Judge him by his actions and rhetoric, defining the menace he represents. Continue reading

The United States faces irreparable damage in a cold or hot conventional war with China and its allies

Are any of the grand brains in administration of Donald Trump—or possibly a future Joe Biden presidency—thinking systematically about the costs of containing China; i.e., waging a Cold War against a nation of 1.4 billion people or actually fomenting a hot conventional war in the Western Pacific? It’s madness made worse by the fact that Trump, Biden and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are using tired tropes reminiscent of the language of that was employed during the USA vs USSR Cold War that saturated the consciousness of the American people and its Western European comrades. Continue reading

What caused Americans to become Nazis?

The U.S. does vastly more foreign invasions, and political subversions, and coups, around the world, than any other nation does, and none of the countries we’ve invaded and overthrown had ever invaded the U.S.—these are all brutal international aggressions, and they have destroyed each of the countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and numerous others. The coups that the U.S. perpetrated have likewise destroyed many countries, starting in Thailand in 1948, then Syria in 1949, then Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, and extending right up to the U.S. coup in Ukraine in February 2014, after which Ukraine’s GDP plunged by 50% and stayed down for years and still hasn’t recovered from the civil war and other destruction that the U.S. government caused in that country. (Furthermore, repeatedly, in 2013, and in 2017, and even going back as far as 2003, global polling around the world has shown that the U.S. comes out way on top for being the “biggest threat to peace” of any nation on the planet—and it’s cited for that vastly more frequently than is any of the countries that America has invaded or threatens to invade, or calls an ‘enemy’, is. If Americans don’t know this fact that every American needs to know, then it’s because our news media hide it from us.) Continue reading

Flare-up between Armenia and Azerbaijan; as the fog of war lifts

On July 12, 2020, fighting re-erupted between the ex-Soviet Republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan. However, this time an Azerbaijani Major General was killed, its Foreign Minister was fired, followed by a threat by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense to blow up Armenia’s nuclear power station. As the fog of war lifts, we can fill some of the puzzle pieces with better-established facts. Continue reading

King Joe and the Round Table: Biden’s America in a multipolar world

In an article in Foreign Affairs in March, titled “Why America Must Lead Again,” Joe Biden claimed that “the world doesn’t organize itself,” and promised to “put the U.S. back at the head of the table” among the nations of the world. But the premise that the world can only organize itself under the direction of the United States and Biden’s ambition to restore the U.S. to such a dominant position at this moment in history are out of touch with global reality. Continue reading