Meet the lobbyists shelling out for Trump 2020

Lobbyist insiders are hoping to get another four-year ride on the corrupt money-go-round.

The Donald is in a funk. He’s been outsmarted by an inert virus, his poll numbers are tanking, and even his demagogic pep rallies are falling flat. Continue reading

Could a Palestinian-Israeli prisoners exchange deal could happen soon?

For the first time since the Israeli war on Gaza in 2014, the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is signaling its willingness to engage in negotiations regarding the release of the bodies of two Israeli soldiers believed to be held by resistance groups in Gaza. But will another prisoner exchange similar to that of October 2011 follow anytime soon? Continue reading

King Joe and the Round Table: Biden’s America in a multipolar world

In an article in Foreign Affairs in March, titled “Why America Must Lead Again,” Joe Biden claimed that “the world doesn’t organize itself,” and promised to “put the U.S. back at the head of the table” among the nations of the world. But the premise that the world can only organize itself under the direction of the United States and Biden’s ambition to restore the U.S. to such a dominant position at this moment in history are out of touch with global reality. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Media silent as Trump declares wars

Donald Trump’s attacks on Venezuela, Syria and Iran are criminal, but Joe Biden vows to be even worse. Continue reading

Stirring fears of pre-crime policing, DHS head Chad Wolf confirms federal agents in Portland making ‘proactive’ arrests

‘Welcome to 2020: Minority Report Edition.’

Critics unloaded on acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf after the agency head revealed in an interview on Fox News Tuesday evening that federal law enforcement officers in Portland, Oregon are “proactively” arresting demonstrators in the city. Continue reading

Trump regime wants Social Security and Medicare weakened

On Monday, debate began in Washington on extending aid to unemployed workers and other Americans in need at a time of economic crisis conditions. Continue reading

Pandemic and hair trigger flash points: an explosive situation

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its deadly march around the world, a number of relatively dormant conflicts, as well as several well-known flash points, stand ready to place the world on the edge of a major armed conflict. History shows us that during times of stress—economic depression, religious strife, vacuums of political leadership, and public health crises like that which is now plaguing the world—the chances for war increase commensurately. Continue reading

Long overdue for Latin America: A new ‘good neighbor policy’

U.S. policy towards Venezuela has been a fiasco. Try as it might, the Trump regime-change team has been unable to depose President Maduro and finds itself stuck with a self-proclaimed president, Juan Guaidó, who President Trump was reported to have called “a kid” who “doesn’t have what it takes.” The Venezuelan people have paid a heavy price for Trump’s debacle, which has included crippling economic sanctions and coup attempts. So has U.S. prestige internationally, as both the UN and the EU have urged lifting sanctions during the pandemic but the U.S. has refused. Continue reading

Despite surging need amid pandemic, GOP moves to roll back SNAP when food assistance ‘matters now more than ever’

‘SNAP delivered. Like it always does.’

Pointing to the success of the SNAP food assistance program during the coronavirus pandemic, economists on Monday said Republicans’ plan to end the expansion of the aid would be “unconscionable.” Continue reading

Pharma tries to cash in on COVID shutdowns with its best-selling drug

Stuck at home? Watching a lot of TV? Pharma’s way ahead of you. Continue reading

Florida teachers sue state to stop unsafe school reopening plan

MIAMI—Saying Florida’s mandate to reopen brick-and-mortar schools despite the coronavirus pandemic endangers students, teachers, and everybody else, the state’s teachers’ union is suing the GOP-run government to stop Florida’s unsafe school reopening plan. Continue reading

The real choice: Social control or social investment

Some societies center on social control, others on social investment. Continue reading

Why the federal cops in Portland are all about election day

Strongarm tactics in Oregon may be just the warmup for a stolen vote.

A couple of days before the Fourth of July, I was walking home after a proper, socially distanced outdoor breakfast with a good friend, and noticed on my lower Manhattan block two white sedans marked in red and blue, “US Department of Homeland Security.” Continue reading

Britain leaps from the EU pan into the US fire

The promised mega trade deal with America comes with a high price tag

Most Britons love to moan and groan about their country’s unstable weather, unreliable trains, high taxes and the underfunded NHS not to mention ‘the idiots’ in government, but when the chips are down, they invariably morph into fierce patriots. Continue reading

Wake up, America! We must force Trump to resign or at least step aside

Your messages tell presidents which way the political winds are blowing. Make this ‘rumble of the people’ speak loud and clear NOW!

Public Citizen’s open letter, co-signed by over twenty nonprofit civic organizations working for the public health, demanded that Trump and Pence immediately give up their disastrous daily mismanagement of the Covid-19 response. Trump’s bungling and ignorance have allowed the Covid-19 virus to spread faster at an alarming rate around the country. Continue reading

What if we actually listened?

Here's what I learned when I stopped trying to convince anyone of anything.

However much half of this country hates the other half now, it’s only going to get worse leading up to November. I don’t look forward to it. Continue reading

Subtle matter: Where the physical and spiritual unite

Dr. Klaus Volkamer’s new book, “Weighing Soul Substance,” builds bridges across the gulf that has separated science from spirituality, materialism from mysticism. It confirms the reality of auras, clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychokinesis, telepathy, and precognition, and presents empirical evidence that these phenomena have a material aspect. By using newly developed measuring technologies Volkamer detected changes in the mass of objects and people resulting only from mental activity. He proved that our thoughts produce physical changes in us and the world around us. “[H]uman thought and directed attention leave a detectable impression in our surroundings.” Continue reading

Trump’s rush to reopen America is causing a COVID resurgence

Donald Trump said that June’s jobs report, which showed an uptick, proves the economy is “roaring back.” Continue reading

Oregon senator vows amendment to bar Trump from sending ‘paramilitary squads onto America’s streets’

‘We won't let these authoritarian tactics stand.’

Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley on Saturday announced plans to introduce an amendment barring the Trump administration from deploying federal law enforcement to U.S. streets as backlash continues over the White House’s use of unidentified agents to violently crack down on protests in Portland and detain demonstrators without cause. Continue reading

‘Optimism of the will’: Palestinian freedom is possible now

In a recent TV discussion, a respected pro-Palestine journalist declared that if any positive change or transformation ever occurs in the tragic Palestinian saga, it would not happen now, but that it would take a whole new generation to bring about such a paradigm shift. Continue reading

Economic fascism creates political fascism

Neo-liberal capitalism has transformed the social democratic capitalism that followed the Second World War into a more oppressive and destructive form with greater accumulation of minority wealth and majority poverty than the world has ever seen. The present stage in the usual boom-bust cycle of market forces under private profit rule now multiplied by a still unperceived factor, seems nearer total failure and more frightening than ever. This is leading to incredibly reactionary programs to assure minority rule while at the same time unleashing revolutionary possibilities for the global majority which threaten minority power as never before. Continue reading

Preventing abuse by Catholic clergy

While most Catholic clergy members are decent people, unfortunately, there’s an epidemic of pedophile clergy members in the Catholic church. Denying this would be foolish, mendacious, and dangerous to children. Countless kids have suffered because of pedophile clergy members, and the Catholic church hasn’t done nearly enough to deal with this. Immediate measures need to be taken to prevent kids from being sexually abused in the future. Continue reading

Trump tells Florida crowd ‘something will happen in Venezuela’ soon

‘Something will happen with Venezuela. That’s all I can tell you,’ Trump said, before not-so-cryptically adding that Washington would be ‘very much involved.’

On a trip to COVID-19 riddled Florida this weekend, President Donald Trump not-so-cryptically revealed that he had something big planned for Venezuela during a meeting with leaders of the U.S. military’s Southern Command. “Something will happen with Venezuela. That’s all I can tell you,” he said, before adding that Washington would be “very much involved” in what he was referencing. Continue reading

Trump seeks to follow North Korea’s example in covering up COVID-19 data: TeleTracking Technologies hired to do the dirty deed

“America under the Trump administration will be soon following China’s and North Korea’s tactics in which data will be concealed and the public will be kept in the dark. Soon, Americans will no longer be able to get the real data about the number of COVID-19 infected and COVID-19 deaths as President Trump signed a new order in which all hospitals and states will no longer report these figures and other critical data to the US CDC or media, but rather to a private company that is controlled by the White House, and only the White House will in turn disseminate this data. Other data that will also be controlled includes the numbers of daily COVID-19 tests, the availability of ventilators and hospital beds. As the Trump campaign comes closer to the election date, he needs to suppress the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic in America and let his ignorant followers and Republicans think that he is doing a great job while they and their families [and others] die slowly.” Thailand Medical News: Bleak Future for Americans as White House Now Controls Reporting of all New Infections and Deaths, Elites are Scamming the Country. Continue reading

America, you’ve been blacklisted: McCarthyism refashioned for a new age

For those old enough to have lived through the McCarthy era, there is a whiff of something in the air that reeks of the heightened paranoia, finger-pointing, fear-mongering, totalitarian tactics that were hallmarks of the 1950s. Continue reading

‘Resounding’ win for public health and climate as judge blocks Trump attempt to gut methane restrictions

‘The judge basically rejected every attempt by the Trump administration to gut these common-sense waste prevention measures on behalf of their oil and gas industry cronies.’

Green groups celebrated a “resounding victory for taxpayers, public health, and the environment” late Wednesday after a federal judge blocked the Trump administration from rolling back an Obama-era rule designed to limit planet-warming methane emissions. Continue reading

Good news from Washington: AIPAC, Israel losing to progressive Democrats

While the US administration of President Donald Trump remains adamant in its support for Israel, the traditional democratic leadership continues to employ underhanded language, the kind of ‘strategic ambiguity’ that offers full support to Israel and nothing but lip service to Palestine and peace. Continue reading

NYT op-ed editor/writer resigns over its abandoned journalistic principles

I’ve written scores of highly critical articles about the self-styled newspaper of record. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Propaganda won’t get rid of Trump

The biggest threat to Biden’s chances is the continuing suppression of black votes and the refusal of the Democrats to do anything about it. Continue reading

Coronavirus surge worsens as Trump ignores the danger

WASHINGTON—The U.S. government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, already criminally absent, appears to be getting worse and the data confirm it. Continue reading

Donald Trump’s genocidal acts against humanity

In 1979, United Nations Committee on Human Rights rapporteur Abdelwahab Bouhdiba cited the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia as an example of “autogenocide,” the carrying out or enabling of mass deaths among one’s own nation. Previously cited examples of genocide at the time Bouhdiba coined the word autogenocide, were Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The former’s genocide of Eastern European Jews, Romani, Slavs, and other non-Germans also included German Jewish and other citizens, making it a practitioner of both genocide and autogenocide. The genocide of Chinese by Japanese military occupiers fit the broader definition of genocide. Continue reading

The GOP’s ‘moral insanity’ on health care

Republicans are trying to throw 23 million Americans off their health care—in a pandemic.

Six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease is raging anew because corporate-serving public officials rushed to “open the economy,” causing more infections and deaths. Continue reading