Freedom Rider: Biden and the low point of black politics

Black folks perform phenomenal feats of mental gymnastics and self-delusion to convince themselves that Joe Biden is on their side. Continue reading

Media hostility toward nations free from US imperial control

No nations should subordinate their sovereign rights to the will of another country. Continue reading

COVID-19 and the unmasking of Donald Trump

The pandemic proves once and for all that this president is the enemy of the people.

I keep fantasizing about a moment in Washington like the one at the end of The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy accidentally throws water on the Wicked Witch of the West. The witch melts and suddenly the evil spell she’s cast on all her creepy guardsmen and flying monkeys is broken. They snap out of it and come to their senses. Continue reading

It’s absolutely not time to cut food stamps

Tens of millions of us are out of work. Why on earth is Trump trying to cut food aid?

In some ways, this horrible pandemic has brought out the best in humanity. Continue reading

Why does Israel celebrate its terrorists?

Ben Uliel and the murder of the Dawabsheh family

Israeli media and Zionist apologists everywhere are busy whitewashing Israel’s globally-tattered image using the rare indictment of an Israeli terrorist, Amiram Ben Uliel, who was recently convicted for murdering the Palestinian Dawabsheh family, including an 18-month-old toddler in the town of Duma, south of Nablus. Continue reading

Chomsky says Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ who made US ‘singularly unprepared’ for pandemic

New comments from the renowned academic come after he accused Trump of wanting "to destroy the prospects for all organized human life... in the near future."

World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a “sociopathic megalomaniac” whose leadership drove the U.S. to become “singularly unprepared” for the coronavirus pandemic. Continue reading

Schrödinger’s president

Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter went on a surprisingly vitriolic anti-Trump rant the other day, calling the president a “complete blithering idiot”, an “actual retard”, and “the most disloyal human God ever created” for his treatment of Jeff Sessions and his failure to build the border wall per his campaign promise. Continue reading

A tale of two pandemics

No description of the coronavirus is more misleading than calling it ‘the great equalizer.’

The horrific truth is that Native Americans, Latinos, and African-Americans are dying at much higher rates than white people – and we don’t know the half of it because the CDC hasn’t released any racial data about the virus; we don’t know if they’re even collecting it. Continue reading

The banality of evil, COVID-19 edition

As the COVID-19 pandemic ran its deadly course in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo affirmed a state policy forbidding nursing homes to reject patients suffering from the disease. Continue reading

First of 5 Iranian tankers enters Venezuelan waters

First some facts establishment media suppress. Continue reading

Denial and selfishness fuel the spread of COVID-19

Deniers are hampering efforts to manage the scourge that could erupt into a second wave

A virulent virus has wrapped its tentacles around the planet with fatal consequences for hundreds of thousands and unless and until there is a vaccine or the majority of the world’s population has developed immunity, it will not be defeated. Until such time people everywhere have been ordered or advised to follow certain rules for their own protection designed to slow the spread. There is no mystery in the above realities which anyone with a modicum of common sense would judge indisputable. Unfortunately, in some countries plain old-fashioned common sense is at a premium. Continue reading

In a class war—like it or not—the system always makes a killing

While negative coverage of Donald Trump has been common due to his handling of the pandemic, media outrage has been muted in relation to the magnitude of the dying in our midst.

Journalists aren’t supposed to “bury the lead.” But when death is the topic and corporate power is the culprit, the connection routinely goes unmentioned. Continue reading

America is drowning in problems

Washington is picking yet another fight with China. On top of the trade war we now have the coronavirus war. China is accused of being responsible for the virus by withholding information about it. Some in Washington want to make China pay for the cost of the virus by reneging on US debt held by China in the form of US Treasuries. Continue reading

Hate China

It is China’s fault that humans get sick, and that novel viruses sometimes occur. Continue reading

Trump regime refuses to provide PPE for healthcare workers

Indifference toward human health and welfare by Trump and hardliners infesting his regime has been shown repeatedly throughout their time in office. Continue reading

GOP ‘plot to gut Social Security behind closed doors’ gains steam in Senate Covid-19 talks

‘With seniors most at risk from Covid-19, we need to be increasing Social Security's modest benefits, not creating secret commissions to cut them.’

A proposal by Sen. Mitt Romney to establish congressional committees with the specific goal of crafting legislative “solutions” for America’s federal trust fund programs has reportedly resurfaced in GOP talks over the next Covid-19 stimulus package, sparking alarm among progressive advocates who warn the Utah Republican’s bill is nothing but a stealth attack on Social Security and Medicare. Continue reading

The inefficient and incredibly lucrative chase for a coronavirus vaccine

Our hottest biotech firm hasn’t yet manufactured an antidote to Covid-19. The company has manufactured three billionaires.

Centuries ago, back in the Middle Ages, battles against plagues seldom went well. Medieval public health warriors had little scientific knowledge about their viral assailants. And what little knowledge they did gain, they couldn’t easily share. Kingdoms had no vehicles for rapid and reliable communicating. Continue reading

Wayback Machine latest victim of big tech consolidation and censorship

The promise of an Internet modeled around democratized access to information is quickly eroding before our very eyes as the Wayback Machine falls prey to censorship creep and major tech sector consolidations take us to the point of no return

In what is turning out to be something of a latter-day dot com bust, many small to medium-sized tech startups are teetering on the edge of oblivion as the deliberate economic shutdown eats away at their capitalization and opens the door for the biggest fish in the tech space and others to pick the ripest fruit from the tech start up tree. Continue reading

Donald Trump, resign now for America’s sake; this is no time for a dangerous, law-breaking, bungling, ignorant ship captain

Where are the calls for Trump’s resignation? Since his first months in the White House, Trump has been the most impeachable, most lawless, most self-enriching, most bungling President in U.S. history. He relies entirely on lying and scapegoating to avoid taking responsibility for his failures. Trump didn’t even win the popular vote—the Electoral College selected him. President Trump has fomented chaos and corruption in his administration without encountering insistent demands for his resignation. Continue reading

Magic and voodoo versus science and medicine

Across the globe, as scientists and doctors are working a breakneck speed to develop safe vaccines and therapies for the COVID-19 virus, modern-day magicians and voodoo purveyors are pushing all forms of quackery to swindle and sway an unsuspecting public. The most notorious wizard of woo is Donald Trump, who, on February 28, said of COVID-19, “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” Continue reading

The slippery slope to despotism: Paved with lockdowns, raids and forced vaccinations

You have no rights. Continue reading

Why Israel fears the Nakba: How memory became Palestine’s greatest weapon

On May 15, thousands of Palestinians in Occupied Palestine and throughout the ‘shatat’, or diaspora, participated in the commemoration of Nakba Day, the one event that unites all Palestinians, regardless of their political differences or backgrounds. Continue reading

How pro-Trump millionaires robbed small businesses of coronavirus aid

Thanks to a specially carved loophole, one multi-millionaire claimed 339 times more than the average small business received.

Monty Bennett was just another faceless right-wing millionaire on the long list of high-dollar donors to Donald Trump—until he suddenly surfaced in April as the nation’s biggest bagger of government cash in the emergency Paycheck Protection Program. Continue reading

Madam Jane predicts: COVID will show Americans what it’s like to live in the Middle East

“COVID-19 is America’s karmic payback for callously murdering all those babies in Iraq and Syria,” stated Madam Jane this morning. “Karma’s a bitch.” Continue reading

To save lives—and democracy—we need to vote by mail

We need tens of millions of fewer Americans voting at the polls. Sending ballots in the mail is the simplest solution.

For many Americans, vote-by-mail will be a matter of life and death come November. Continue reading

How biosecurity is enabling digital neo-feudalism

Italian master thinker Giorgio Agamben has been on the—controversial—forefront examining what new paradigm may be emerging out of our current pandemic distress. Continue reading

Never have so few done so much to destroy America

Comparing Trump to Winston Churchill is a laugh riot.

In this Age of COVID, there was a time long, long ago—about six weeks past! –when Donald Trump began referring to himself as “a wartime president.” Continue reading

How the British Empire created and killed George Orwell

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), happily amplified by the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) in the United States which carries its World News, continues to pump out its regular dreck about the alleged economic chaos in Russia and the imagined miserable state of the Russian people. Continue reading

How the Woodrow Wilson Influenza of 1918 & the TrumpVirus pandemic of 2020 brought fascism to America

The 2020 TrumpVirus pandemic that is killing so many of us today has deep roots in World War I and the Woodrow Wilson Influenza that killed 50,000,000 back then. Continue reading

Another bank bailout under cover of a virus

Insolvent Wall Street banks have been quietly bailed out again. Banks made risk-free by the government should be public utilities.

When the Dodd Frank Act was passed in 2010, President Obama triumphantly declared, “No more bailouts!” But what the act actually said was that the next time the banks failed, they would be subject to “bail ins”—the funds of their creditors, including their large depositors, would be tapped to cover their bad loans. Continue reading

Civil rights groups vow to fight back as GOP builds massive voter suppression machine for 2020 election

‘We will use every tool in our arsenal to block efforts aimed at discouraging participation by eligible voters this election season.’

Civil rights groups are vowing to fight back against what they are calling a nationwide voter intimidation and suppression campaign by the national Republican Party and President Donald Trump that could have a “chilling effect” on voting rights and November turnout. Continue reading

Trump: Letting big corporations get away with whatever they want

Trump considers himself above the law.

Throughout his presidency, Donald Trump has allowed large corporations to run rampant, exploit people, and get away with it. Trump considers himself above the law, boldly claiming, “I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.” Continue reading