Rotating on boredom’s spit

Without the ability to forget, we become imprisoned within a collective mental habit that induces us to repeat things that are as hard to escape as is trying to unlearn how to ride a bicycle. This results in the experience of boredom that John Prine captures in the above epigraph from his moving song, “Hello In There,” where the daily news reports seem so old to an elderly couple because they are so repetitive and not new and they realize that. Now that not just old folks are “in there” and people of all ages are “sheltering in place,” the ability “to forget what it is worse than useless to remember,” as Thoreau put is, has become more important than ever if one wishes to not be driven crazy with boredom of the self- and socially-induced kinds. Continue reading

A universal basic income is essential and will work

A central bank-financed UBI can fill the debt gap, providing a vital safety net while preventing cyclical recessions.

According to an April 6 article on, Spain is slated to become the first country in Europe to introduce a universal basic income (UBI) on a long-term basis. Spain’s minister for economic affairs has announced plans to roll out a UBI “as soon as possible,” with the goal of providing a nationwide basic wage that supports citizens “forever.” Guy Standing, a research professor at the University of London, told CNBC that there was no prospect of a global economic revival without a universal basic income. “It’s almost a no-brainer,” he said. “We are going to have some sort of basic income system sooner or later ….” Continue reading

‘Deliberately cruel’: Millions of US citizens blocked from stimulus payments because they married immigrants

‘We're flat broke. We don't know what's gonna happen.’

Reporting out Monday shed new light on the fact that millions of U.S. citizens are not eligible to receive coronavirus stimulus checks because of who they married. Continue reading

Will America’s corruption end on a ventilator or in a mushroom cloud?

Little by little, Americans are understanding just how badly our government has let us down by its belated and disastrous response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and how thousands more people are dying as a result. But there are two other crises we face that our government is totally unprepared for and incapable of dealing with: the climate crisis and the danger of nuclear war. Continue reading

Live from Planet Television, Donald Trump—every night!

Deprived of rallies to inflate his ego, the president muscles in on sickness and death.

As we all know, Donald J. Trump sees the entire world as one big television show—about him. Everything is weighed against the success of his former NBC reality show “The Apprentice,” and frankly, as far as Trump’s concerned, the world just isn’t measuring up. Continue reading

Coronavirus and the height of corporate welfare

With the coronavirus pandemic wreaking havoc on the global economy, here’s how massive corporations are shafting the rest of us in order to secure billions of dollars of taxpayer-funded bailouts. Continue reading

Closedown vs. no closedown

Every country, with the exception of Sweden, found it necessary to close down at least part of the economy in order to prevent the highly infectious virus from overwhelming their medical care systems. The exponential rate of infection together with a lack of sufficient health resources obviously meant an overwhelmed system that would be unable to provide care for those suffering from other illnesses and deadly conditions, such as heart attacks. Continue reading

Herd immunity or lockdown: Which works better against coronavirus

Cases of re-infections cast doubts on the prospects of a viable vaccine

The Swedish government has gone out on a limb with its implementation of a strategy known as ‘herd immunity’ to beat back the most aggressive pandemic since the 1918 Spanish flu that killed over 50 million worldwide. Continue reading

How YOU can dump Trump

Grassroots action’s immense upset victory in Wisconsin shows we can overcome even a rigged election. Continue reading

Shouldn’t our elected representatives be on the job providing essential services?

Some lawmakers want a remote Congress so they can remain AWOL and pretend to deal with the many crises remotely.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic a careening, confused president is fibbing, flailing, breaking laws, and mishandling money. As the domino effect of this crisis mounts, the public is asking: “Where is the Congress?” Our senators and representatives have been home since March 20 and won’t be back until May 4, not on the job inside the Capitol. Shameful! Continue reading

Socialism & Covid-19

The socialism I am talking about is not that of opportunistic politicians and ideologues with a one-track mind but the socialism of Patrice Lumumba, Ernesto Cardenal, Germaine Greer and Noam Chomsky. The pursuit of truth and the politics of moderation with the goal of a non-violent society—that is the socialism I fully endorse. Continue reading

As slaughterhouses close, a new novel coronavirus from pigs looms

Smithfield Foods, the nation’s largest pork producer has closed its Sioux Falls, SD, slaughterhouse after 238 Smithfield employees grew sick, according to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. Continue reading

ICE is deporting COVID-19 positive detainees from private immigration prisons

By continuing deportations of quarantined detainees during a pandemic, ICE is greatly increasing the risk of spreading the deadly virus to other countries officials and activists warn.

Woken in the middle of the night and marched out of a crowded, quarantined group cell by prison guards to be deported. That is the story of one D.C.-area man on Wednesday, inside of an ICA Farmville for-profit prison full of hundreds of undocumented immigrants detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The unit is in the middle of a two-week lockdown due to a number of inmates showing symptoms of COVID-19, yet that did not stop guards bursting in and taking the man, who has not been named due to fears about retaliation, out to process his deportation, recklessly endangering others in the facility. Continue reading

Emerging climate-fueled megadrought in western US rivals any over past 1,200 years: study

‘We now have enough observations of current drought and tree-ring records of past drought to say that we're on the same trajectory as the worst prehistoric droughts.’

The western United States is likely being gripped by an “emerging” megadrought partly fueled by the climate crisis, says a study published Friday. Continue reading

Threatening military intervention in Venezuela during a pandemic?

Unbeknownst to most Americans, as we are grappling with this terrifying pandemic, the Trump administration is currently carrying out the largest military operation in Latin America in 30 years, and has made it clear that alleged Venezuelan “narco-terrorism” is the target. It’s worth noting that the last deployment of a similar size took place at the time of the 1989 US military intervention in Panama to remove General Manuel Noriega. Continue reading

‘There is no hope, but I may be wrong’

We compose our opinion pieces, writing anywhere from 400 to 1000 words. Most of us use “we must” and “we should” and “we need” and conclude with a paragraph that offers hope. Continue reading

Postal carriers are essential workers. They need a stimulus, too.

The president is trying to use the coronavirus crisis to kill the public Postal Service. We can’t let him.

The U.S. Postal Service plays a vital role in our nation’s health and stability at this time of crisis. Unfortunately, it’s financially strapped—and got just crumbs in the $2.2 trillion stimulus package recently passed by Congress. Continue reading

Are we brewing a new feudalism?

The answer to the question is “YES.” The large bailed-out creditors will end up with the property of the non-bailed-out debtors who are being pushed deeper into debt with “bail-out loans” and fees and penalties for missed debt payments. Write-offs for the One Percent, and more indebtedness for everyone else. Continue reading

Spreading the virus of occupation: Spitting as a weapon in the hand of colonial Israel

Spitting at someone is a universal insult. In Israel, however, spitting at Palestinians is an entirely different story. Continue reading

I take hydroxychloroquine. Please don’t hoard it.

To prevent hoarding and protect public health, we need to move towards universal care and lower-cost drugs.

The best birthday present I got this year was a refill of my medication. Ordinarily, that wouldn’t be much to celebrate, but the coronavirus has upended the ordinary. Continue reading

COVID-19 and the war on cash: What is behind the push for a cashless society?

Cash may well become a casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading

Trump Treasury tells banks they can seize your $1,200 check

WASHINGTON—Got plans for that $1,200 federal check you’re going to get from the $2.2 trillion economic stimulus law? Think again. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: COVID-19 and deadly health care for black people

Even if the United States had a strong public health system, black and brown people would be plagued by racist medical practices. Continue reading

Coronavirus and small government sociopathy

As the devastating impact of Trump’s inaction becomes clear, Americans are discovering a hidden socialist streak.

Amazingly, America has become a nation of socialists, asking in dismay: “Where’s the government?” Continue reading

Heroic angry Wisconsin Badger voters show the rest of the nation how to dump Trump Harvey Wasserman

This week’s astonishing people’s victory in Wisconsin has shattered the myth of an unbeatable Trump dictatorship. Continue reading

Get ready for an unacceptable new normal

At times like now, ideas lying around dormant on the shelf become reality. Continue reading

Unions back U.S. Postal Service’s $75B pandemic appeal, oppose right-wing privatization plans

WASHINGTON—Faced with a crash in mail volume and revenue due to closures to battle the coronavirus pandemic—right when the country needs the Postal Service the most to help get vital food, medicine, and other life-saving goods to everyone—Postmaster General Megan Brennan asked Congress for a combination of $75 billion in cash and credit to keep going through the financial disaster. Continue reading

As coronavirus rages on, Trump junks your mail and attacks the Postal Service

Distracted by the disease, we’re being conned by a White House intent on using contagion to disrupt democracy.

In our last episode, mail had finally arrived at my building in downtown Manhattan after many days without, all because of the devastating impact of COVID-19 at my local post office. Continue reading

Trump’s failed coronavirus response

The Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been a deliberate disaster from the beginning. But don’t take my word for it—just look at the facts. Continue reading

Why at least America will be in another Great Depression

America’s bailout package to overcome the coronavirus ‘recession’ is twofold. Continue reading

Heroes & villains

Am I one of the few people with the rare distinction of belonging to a dishonest and hypocritical Indian middle class that claps hands and lights candles because the prime minister asked them to do it, and then ostracizes healthcare workers because they believe that the former could be carriers of Covid-19? This is not even realizing the role that healthcare workers are playing in ensuring the well-being of everyone. Continue reading

Trump’s ‘perfect plan’ to become dictator in November runs through 12-18 swing state legislatures

Donald Trump’s “perfect plan” to become dictator in November now runs through 30 Republican-controlled state legislatures, with the pivot in 12-18 swing states. Continue reading