The decline of democracy in the 21st century

Democracy, as President Abraham Lincoln phrased it at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in 1863, is “the government of the people, for the people, and by the people.” It is a political system that guarantees an individual’s basic human rights and freedoms (of thought, conscience, speech, religion, assembly, petition and of the press, etc.). — It guarantees due process and equality before the law. — It makes the government accountable to the people and it forbids a government from subjecting individuals to arbitrary prison, slavery or bondage, etc. — In a democracy, a person is able to speak his or her mind and express political preferences with reasonable safety. Continue reading

Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg are not to be trusted

It’s understandable that corporate-backed candidates don’t want to be cornered by questions that touch on realities of political and economic power.

In a recent New Yorker profile of Pete Buttigieg, one sentence stands out: “Watch Buttigieg long enough and you notice that he uses abstraction as an escape hatch.” Evasive platitudes are also routine for Joe Biden, the other major Democratic presidential candidate running in what mainstream journalists call “the center lane.” Continue reading

Toxic Asia

The highest level of human growth, according to Abraham Maslow, is that of transcendence. Transcendence, for Maslow, encompasses the need to rise above the interests of the self, to find fulfillment in helping others reach their potential (Jean Lipman-Blumen, The Allure of Toxic Leaders: Why We Follow Destructive Bosses and Corrupt Politicians—and How We Can Resist Them (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), p 129). Continue reading

A new year and a new Trump foreign policy blunder in Iraq

It’s a new year, and the U.S. has found a new enemy—an Iraqi militia called Kata’ib Hezbollah. How tragically predictable was that? So who or what is Kata’ib Hezbollah? Why are U.S. forces attacking it? And where will this lead? Continue reading

Nullify government tyranny: In 2020, harness the power of your discontent

Twenty years into the 21st century, and what do we have to show for it? Continue reading

Stop the spread of liquefied natural gas—before it’s too late

A liquefied natural gas disaster could make an oil spill look like a picnic.

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a potential disaster in the making. That’s the conclusion of a new report by Physicians for Social Responsibility, which surveyed an abundance of research on LNG’s threats to public health. Continue reading

Who is Archbishop Atallah Hanna and why Israel hates him

“They will run and not grow weary,” is a quote from the Bible (Isaiah, 40:41) that adorns the homepage of Kairos Palestine. This important document, which parallels a similar initiative emanating from South Africa during the anti-apartheid struggle years, has come to represent the unified voice of the Palestinian Christian community everywhere. One of the main advocates of Kairos Palestine is Archbishop Atallah Hanna. Continue reading

New Year’s resolutions Big Pharma should be forced to make

Our Reps Will Wait Their Turn to See the Doctor
They will not be dressed to star in music videos. Prior experience at Hooters or Work Out World will not be sufficient for hiring. They will not call the doctor dude. We understand others waiting to see the doctor are sick.
Continue reading

Impeach the system

The annual season of joy, compassion, and frenzied shopping, with money we mostly don’t have to buy gifts people mostly don’t need, had competition in the market this year. The impeachment fiasco has only appealed to a minority of shoppers among the multitudes, but they number many and are mostly good folks honestly reacting to the program being forcefully fed us by our mind managers. If any American president were impeached for leading the country into murdering foreigners, dumping Americans into poverty and prisons and polluting the environment almost into ending its capacity to reproduce itself, that might be revolutionary. But while Trump buries his face more deeply into Israel’s crotch than any previous CEO of corporate America, we are bombarded with drivel about Russian meddling in the multi-billion dollar perversion we dub a democracy. Continue reading

Privatization is resurrecting feudalism

America is a country of scandals. The latest scandal is the Jewish multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s use of prison labor call centers to spread the message of his presidential campaign. Continue reading

Nancy Pelosi’s scripted impeachment failure

Or… leading the Dems from blue… to yellow!

For the voter, the Democratic Party no longer has any interest in performing its function as an opposition party. The charade of purported constitutional jurisprudence seen in the US House impeachment hearings should forever confirm this. This degradation of political will far too nicely coincides with the long-term duality of current and long-term Speaker Nancy Pelosi who, while dressed in the blue ensemble of a Democrat, somehow sports the accoutrements of a Republican. Continue reading

In Trump world, fiction is just as strange as truth

There’s no escape from the maelstrom of lies and transgressions.

As the New Year begins, on the advice of various and sundry, to avoid the constant din of Donald Trump and his wrecking crew, I’ve been trying to read a novel from time to time—just to take a break from the maddening reality of life in these not-so-United States. Continue reading

Humor: Remembering ‘businessmen’ and ‘hippies’

Who remembers brief cases, carried by dads everywhere? Eight-pound, spit-shined, Mahogany-colored leather cases, they sometimes had gold plated combination locks and even “feet” so they could stand up on their own. Some expanded, accordion style, to accommodate extra papers from the office. Continue reading

The key to the environmental crisis is beneath our feet

The Green New Deal resolution that was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives in February hit a wall in the Senate, where it was called unrealistic and unaffordable. Continue reading

The bastardization of traditional progressive and conservative parties

The two major political parties, the Conservatives and Labor, are mere shadows of their former selves. Fresh from a major landslide victory in England, the Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, is now a hard-right party. Traditional Tories like Nicholas Soames, the grandson of Winston Churchill, and Kenneth Clarke, the grand old man of Conservative Party politics, were expelled as members of the Conservative ranks sitting in the House of Commons as a result of their September 2019 vote against Johnson’s government and their pro-European Union positions. With Johnson’s December 12 election victory, backing for Johnson’s Conservatives has come from such far-right stalwarts as Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage and the Britain First movement of neo-fascist street hooligan Tommy Robinson. Continue reading

Sanctions are America’s go-to global weapon

An undersea pipeline to transport Russian natural gas to Germany is the latest target

Nowadays the US wields the threat of sanctions or crippling tariffs over the heads of trusted allies that rail against toeing Washington’s line — a far cry from the message of ‘America First’ candidate Donald Trump who had no desire to interfere in the affairs of other nations. Conversely President Trump has emerged as the Free World’s Punisher-in-Chief. Continue reading

On the road to Gaza: The Freedom Flotilla will sail again

What is Gaza to us but an Israeli missile, a rudimentary rocket, a demolished home, an injured child being whisked away by his peers under a hail of bullets? On a daily basis, Gaza is conveyed to us as a bloody image or a dramatic video, none of which can truly capture the everyday reality of the Strip—its formidable steadfastness, the everyday acts of resistance, and the type of suffering that can never be really understood through a customary glance at a social media post. Continue reading

Impeachment derangement or how I learned to stop hating and love Trump

I’m not an Evangelical Christian, lover of Israel, or someone who wants to ban Muslims from entering America. Would never put a kid in a cage or a dog in a box. Continue reading

Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season

Intrepid Report will resume publishing Jan. 1

It’s been another trying year for progressives but whatever you celebrate at this time of year—Chanukah, Christmas, Festivus—you need to take a break from the madness to renew yourselves for what is ahead in 2020. Continue reading

The Christmas story from hell

The traditional Christmas story is about an unmarried, pregnant, Jewish girl named Mary who, on a freezing night in Bethlehem, seeks a warm place to rest and give birth. Nobody would allow the girl a bed. Today, it is unlikely that such a person would not be shunned as much as the Biblical Mary, as we allow people to die in the Land of the Free when they fall to the bottom of the capitalist ranks where there is a dearth of mercy. Continue reading

Sanders and Warren demand McConnell hold full and fair impeachment trial for ‘most corrupt president in our history’

Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, two of the leading contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, joined grassroots progressives Wednesday night in demanding that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hold a “full and fair trial” following the House’s historic vote to impeach President Donald Trump. Continue reading

Corbyn’s defeat shows that Western democracy is built on lies and contradictions

The defeat of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party is really a defeat for Western democracy itself. Forty plus years of neoliberal decay has exposed Western democracy for the sham that it always was. Social democracy is dead. The colonized world, now defined by many in the post-independence era as the Global South, has understood for centuries that Western democracy is akin to imperial plunder and race-based terror. Economic, ecological, and imperial decay have come home to roost in the so-called “free world.” False contradictions make up the life blood of Western democracy and sustain its capitalist and imperialist core despite having nothing to offer but mythology to the masses. Continue reading

US hardliners want Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning crucified

Mass incarceration in the US is a national disgrace, a crime against humanity, including countless numbers of political prisoners—persecuted behind bars for their beliefs and activism, for resisting the dirty system, judged guilty by accusation. Continue reading

Two huge suppressed news reports in a 3-day period reveal corrupt U.S. & allied mainstream press

On Friday, December 12, Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept reported and documented that the mainstream U.S. press has lied through its teeth about “Russiagate,” and Zero Hedge reported and documented that not only had the U.S., UK, and France committed an international war-crime when they invaded Syria on 14 April 2018 firing 105 missiles against Damascus, but the U.N.-authorized agency OPCW that was supposed to investigate the U.S.& allied allegation which had been the alleged ‘justification’ for that invasion was instead lying through its teeth about what the evidence actually showed about it: that this invasion had been based upon U.S.& allied lies. Continue reading

A holiday gift to the people, from the people

How small shrimpers in Texas beat a giant polluting corporation—just in time for the holidays.

It’s good to have a happy-ending story for the holidays—one that’s not sugar-plum sappy, but genuinely uplifting. Continue reading

From a blessing to a curse: How UN Resolution 2334 accelerated Israel’s colonization in the West Bank

Three years ago, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2334. With fourteen members voting in favor and one abstention, the resolution was the equivalent of a political earthquake. Indeed, it was the first time in many years that Israel was roundly condemned by the international body for its illegal settlement policies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Unlike previous attempts at holding Israel accountable, this time the Americans did nothing to protect its closest ally. Continue reading

The mother of us all: India’s Ancient Vedic civilization

Part Four: Restoration

The previous article, “Decline and Fall,” described the loss of Vedic culture. Continue reading

Neoliberal economics destroyed the economy and the middle class

According to official US government economic data, the US economy has been growing for 10.5 years since June of 2009. The reason that the US government can produce this false conclusion is that costs that are subtrahends from GDP are not included in the measure. Instead, many costs are counted not as subtractions from growth but as additions to growth. For example, the penalty interest on a person’s credit card balance that results when a person falls behind his payments is counted as an increase in “financial services” and as an increase in Gross Domestic Product. The economic world is stood on its head. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Propaganda and the defeat of Jeremy Corbyn

If Corbyn can be defeated with a libel, it can work just as well on Sanders. Continue reading

Trump regime breaching mandated judicial procedures against Assange

According to the London Daily Mail, the Trump regime intends to use secret evidence against Assange—undisclosed to him and his legal team, wanting them prevented from preparing a proper defense. Continue reading

Big Food is behind the obesity epidemic

With the holidays approaching, few want to think about their weight. It will certainly go up not down before 2020 arrives. People will probably start thinking about their weight on January 2—and joining gyms. Continue reading

The mother of us all: Ancient India’s Vedic civilization

Part Three: Decline and fall

The previous article, “The Global Culture,” described how Vedic civilization spread around the world. This one tells of its loss. Continue reading